December 9th, 2016 | 6 Comments | Posted in Survivor 33 - Millennials vs Gen X

After they get back to Vinaka, Ken and David take off to collect wood, and Jay mentions to the others that he’d like to take out David next. And since Jay has an Idol in his pocket, he can say whatever he wants. He just wants to stick around longer than David and Ken, and is pleading for their help (or just trying to stay alive so he doesn’t have to use his idol). At the same time, Adam is also hoping to take David out, but also wants to flush Jay’s idol at the same time.

Meanwhile, David and Ken are discussing the best plan – which is taking out Jay – but since they can’t, it looks like it’s going to be Bret. Hannah then approaches, and after hearing their story, she suggests it’s better to take out Sunday. Maybe they’re confused by all the dirt on her face – melasma, my ass – but neither man has any problem with that, so it looks like it MIGHT be Sunday. Hannah is particularly offended that Sunday might be brought to FT as a goat, because that’s supposed be Hannah’s role this season, and nothing is getting in the way of that. Plus, with Sunday’s “cancer survivor” story (that we never hear about), the “goat-a from Minnesota” could actually steal a few jury votes.

And it occurs to me this whole Hannah/TV Guide thing may be an indication that TV Guide is privy to some Survivor secrets, such as something was leaked to them about Hannah making it to Final Tribal and has a chance to win. Did I just type that…? I sure hope it’s not the case, but you’d be surprised how much info Hollywood insiders share with each other…

Later, Adam, Ken and Hannah are discussing what to do, and Adam is still pushing his “take out David, flush Jay’s idol” because David is powerful and Jay is two Immunity necklaces away from going to FT. Ken is playing along, but he confesses he doesn’t want to vote out his strongest ally (David). Hannah voices her “vote Sunday” plan again to Adam, but he doesn’t seem that interested. All he wants to do is his plan, but everyone is non-committal about it. He tells us,

“The worst thing we can have, is tomorrow morning comes and Jay is still in the game, with an idol in his pocket.” And once again, why is Adam so concerned about what’s in Jay’s pockets…?

Adam needs to try something desperate so he shares some quality hammock time with Jay and like two poker players, they bluff and raise and try to express how much they want to stay in the game. Adam has one final card to play so he spills to Jay about the situation with his mom back home, and that just hits Jay right in the feels. It instantly melts his poker face so he raises Adam and tells him about his own mom’s brain aneurysms. The two share a good old-fashioned cry (nothing wrong with that) and it’s clear Jay has a newfound respect for The Screamer.

“…he’s a good freakin’ dude, he’s a warrior.”

Hannah and Adam have another conversation where she’s still trying to sell her “Tell Sundae to Banana Split” dish. She thinks if it goes down, it’ll make their four that much more loyal, which is what they need right now. Adam is not a fan and counters with the “Either Jay or David” push. But Hannah is in love with David, and doesn’t want him to go. And as everyone starts heading to Tribal, Hannah confesses she’s more interested in getting others to do what she wants, because “that’s the kind of person who wins Survivor.”

Seriously, Hannah? You think you have a chance to win? I’m not sure who’s more delusional, her or me, but I have to believe I’m thinking more clearly than she is. I may be drunk, but I’m well-rested and well-fed, and I’ve taken a shower or two this week. Ah hell, let’s just see what trouble unfolds at Tribal…

Players take their seats and Jeff calls in the Jury, who are throwing their best “stink-eyes” at the players. That seems kind of ridiculous, does it not? Will, of course, just has a stupid grin on his face, because I think Chris gave him his first beer. And chances are Michele let him watch her shower. Maybe I am the delusional one…?

Jeff queries the unshowered…

-David contradicts Jeff and tells him friendships and bonds are even more important at this stage of the game
-Jay agrees, but doesn’t see any of his homies around…
-but knows he’s a challenge threat, much like Ken, who does have homies
-Bret announces Jay is a scaredy-cat tonight…
-David calls Jay a free-agent, and says that carries chutzpah.
-JP reminds David he’s a threat, because he knows Yiddish…
-Adam calls out David for being a threat, and having a story arc that’ll back it up
-Jeff then asks Hannah about “who to take out,” but when he says the players should be thinking about “who the jury will like,” it seems to me than no one has even considered what the jury will think. Everyone only seems to be thinking who they want to sit next to… She says everyone’s been discussing that, but we haven’t been shown that at all.
-Sunday is asked if she’s a goat or a threat and let’s just say she’s okay roaming the fields eating grass, plants, tin cups and other players’ clothes.
-Hannah is thinking to herself, “Shut up, Probst, you’re harshing my high!”
-Adam confirms he is thinking about the jury

And the looks from the others make it seem like they’re suddenly making realizations about how strong Adam is playing. But who’s playing whom? No time to figure it out, it’s time to vote.

