April 21st, 2017 | 5 Comments | Posted in Survivor 34 - Game Changers

Jeff is there, natch, and once everyone takes their seat, he invites Hali in to watch. That sounds dirty – I told you it’s a theme tonight! Jeff addresses the players…

-Ozzy says the stakes are higher this season, players are playing a more “secret agent,” cutthroat game.
-Sarah brings it back to dirty and says, “we’re all just a bunch of whores, waiting to hook up.”
-Tai is happy he won Immunity and makes a joke about Ozzy and his pole…
-Ozzy reminds everyone that he can provide nourishment, and there’s a lotta game left
-Aubry tells Jeff it’s harder than Kaoh Rong, and getting even harder (dirty mind!)
-Zeke gives us the most confusing explanation of why players should vote someone off, but it just sounds like he’s trying to get them to consider why they shouldn’t vote him off (I think that’s what he’s saying, it was seriously a very confusing explanation).
-Tai said he understood what Zeke is saying… Liar!
-Zeke just used the word “modicum” and I can’t believe he just used a word that I used earlier!
-Debbie is sticking to that Air Force Auxiliary ruse and says everyone could be aiming for her, but she’s just deflecting from anyone finding out about Op: AB.
(Is anyone else noticing how unhappy Jeff looks?)
-Cirie replies she’s voting based on trust, or lack of trust, or something like trust. Can we just move on, Jeff? Cirie is not saying anything with that statement…

All right, since no one is revealing anything, it’s time to vote. A couple votes are shown, and boy, what a turnaround for Andrea. What does she have against the Trans community all-of-a-sudden? And when Cirie steps in, she says she’s voting for someone, “just to spice things up,” so is she throwing away her vote? What could it mean? Jeff goes to tally the votes…

“Jeff!” The Boston Terrier has something to add apparently…

She reveals her Advantage – yet still lies about not eating and drinking – and lets everyone know she has an extra vote…and she’s going to use it. She stomps back over to the voting booth.

Jeff collects the vessel and asks if anyone wants to play a Hidden Immunity Idol. Tai? Nope, he’s good… Votes are read:

Ozzy (Debbie’s extra vote was unnecessary…)

Boom, the King is dead. And I can’t wait to tally up his points to see if he overtook Boston Rob on my Rankings of Every Player. Stand by till the end of the season for that. And as Ozzy gets his torch snuffed for the 5th time (!), he gets one last burn it…

“Good luck eating…”

Through all of this, Debbie is looking around like one smug mother**ker… God damn, she’s hideous to me… Just a combination of all the things I hate in someone…

Jeff knows that one of the best who ever played just left, and it almost seems Jeff is a little pissed at that. Could the show have wanted him to win? Hmmm, I wonder…

Next time on…Survivor!

-The gloves are off and Andrea is calling out everyone’s shadiness (or maybe it’s just Zeke?)
-And it looks like Maku Major is about to dominate…
-…unless Sarah – the criminal – has her way

In Ozzy’s final words (probably the last time ever, right? They wouldn’t bring him back a 5th time, would they?) he gives thanks to the show and says “you gotta win Immunity.” Pure and simple.

I’m just surprised Brad went for the Ozzy plan, considering how he’s always talked about keeping “shields” around to protect him. And it’s funny how after that “herding cats” comment, we didn’t hear Brad discuss anything about how he’s gonna vote. What happened to his Hero Edit? I thought he was down with working with “the Great and Powerful” Oz, but I guess he just fell in line with what his Showmance Wife (Sierra) wanted him to do… All those loin hugs around his torso must have convinced him to turn on his bro… See ladies, you control so much with your loins…

Well, we made it through another long episode without having to throw anything at our screens. I know the show lost a lot of viewers last week with the way the episode was handled, but I’m glad you’re all still here to read along with my pithy recaps. Oh, sorry, I meant pissy recaps…

And I’ve said it before, and I just want to remind you, I’m just trying to get a reaction out of you. Be it laughter, anger, carnal thoughts, agreement, or mere appreciation of the game. But, I hope there’s more laughter than anything else… And I wanted to make it clear that I don’t hate the game. I know my recaps have been a bit snide towards the show, but that’s because they’ve been giving us a lot of reasons to be snippy. As soon as they remember how to produce the show WE WANT THEM to produce, I’ll cut out the snark… Or, that’s why you come back, so I’ll keep it up.

