March 31st, 2017 | 11 Comments | Posted in Survivor 34 - Game Changers

Jeff calls everyone in, and somehow, the tribes file in without the help of a boat. Wait? How the hell did they get here?! Is it revealing too much to show they arrived by boat? No matter, when the tribes see that Malcolm was the one to go, the shock is evident. Especially for Maria…

“So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye…
To Malcolm, Bikal, our jury was so tight…”

Totally lame, I know, but can you think of anything that rhymes with Malcolm…?

Jeff asks Ozzy why it’s so shocking Malcolm went home, and of course, he must give props to his fellow warrior and say how much of a “game changer” this is… Oh wait, I see what you did there. Oh, Probst, you dirty dog… You slipped the theme in again this week!

He describes the challenge, which is too involved to type out when I’m buzzing. Let’s just say it involves a lot of “doing stuff.” And right now is when I want to remind you of my theory on Twitter this week that Brad somehow wins and doesn’t take Debbie on the reward challenge.

And at this point, I’m thinking, “Fish, you’re an idiot. It’s still tribe vs. tribe vs. tribe, so if Brad wins, then Debbie wins, so I don’t know what I was thinking. Let’s just see what happens.

Tribes are playing for PB&Js, cookies, and milk (curdled by now, I’m sure), and 2nd place gets PB&Js. Troyzan, continuing to prove how obsolete he is, sits out…

Jeff calls out, “Let’s get ready…for your stomachs…to rumble!”

Tribes engage in a bit of chatter over who should do what – why are they showing us this, they never do that. – and we’re off.

-Bows are hooked in the following order: Sierra, Sarah, Varner
-Ball #1 is dug up by: Tai, Michaela (digging like there’s a Roscoe’s coupon buried), Cirie
-First over the obstacle course is Ozzy (natch)
-Second is Hali, third is J.T.

Tavua has a clear lead as Mana and Nuku struggle at various points in the challenge. J.T. was not strong, Debbie was not strong, Cirie was a bit slow. And despite all the escalating tension, Zeke (Tavua) is the first one to attempt the slide puzzle.

Then, we’re seeing the beginning of Debbie’s troubles on the balance beam, meaning Mana has lost all sight of the lead, and is now the only tribe not on the puzzle. The frustration is clear on her tribe’s faces.

Meanwhile, Zeke zips through the puzzle and clinches first for Tavua…

…and Brad reminds Tai and Sierra,

“She was adamant about doing it (the balance beam), wasn’t she?”

To which Debbie responds…
“It’s too f**king slippery…”

Yes, slippery as a water tester in Pennsylvania…

None of it matters because Sandra finishes her slide puzzle and earns PB&Js for Nuku…

And as Jeff distributes the snacks, Sandra immediately starts eating one as she walks back to her tribe, claiming “the Queen’s birthright” or something like that. (okay, maybe that didn’t happen).

And as we head to commercial, Hurricane Debbie is beginning to form as she mentions how pissed she is that her tribe is a dictatorship, run by Brad. She resents the fact he told everyone what role they would play in the challenge, which clearly is not cool with Tropical Storm Sybil.

But then, what’s this? We’re shown a little flashback where Debbie mentions – just before the challenge – how good she is at balancing, so Brad agreed she should handle the balancing part. And I guess by agreeing, Brad is “culp-epper-able” (?) for her failings. Yup, I see it…

In Crazy Town…

Back at Tavua, the victorious tribe is celebrating with milk, cookies, and the all-important peanut butter. Sarah is confessing how wonderful this tribe has turned out, considering they started from scratch, but she knows that doesn’t mean she can simply sit back and think positively. She needs options, just in case things fall apart.