Votes are cast and it’s now or never for Jay. Will he play his idol? Will he sit on it and risk going home? There wasn’t a lot of talk about taking him out so maybe he’ll chance it one more time…

“I’d rather be safe than sorry, Jeff,” he says as he reaches into Adam’s shorts to grab his idol…

Jeff reads the votes:


“I knew it, I didn’t have to use it,” Jay laments…


Boom goes the goat and I guess she shouldn’t have eaten that M-80. Who left the door open to the fireworks shed!? Sunday is bummed, Bret is bummed, and Hannah is elated she can now wear the goat tiara around camp…

And when Jeff sends everyone back to camp, he reminds us all that this season is called Millennials vs. Gen-X, but has anyone even thought about that lately? I know they got to use up all that stationery CBS ordered, but come on. It’s just players playing to win at this point.

At this point, I wanted to mention one little thing. We’ve all seen other seasons when certain alliances are based strictly on gender – girl power, black widow alliance, and so on – but do you ever notice ones that are strictly male based? I don’t want to seem like a chauvinist right now, but when this season started to eliminate all the women early, did the guys ever get together and say, “Let’s band together and take out the girls?” No..

So, for the record ladies, stop making girl power alliances. It’s not fair to us… The guys could join in and take out Hannah next, but has any of the guys ever mentioned gender? Just something to nibble on for the week… Your thoughts?

Next time on…Survivor!

The season finale is afoot and I have to admit I have no idea who’s going to win. There are a few legitimate contenders, but it all comes down to who will sit next to whom. I think we can agree that Jay, Adam, David and Ken could legitimately win, but considering who’ll be sitting on the jury, even Bret could pull in some votes. I don’t think anyone would vote for Hannah, but I’ve been wrong before. Who knows how it’ll play out? And it looks like David may be in trouble, as he’s pulling his best Joe impersonation and trying to fashion a fake idol. Trouble is, it looks more like a piece of crap than an idol, but it may be enough to protect him, or make someone else (Adam?) think they’ve found one. We’ll see.

Also, Ken finally gets to enjoy the Legacy Advantage, which could provide his golden ticket to Jeff’s Chocolate Factory. I don’t know, that just sounds weird… Maybe he should give it to Bret…?

Nevertheless, we’ll find out next week who’s going to take the S33 crown and the million. And – oh crap – it’s another 2-hour finale. Which means Fish ain’t going to get a lotta sleep next week. Ah hell, the only thing that would make it okay is if I got to go to the finale…which is still a possibility. Yes, Fish still has a few tricks up his sleeve, and having gone to the finale two seasons ago, I know what a thrill it is. I’ll keep you posted, whether it’s here, or on Twitter, but I don’t want to jinx it. Let’s just hope it works out. I need it…

Well, that’s going to do it for this week. Not a lot to mention other than there’s always drama at Casa del Fish. Can’t get into it now, but say a little prayer that the Fishlings will get to enjoy Christmas like they should. I think Fish needs to start driving Uber just so I can afford to get a car. Oh, wait, you mean I got to have a car to work for Uber. Oh, hell, I guess I need a backup plan…

Waitress, I need a pen and paper to come up with backup plans…! And what’s on tap?


Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer

6 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: MILLENNIALS VS GEN X RECAP – 12/9/16

  1. As I type this I am throwing up a little but Hannah may have just finalized the final 3 . Yes the paranoid ,ditzy , neurotic one may have hammered in the final nail on the final 3 . Adam in my opinion just blew it . It would take a minor miracle for him to beat Jay or David in a final 3 ( barring him bringing up his mom ) . David and Ken are locked in . Hannah just basically committed to those two . By allowing Hannah to talk him into voting out Sunday he just blew a million dollars . Bret and Sunday were totally fine with a final 3 of Bret , Sunday and Adam ( which Adam wins hands down ) . He know has to get Bret to trust him again . Get Jay to not only vote with him but then either get Jay out or beat him in a final ( neither very likely ) . All while having David and his merry followers ( Ken and Hannah ) gunning for him . Hannah could flip but I cant see it . She is gaga over Ken and obviously wants David around .

  2. Fish, I could not agree with you more on the Hannah thing. Girlfriend needs some help. As someone with naturally curly hair, I get it. It’s humid and dirty and there’s no shampoo, but for the love of all things holy, put it in a damn braid! Don’t just let it turn into a matted mess. And it’s always hanging in her face…huge pet peeve of mine. Grrr.

    Rick, I’m also throwing up a little with this vote. What the hell was Adam thinking? He really did just screw himself. Again, as a viewer, I totally want the strongest players to battle it out in final tribal. But if I were in the game, I would 100% have kept Sunday around (why won’t she braid Hannah’s hair?)

    I have to say that I really loved the moment between Adam and Jay on the hammock talking about their moms. I didn’t cry, I just had something in my eye 🙂 And again with all the respectful game play. I love it!