That was my last dirty joke of the night. Hope you enjoyed the recap. And have a wonderful week everyone. Hopefully, we’ll all be here next week as this crap with North Korea is getting a little too real for us on the west coast. The last thing we need is to be playing chicken with a maniac.

Drink ‘em while you got ‘em…

Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer

5 thoughts on “SURVIVOR – GAME CHANGERS 4/21/17

  1. Any male to male contact during a sporting event or competition out side of handshakes and high fives must be qualified with the words good game . That includes chest bumps , bro hugs and ass slaps ! Not my rules just the rules . KISSING is not EVER ALLOWED ! I was shocked Brad and Troyzan didn’t want to save Ozzy . First off a buffer . Secondly the ratio is getting estrogen heavy . The women have a big numbers advantage and could decide to use it ! Debbie s Woodstock flashback ( she had to have done drugs in the day right ) made me entirely revamp my Survivor viewing plans . It was currently get home from volleyball eat AND watch Survivor . After getting sick to my stomach watching her gyrate then drop trough ( throwing away 3/4 s of a damn good roast beef sandwich ) it will be watch Survivor or eat then do the other but NEVER both at same time ! Zeke is making the same mistake he made last season . Get himself to a good spot and then seriously overplay his position . I don’t want him to win or lose the game because he is transgender . I wanted him to win because he was playing a solid game . I am now starting to want him to lose because he isn’t anymore . I assume the guy that called you racist wont respond to Michaela s comment . Funny how one sided some people see the world !

  2. Looks like everyone is still shocked / pissed about Ozzy or still physically ill over seeing Debbie take off her clothes and twerk !

  3. Dude, I was wondering the same thing. Are we the only ones here? I guess there’s more beer for us then… Maybe the subject of what’s “acceptable gayness” is too much for some? For the record, I love the gays, but that doesn’t mean every episode of every frickin’ show on TV needs to have a gay character, storyline, subplot, theme, or joke? It’s like a few years ago, it was decided that everyone has to love EVERYONE equally, and you were wrong if you didn’t abide by that. I can be tolerant of everyone, but that doesn’t mean I have to love everything about everyone. Hello, is this thing on?! I think I found the problem, Rick, our mic has been turned off this whole time… See ya in a few days, partner…

  4. Agree 1000 % . I in my heart dont think homosexuality was part of God s plan . Same with gender re assignment . However its not my place to tell someone how to live . I have never nor will ever treat anyone who chooses that lifestyle as anything less than equal . My biggest issue is when people say treat me the same but in the very next breath ask for different rules . Not that I believe Zeke to be like that . Funny how some people only accept your opinion if it matches theirs .

  5. Hey. I did not get to read this until today. I already forgot it was a two-hour episode. I agree with a lot of what you said, and yes, you made me lol yet again … several times. My family would tell you that I am naive. I say a little – they would laugh me out of the family with that. However, you all stunned me last week with suggesting that the Zeke moment might have been staged. The word was METAMORPHOSIS. I never gave that two thoughts. I do not watch a lot of reality TV, but I just never thought of this situation in that light. That makes me even more angry, I think.

    Cirie is playing a pretty good game MOST of the time. I really liked how she handled the Michaela discussion, and it was in a nonjudgmental/helpful sort of way. I hope Michaela can take something away from that. Maybe not right now in the heat of this game, but perhaps in the future.

    I agree with your assessment of Zeke 100%. He was at a good spot in the game and had sympathy on his side. I agree, he makes it to the end and he wins and not necessarily because he deserves to at that point. Which is sad, but there may have been some sympathy votes out there. Now he really did overplay his hand, and he has those women peeved.

    Totally agree with the actions of Debbie and Tai. Send those two home and do not bring them back.

    I have never liked Debbie and I cannot believe that weird woman just orchestrated the outing of Ozzy. I have said before that I wanted the strong to survive, and I wanted an Ozzy win from the beginning. Maybe they could do some kind of friggin’ fan vote like they did with Rupert so we can get the right winner for a change.

    Sigh – I hope you get to see this before the next episode. Sorry I was so late to the party …

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