She has a quick chat with Troyzan about playing together, and considering he’s lowest on the totem pole, he’s quick to agree with anything anyone can offer. She tells him she’s going to look for an idol, and he’d better not spill the beans to the others. But the fact Troyzan has already found the idol means he’s going to watch this chick spin out of control, which means he probably won’t have to play his idol anytime soon. Not sure why he thinks that, but let’s move on…

Day 12 on Mana and I think Tsunami Debbie is about to land. I can’t wait. Let’s watch…

As the tribe sits around doing whatever tribes do after they lose a challenge, Debbie is clearly motivated to pack a bag…and be angry. As she starts to stomp off, Hali calls her in to hang with them, but Debbie is in no mood.

“Why don’t the four of you chat, make decisions, and then when you decide to vote me out, you just give Hali my clothing sale…” (huh?)

To be honest, I have no idea what she said, but when someone starts acting this crazy, I really don’t care what they’re saying and I only want to be sarcastic and make their misery even worse. I can’t do that here, but let’s see how this group handles La Vida Loca en la Cabeza.

They don’t understand why she would be angry considering she’s the one who f**ked up the challenge, which is why Brad is wondering if she’s just putting on an act. But no, this ain’t no act. This is Crazy Bitch 2.0, and take it from us men, we didn’t like Crazy Bitch 1.0…

Nevertheless, Hali goes after her to see just what the hell is going on.

And after watching the next 5 minutes of Debbie acting like a friggin’ psychopath, I can’t defend it, explain it, or rationalize it. I’ll tell you what I wanna do and that’s make fun of the crazy bitch for how she’s behaving right now, but I almost feel sorry for her.


I think Debbie is a control freak who can’t stand when she’s not in charge. Maybe this is why you’re not married, you ugly hag. She sits here and goes on and on about how Brad is used to being in charge, but look at who’s freaking out right now. Any good leader, no matter what role or team they’re on, knows how to deal with being on top, knows how to get the best out of their group, and knows when they don’t know anything. Brad did not dictate who did what. He didn’t lose patience when she failed, and certainly didn’t say she was going home for her failures.

In fact, when Debbie says it took Hali 10 minutes to go over the beam and it only took her “30 seconds,” I think we can all agree who’s delusional.

But, I do understand the realities of editing, so I’m aware I may not be totally aware of all the facts as I sit here and attack the next contestant on the Real Housewives of Reading, but it sure is fun to watch her implode, isn’t it?

And when she feels the need to do pushups to work off her anger – right in front of everyone – makes her even more laughable. Why don’t you go strip naked and climb a palm tree and beat your chest? Didn’t I see King Kong, or Ozzy, do that once?

Whatever… Brad tries, and realizes he’s dealing with a crazy person, so maybe he’ll need to target her next, which is just what she’s going to do with him next Tribal.

Next day at Nuku (Day 13), and since we’ve already traveled down that Crazy River, why don’t we just keep paddling? While J.T. is making his coffee, Michaela requests “7 drops of coffee and a scoop of sugar,” which strikes J.T. as “just plain ignorance.” At this moment, I just fell in love with J.T. again, because he’s so right, but guess who wants to crank things up a notch?

The Queen.

When J.T. takes off, she decides to go finish off ALL the sugar, because she knows J.T. will blame Michaela, and that’s all the chaos Sandra needs for someone else to go home. However, she does this right in front of Varner, who seems amazed that these are the idiots he’s been selected to play with his 3rd time…

“The damn sugar’s gone…” J.T. says when he sees the empty Mason jar (again, the Mason jars lead to drama!) and immediately fingers Michaela (stop it, pervs!) for the heist. When she returns to camp, he plays coy about who may have eaten all the sugar, and Michaela is as good at holding her anger as Tai is at holding in secrets. Things will be imploding soon, methinks…

Back at Mana, the tension is thick as Debbie and Brad still don’t know what to do with each other. This isn’t sitting well with Tai, who is bothered because he’s not a high stress kinda guy (which is not the kinda guy who should be on a reality show, IMHO). But there’s one thing he can do, which is go look for an idol! And rather than making this a tribe effort (they can do that, right?) he decides to head off on his own. Which can’t be smart when someone is clearly a bigger target than him right now. But, he’s playing his own game. His own dumb game.

And, what do you know? He finds another clue which says he needs to “soak a wooden board” and that’ll reveal the idol, but he doesn’t even know what that means. I’m not sure I do either, but who cares, it’s time for the Immunity Challenge!

Another big obstacle course with a wall, a wooden log cube, a balance beam and some slingshots this time, so let’s see what drama unfolds this time around. Cirie sits out for Tavua…

And immediately, Cyclone Debbie is back, and this time she’s damn skippy she’s doing the balance beam again, despite the protestations of the rest of her tribe. No one wants to stand up to this crazy person, and why they don’t suggest throwing the challenge right now – in front of her, just to be rid of her – is beyond me.

In fact, why even run the challenge? We’re onto a Brandon Hantz level of insanity and anger, so why don’t we just do Tribal Council right now? Pity, none of the Mana game changers wants to truly change the game… Nope… Instead, Mana just lets the President-Elect turn her back on them and make the decision for the tribe… Oh god, I think we’re gonna need extra sandbags for the coming storm.

Into the challenge we go and the biggest observation I have is that Debbie simply won’t let it go… She just keeps harping on the fact she’s not a failure, and I can’t even any more with this one… I don’t have any more criticisms left for this bonehead. Let’s just skip forward…

Tavua has a massive lead and Ozzy is launching sandbags as Debbie continues to complain. But once Mana gets all their bags over the beam, Sierra hits two quick targets and they’ve actually taken the lead!

Sarah and J.T. trade strikes as Brad takes over for Mana. He lands one, as does Ozzy, and then Brad hits their final target, guaranteeing Debbie will be here at least 2 more episodes.


It’s now J.T. vs. Ozzy who are tied with 2 targets left. J.T. connects! And so does Ozzy, as we’re down to one each… J.T. launches first…and just misses! Ozzy takes a breath, says a prayer to the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and launches…and hits! The feathered serpent controls the wind and wisdom today…sending Nuku to Tribal, and I can’t wait to see how Sugargate will play out…

When Nuku returns to camp, Michaela immediately heads off to do whatever black girls do in the jungle leaving the others to talk about her. J.T. instantly lobbies for Foxy Brown to go home, since “she can’t help the tribe no mo’,” and he’s not a “sugar stealer.”

Varner, Sandra and Aubry claim to be on board, but when J.T. replies, I could really use some subtitles right now to understand just what that hillbilly is saying.

Later, he heads off for a little poop/fishing so Sandra pulls Michaela aside and asks if she’s on board with getting rid of J.T. Of course she is, and that’s all Sandra needs to start Operation: Redneck, which might make up for Malcolm’s departure.

Now, I know we’re getting closer to the jury, but isn’t it still too early to eliminate the last strong member of your tribe? I know Sandra claims to know how to get to Day 39, but is getting rid of J.T. really the BEST move for Nuku right now? Let’s hope no one else agrees because I could see this tribe losing every Immunity Challenge from now on, and that’s even when going up against the dysfunctional Mana tribe.

And just before they head out to Tribal, Sandra has a conversation with Varner about her plan, which prompts him to confess he’s in the driver’s seat tonight. He can either vote out “an attitude problem,” or a “strong threat,” and it’s clear he hasn’t made up his mind yet.