    I’m pretty firmly rooting for Jay to win. We all know how much I adore Ken, but I’ll be kind of pissed if he wins over someone who played a better game.

  3. I agree, Hannah is a dirty girl. Ew, no not that way Fish! I started off liking Sundae and then decided she was kind of mean once she glued herself to Brett’s side. He reminds me of Fred Flintstone, (if Fred was into Barney). Anyway, she did seem to lose a TON of weight though. Maybe she found Tay’s stash. Speaking of which, I bet Tay has a lot of stashes at home. Will was super annoying, I was glad to see him go. I really hate his dumb hair and how he was so annoying about being 18. He wanted it both ways. He’d say how amazing it was that he was the youngest person to ever play Survivor etc and yet, get mad if anyone treated him like an 18 year old. SHUT UP WILL. I really like Adam and Jay’s friendship. That’s the difference with guys, you really can be friends even when you have to be at odds. I wish women could do that better. It does seem weird to have so many players left and yet the finale is next week. And why do you think we had 2 players out in one episode, weird how they just blobbed it all together. Maybe bc Will and Sundae are so boring, they didn’t get their own episodes. Hope things are ok Fish. Don’t laugh at me. I will pray for your family. Hearts to you! -K

  4. BWAHAHA, if Fred was into Barney!!! Love it. These comments are the best. OK, I’ll pile on Hannah too, cuz why not? I keep looking for the cloud of dirt to follow her around, Pig Pen style. Not even gonna mention the assorted small black things living between each of her teeth. I know they can’t brush, but you always see almost every player digging between their teeth with little sticks. Not Dirty Gertie though, she’s stank and proud. As for the game, ugh, I thought Adam was playing a really good game, but this might be too big a hole to dig out of. Although I still feel like he doesn’t stay to the end, I’m going to comment as though he is. I think he’s been on the right side of just about every vote until now, he probably did tip his hand at this point, Unless, and this is a stretch, now that Jay has no idol, those two stick with Bret and try to protect each other from David, KenDoll and Gertie. Jay has nothing to lose, and I think in his mind he believes he could beat either of them at tribal. This one will go right to the wire though, and that’s the best kind of finale to have, where anyone could take it. And I’m really impressed with the contestants this time, they all seem like kind and decent people. No J.O.’s like Scott, Jason, Will, Dan, etc., I wish producers would realize we don’t need complete a-holes and sore losers to play the game, people can be nice to each other and still play a good, competitive game without nastiness and mayhem at camp. With the exception of Dirty Gertie, I wouldn’t mind if any of the remaining won the game. And thanks for the shout out, Fish!

  5. Hey guys and gals… Thanks for writin’ in…

    Rick: I think you’re dialed in. Hannah is probably a lock now, as the only real goat left. Good for her. That’s worth somewhere between $50,000-70,000 for 3rd place, plus the $10,000 for being on the Reunion show. Not bad for a barista. At least she can now buy some soap…

    Jen: I feel you, girl… I can’t believe she didn’t try ANYTHING all season with that nest. Fruitbat alert! And I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you bump into Ken somewhere someday. And you’re both drunk…

    kinb: Hey, hot mama! Yes, he’s a total Fred. And Zeke is Barney! Oh god, the porn parodies… And yeah, if you look at Sunday’s cast picture, she looks like a fat girl who went to college and put on more weight! And in her Ponderosa video, it showed she lost 25 lbs. Wow. I hope she kept it off and started doing some ab workouts. We’ll see at the reunion show. Maybe Tay will break out a doobie and hand it to Jeff for yucks…! Good observations about Will, just be a kid or don’t… And yeah, guys can hate/like each other, if that’s what we have to do. Just suck it up and don’t say everything that’s on your mind. It’s like some people feel the need to say everything they’re thinking. Bad idea. You gotta keep some things secret… And use it to burn them later! 😉 Thanks for your prayers. Maybe someday I’ll open up and tell everyone what’s going on…but it seems like such a sympathy play. Like I said, sometimes you gotta keep some things private. Happy holidays! XO

    jersey!: Yes, Pig Pen, yes… I can even imagine how she must reek… I like your scenarios. I do see Jay bonding with Bret and Adam to go to FT. At this point, anyone can link with anyone’s “trust cluster.” I gotta say that the Legacy Advantage may help Ken get to the final, though. Which could spell the end for Jay. He’s got such a target. And from everyone Ken has said all season, he won’t pull a fast one and blindside David. It’ll probably be Ken, David and Hannah, or maybe Bret sneaks in. I really have no idea. Can’t wait til Wednesday. And BTW, how pissed am I that I didn’t get a ticket to the show? So disappointed. I guess that means I’ll have more time to write, but not really. Oh well, life goes on. And you’re welcome for the SO. It’s always nice to share the love. Happy finale, JG71!

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