May 2nd, 2013 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites

And so begins the time of the year where we truly just want the season to end! I know I’ve said that this season has been surprisingly good (which it has), but it’s still Survivor – still 5 episodes too long, 5 twists too many, and 5,000 pointless ITMs deep, to the point where you’re just tired of the same ol’, same ol’ and really just want everyone gone because you’re favorite was voted out 2-3 weeks ago! Maybe I’m just Survivor burnt out. I guess I should come out and admit it that at some point this past year (or two years ago), I realized that I’m starting to hate reality television. Part of me thinks it’s because I’ve been blogging about it for a few years now, but another part of me realizes that I spend way too much time getting to know people that I end up hating, and yet spend so much time in front of the TV watching these idiots when I should be watching the NBA playoffs, a scripted show I actually enjoy watching, or even porn. I still stand by my earlier statements that this season has been a good one (or at least better than the previous 5 or so), but I have to believe at this point, with all the players I cared about gone, I’m really just watching now to see who wins. Although, I could also make this true statement: If I weren’t blogging about the show, I could stop watching it after tonight, miss the finale, never find out who won, and never care. Sorry to sound so glum, but that’s just how I feel. Maybe that’s because it’s 95 degrees in my house right now and I really just want to stick my head in the freezer.

Anyway, we’re down to the final 8! And, Reddie realizes that, just like when it was final 9, final 10, and final 15, they’re at the bottom. Reynold has the belief that he can win five straight immunity challenges, and it’s safe to say that he’s going to need to because if he ever goes into a tribal council without that necklace around his neck or an idol in his pocket, he’s gone!

Andrea is a tad bit worried. To tell you the truth, I wrote this note down and have no idea where I was going with it. I’m not even sure if she said that or not, or what the context of it was. I take it she was worried that she might get flipped, turned upside down, and blindsided.

Unlike Andrea, Cochran is not worried. Instead, he’s planning. He’s scheming to start sucking away the power and to take over the game. The only issue I take with that statement is where is the power that he’s going to suck away? Who even has the power in this alliance? Does anybody feel as if any of these six actually have any power? Because I don’t. I feel as if all six of them aren’t equal, but in no way does that mean that one of them holds more power than the other. I don’t feel as if any of the six hold any of the other five’s votes in their hands, which with they can do as they please. And, you want to know what the main culprit for that is – all the bullsh*t split vote bullsh*t! Nobody has been harboring votes from others, they’ve always just talked about splitting votes. So, since they’ve only ever talked about it that way, they probably don’t even know where each other stands, or I should say with whom each other stands. Seriously, I think this may be the first season where we really haven’t had “Final 2” or “Final 3” talk within the game. We haven’t had those side conversations within an alliance, where three of them went to get water and veered off to make a final 3 pact. Am I forgetting one? I don’t think I am. I know Malcolm talked about it with someone way earlier in the season, but I feel that since merge, we haven’t had any of that talk. Maybe they’re just not showing it to us because of all the other great pieces they’re showing us.

And, Cochran, if this is a “bad” version of you that your mom would be scared of, well that just puts me at a loss for words. Honestly, you haven’t even done anything. If anything, you were worse last time around. This time, you’ve been funny in your ITMs to us, but all but vacant in the game. You’re just the guy people go to and talk. You’re not really the guy who goes up to people and talks to them. I hope that makes sense to everyone. I guess more what I mean is that he’s just another player, not a player. I know that he’s gotten a lot of screen time, and some viewers mistake that for “playing,” but I kind of feel like he’s just been sitting back, letting things happen, and telling us he wants to do things differently. But, like he’s saying, he wants to change that. Let’s see if he does. At this point, he’s just about the only viable candidate left who may actually “deserve” to win Survivor. But, we all know that the people who end up winning aren’t always the most deserving. I guess we should all prepare ourselves for another one of those seasons. I can totally see Sherri winning this season…

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: FANS VS FAVORITES – 5/1/13

  1. OH GAHHH, I hope Sherri doesn’t win.

    I’m hoping that it’s Cochran who pulls out a win this season. He reminds me of Ian from last summer’s Big Brother; he’s nerdy, he’s kind of laying low, everybody’s friend, he’s won challenges but isn’t considered a threat, etc. While his “big moves” aren’t necessarily earth shattering and he’s not leading the group, like you’ve said a “winner” should play, Ian didn’t do this either (until closer to the end) and he still won.

    I don’t know, just my thoughts.

  2. I think Probst brought up the immunity deal thing with them basically for entertainment purposes, because they knew Andrea was considering Brenda a threat after she fought for immunity. All I think Probst was doing there was his job – stirring the pot, seeing if someone would say it out loud, get the scheming. He does that a lot.

    I have to say, as soon as Malcolm got booted last week, I also thought its pretty much going to be boring for the rest of the season. It was clear that Reddie would be leaving soon too, or at least Reynold – and I don’t see Eddie having any chance of winning so he doesn’t really matter anymore. Especially since he left the immunity challenge. I guess survivor thought it was boring too, since they essentially put two episodes into one. What is it – 6 people left, and only 1 episode left before finale? Obviously the rest of the season is boring for them to fast track it. Out of the 6, in all honesty, only Cochran and Dawn have actually done stuff to deserve to be in final. As a whole I don’t know if they really deserve it, but out of the 6 remaining, those are the only 2 that could argue they did something. Erik thinks he’s doing stuff but he’s not – I don’t think his team even knew he voted for fillup, as Probst didn’t show that the last vote was for Phillip (didn’t need to) so they probably assumed the last vote was for who the big alliance voted for, if they knew that, they might have tried to get Erik out. Brenda? Eddie? Sherri? Nothing, nothing, nothing. I think they should call this survivor ‘and the meek shall inherit the earth’.

  3. Without Malcolm this season of Survivor has gotten extremely boring and predictable. I don’t even know who I’m rooting for anymore! You know even cbs has given up on the season when they start squeezing multiple tribals in one episode. why not just have one tribal with a double elimination, now that may actually shake things up! That would make them scramble. Lets see them “split the vote” (gag me) in that situation!

    Ok I need to lodge a complaint here: why all of a sudden do the survivor editors feel the need to throw in a shot of a snake every 5 seconds?! As someone with a snake phobia it’s terrible! I spend more time covering my eyes than watching! Scott I fully expected you to make some reference to Malcolm’s resemblance to a pirate at his first tribal after getting voted out. Ahoy me matey my way!

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