11 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: GAME CHANGERS – 3/31/17

  1. Yeah my body isn’t swimsuit ready yet ( maybe standing next to JT though ) . I know you hate ( wont say her name ) but I loved how she poured that glass of water and sat there like a boss ! Spit water throw the cup or bottle something was going down if she was voted out !!!! I have decided if my life is ever dependent on a man throwing or launching objects at targets I pick Brad . Not Brady , not Nolan Ryan . Brad Culpepper and his rocket right arm to safe my life . I must confess I enjoy watching a player go home with an idol . Especially a dumb one ! I was however really hoping that Hillbilly played the idol and voted off Sandra !!! Why is she still here damn you people ???! Don’t know your opinion but if she makes final tribal she should win hands down ! I don’t care she has two wins already . It would be an insult to the game to vote against her just because she has won already . I cant stand her but I am about whats right and darn it vote her off now if you don’t want her to win ! Stop letting her play you for fools !! I am shocked with the way this season is going . Jeff better be practicing his Ozzy wins individual immunity call because man they are picking off strong players ! I am almost at the point of rooting more against people than for them ! Aubry ( almost zero camera time hmmmmm ) and Zeke are my picks I think . Ozzy cant win can he ? The way they are voting off players he has to go soon I guess ! OH well . Have a good weekend ! I need some Oregon Duck wins to win my pool ( buy the boss a nice thanks for putting up with me gift ) . I assume she will post soon ! Probably complain about my dog peeing on a gift she got for her new nephew ! Its a tough life I live my friend !

  2. So what do you think about Debbie and the President Elect on Homeland being separated at birth? They look so much alike! Poor Debbie. Everyone loves a looney on Survivor (aka Phillip), just not an angry looney (Brandon Hantz). Either Brad is a total genius and handled her exactly the right way, or we missed some major editing. All I can say is Debbie is sure lucky her tribe won. I was really grossed out watching her skinny, bony almost naked self do pushups. NOOOOOO Poor JT, that was just sad. I honestly don’t know why nobody wants Sandra out. I guess they are truly thinking that nobody will give her the million 3x so she’s the perfect goat. But Sandra could have the last laugh and be the one who eats goat instead. Kind of funny that her way to get JT riled up was by eating the sugar. Sandra doesn’t even like sugar (HA!) but she forced herself to eat it. I personally think the Queen looks like she eats a lot of sugar and high carbs in her real life. And hey, that Target employee outfit is not looking any looser. Nobody seems to be getting skinnier this season. I thought it was weird that Michela didn’t seem to mind when Sandra fessed up that she ate the sugar and therefore threw Michela under the bus to get JT mad. That was a huge sign right there but Michela is way to arrogant to get how Sandra doesn’t give a crap about her. And if Michela says “bye Felecia” to one more person who is voted out, I may have to punch someone in the face. I hope the whole cast yells it at her when she gets voted out. Final thought, why is Aubry on so much Xanax and how did she manage to smuggle it on the island?

  3. Since I am a Southern I reckoned I could translate what JT said when he was casting his vote but I could have listened until the cows came home and still not understood him!

  4. Was enjoying the recap until you really revealed what a f#$%ing racist you are. “What Black girls do in the jungle.” REALLY…. SEE WHAT THE TWITTERVERSE HAS TO SAY!!!

  5. Rick! I’m still trying to figure out what “she” meant with that gesture. It was…oddly time. And I think players are assuming Sandra’s the perfect one to take to FT because no one will give her another win. Who knows? Maybe all the players discussed it at some point and that’s why they’re not afraid of her staying…? I hope Ozzy goes on a run because I’d like him to move up my rankings. Hell, I’d like to see him win! I think Aubry just got a stay of execution with the tribe swap coming up, and I’m always cool with Zeke doing well. He seems to play the game as it should bee played. Sorry about the Ducks, and for that peeing thing. I’m sure the boss can oversee that, right…?

