“What a night!” is how we start off the episode. And, what a night it was, that last tribal council. Malcolm is hopeful that sending Phillip packing will fracture the SRS alliance and bring some of the remaining six over to “the dark side.” Personally, I think it should fracture the alliance, because they were all so hellbent on getting rid of Phillip anyway, but his departure may be a force in bringing them closer together, who knows! What we do know is that Malcolm and Reddie need to not be excited for too long and get to working those phones, to gain some votes, otherwise one of them will most likely be walking down that same path Phillip just walked down…

Somebody tell Erik that nobody cares about your options. You already lost this game. You may as well not even be playing anymore. You’re just a vote, that’s all. I get the sense that Erik is the type that will talk a big game and then not live up to his words. Sure … Continue reading

April 25th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites


“Welcome to the bottom.” Indeed, Malcolm. Welcome to the bottom. After they get back from Tribal, and voting out “the gay” (as Corinne would so offensively refer to him as – and, of course, I’m referring to him that way because I barely learned his name throughout the season and am too lazy to look it up – I think it’s Michael, though), the StealthRUS alliance decides to go have a pow wow meeting, leaving Malcolm and Reddie (might as well join the two together now) behind to lick their last place wounds. I think a lot can be said about the difference between the alliances by the demeanor of their conferences. The three amigos were having a light-hearted conversation, realizing their place in the game and that they had nothing to lose at this point and that when the morning comes, their best bet is to find the idol. While they talked sensical, the StealthRUs meeting was filled with angst. They’re freaking out, even though they hold a major majority in the votes, at … Continue reading

April 18th, 2013 | 4 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites


I was going to attempt to write this blog without taking notes while watching the show, but right after that opening scene, I realized that the notes were the only thing that truly made me pay attention to what was being said and what was going on. During the intro “song,” I tried to remember what it was Malcolm and the rest of the people had said and drew a COMPLETE blank, so I had to press pause and get the pen and paper out, otherwise the blog would have looked like this:

Malcolm said something.

Phillip is still crazy.

Such-and-such won Immunity.

Blank was voted out.

Until next week,

Although, truly, I believe that is basically what I write, just elongated sentences that last 3-4 pages on Steve’s blog pages.

Also, quick shout out to AT&T U-verse for having an On Demand section, because I totally deleted this from our DVR without even remembering that my wife perfectly told me before she went to sleep NOT to delete it so she could watch it … Continue reading

April 11th, 2013 | 5 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites