April 25th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites

“What a night!” is how we start off the episode. And, what a night it was, that last tribal council. Malcolm is hopeful that sending Phillip packing will fracture the SRS alliance and bring some of the remaining six over to “the dark side.” Personally, I think it should fracture the alliance, because they were all so hellbent on getting rid of Phillip anyway, but his departure may be a force in bringing them closer together, who knows! What we do know is that Malcolm and Reddie need to not be excited for too long and get to working those phones, to gain some votes, otherwise one of them will most likely be walking down that same path Phillip just walked down…

Somebody tell Erik that nobody cares about your options. You already lost this game. You may as well not even be playing anymore. You’re just a vote, that’s all. I get the sense that Erik is the type that will talk a big game and then not live up to his words. Sure he voted out Phillip this last time around, so we should all assume that means he may turn on his alliance, but if he was turning on his alliance, he wouldn’t be giving us all this crap about how he’s going to wait until the final second to decide who to vote. The person who is going to win this game of Survivor isn’t the person who goes into tribal councils not knowing who they’re going to vote for. That makes you a swing vote, not a winner. You’re a Survivor loser, Erik. A second-time-around Survivor loser. Why don’t you win individual immunity again and give up your necklace so you can be voted out. Oh wait, you’ve already done that before.

Oh geez, now it’s Brenda’s turn to cry. No doubt the lack of food, sleep, warmth, and energy each of these people have can easily lead to a break down, but let’s just only show them if they’re on the level of Brandon’s. I don’t care about Brenda crying because she only has water to live on, and Dawn hugging her to make her feel better. Yay, great, teamwork! One day I’m finding your teeth at the bottom of the Puke River and the next you’re giving me words of wisdom from your mouth that will forever smell like that Puke River. Apparently, this wasn’t part of Brenda’s “plan.” As if you even had a plan, Brenda. Unless your plan consisted of blindly following the leadership of a crazed Phillip, barely showing your face in strategic conversations, and not even using your obvious sexual advantage to work your way into the good graces of the guys who were going to be taken down by your alliance, but still be on the jury! Your plan sucks, Brenda. Why don’t you cry about that and not the fact that you have to smell Dawn’s nasty teeth breath for 10 more days.

It’s AUCTION TIME!! My favorite challenge of every season. And, yes Malcolm, you should use your money to get the advantage. You’re still only in an alliance of three people, in a group of nine (doesn’t take a math scholar to realize you’re on the outs), so you shouldn’t worry yourself with buying a slice of pizza or a burger – you take the advantage when it comes up!

And, then, you go ahead and right away buy the first prize for $20, being beer and nuts. I think we’ve found the type of guy Malcolm is outside this game! Malcolm likes to drink, apparently. Let’s hope that doesn’t come back to bite you in the @ss.

Another thing I never get is why people go right to $500! When you’re in an auction, you are bidding against the people in the crowd, not for the prize. Pay attention to how everyone else is bidding. So far, everyone has been bidding in increments of $20, maybe going up $100 at the most. So, why would you automatically go right to $500 when other people are willing to take your $20 bid and go to $40? Come on, people, I know you’re hungry, but if you get the chicken or pizza for $200, you may have the chance to win something else with that $300 you have leftover. Or, you could bring it home with you when you end up losing this game, anyway!

2 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: FANS VS FAVORITES – 4/24/13

  1. You mentioned his greatest competitor line but I think the even funnier one is when Sherri fed him peanut butter like a porno and Jeff goes “that doesn’t happen often does it Cochran?”
    And he doesn’t miss a beat and says “more often than you think Jeff.”
    Apparently new Cochran became a comedian before he got out to his second season cause his one liners have been absolutely hilarious this season!

  2. A season makes such a difference. Sometimes when they bring back a player you see a completely different side . . . . in this case, I really liked Malcolm and he kind of turned into a douchebag and joined the ‘popular kids’ lunch table. That was waaaayyy too early for that move. Who would want to leave the three most athletic players in the game? He should have gotten those two out and then gone up against some of his original group – he could have easily gotten rid of Fillup at that point. And Cochran was nothing but an embarrassment and extremely annoying the last time he played and this time he is witty and enjoyable, and I find myself actually hoping he makes it to the final three.

    You make a really good point. At this stage of the game, you have 10 days left. Leave the food alone and save your money for the advantage in the next immunity round. It helped that Brazilian Abi and now Cochran.

    The three newbies are all annoying, so I’m hoping for a so-called “Favorite” winning it all.

    Thanks for the recaps – you make me laugh until I can’t breathe!

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