    Kate! Yes, the “President-Elect” reference was a shout out to you. I’m still grossed out by Debbie. A reader emailed me a wonderful gift. Here’s Debbie’s modeling page: What a joke… I almost pity her… And J.T. too. There’s the issue of not playing it, but how do you not even bring your idol to Tribal? That’s just dumb. There’s no other way to state it. I think we’ve seen the last of the hillbilly… Except for the reunion show. Yeah, what happened to losing weight on Survivor!? I know it’s only been 13 days, but don’t you think they’d lose a bit more? And these folks could stand to lose a few… Yeah, that “bye Felicia” thing is grown old. I don’t think she’s aware of how to improve her “brand” at all… Or seem likable. Not sure about the Xanax, but she does seem very low key… Can’t wait for next week!

    susie! I know! I rewound that section over and over again and I couldn’t make it out. And I’m pretty good with accents. The fact the show didn’t include subtitles makes me believe they’re purposely poking fun at him. Because if you’re going to feature a soundbite that prominently — and if it’s clarity is at all questionable — then they would subtitle it. You know the topic was discussed in post production, and someone made the call to not subtitle it to make a statement about him. That’s my theory. But I’m glad you agree… Keep coming back…

    tmac! Glad you got some enjoyment but where do you get the racist thing? I’ve been talking shit about Michaela sisnce last season, and not because of her race, but because she’s acted like a total fool since Day 1. Have you read my recaps before? And BTW, the facts are…she’s black, they’re in a jungle. And again, I’ve been talking crap about her for a long time now. If you think “black” and “jungle” can’t be mixed in a sentence without intending racism, then you’re putting race before everything else. I’m just trying to get a laugh. And if you were paying attention, I made a lot of comments about how Women of Color were targeted last season…but I guess you didn’t read/remember that.

  6. Yes. I’ve read your recaps and yes you’ve talked shit about Michaela since last season….don’t try to patronize me by saying “she’s black and it is a jungle.” That’s exactly what racist do when they want to pretend their not. In fact, I can’t think of any people of color you’ve ever thought was a decent player. If you know anything about black people and judging from your comments, you don’t, the mere mention of blacks and jungles in the same sentence is insulting. Racist, Racist, Racist, Racist.


  7. BTW….Black women do the same thing as any other women in the jungle…whatever that is. I personally have never been in a jungle. The statement should have simply been whatever women do in the jungle. Why point out she’s black?…. We see that…..

  8. Cirie is black too TMAC ! Not one word has been said about her !Look at Deb she is white we make fun of her all the time ! JT is a white man . Bring your BS elsewhere ! You are the racist ! Look in the mirror ! You cant read an opinion based column on a reality show without playing the race card . You are a sad pathetic human being . People like you make this world a sadder place !

  9. Now you’re just being dumb. Go ahead and believe what you want, but I’m not interested in your conspiracy theories. I’ve never thought a POC was a great player?! What about Jeremy, James, Alicia, and Earl? And what about ALL the Asian and Latin players – especially all the Asian women! — who I’ve CLEARLY been a fan of… (Asians and Latins count as people of color, too, in your book, right?). It’s obvious you want to pick a fight, but I’m not taking the bait. As I said, it was just an attempt at a joke.

    Racist is a big word to throw out at someone, but I think you need a bit more ammunition before you accuse me of that. Judge someone based on their beliefs, and their actions, not their (typed) words, especially when those words are on a reality show blog that’s based on being snarky and mean… Okay, Tracy? Oh wait, Tracy Mac…as in Tracy MacDonald…from middle school? I had a feeling that was you. Are you still pissed off at that time I laughed at you when you slipped on a banana peel…?

    See, there you go, I just mentioned you and a banana peel in one sentence. Is that racist? Am I not allowed to make a joke about a black person and a banana peel? It’s just a f**king joke…

  10. TMAC (aka Michela). HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I think Michela is actually the racist. Bye Felicia!

  11. Not be a dick, TMAC, but I think you mean “Thy’re” not their up there. I mean, if you are going to throw the most inflammatory word around, I assume you want to use the appropriate grammar.

    Fish, first time poster, wouldn’t normally, although I love your column, but I couldn’t sit here and read that nonsense and not say anything. Glad you didn’t let this get you down….now I’m tapping my foot for last night’s recap….
    Love from Calgary!


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