October 14th, 2016 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 33 - Millennials vs Gen X

Off to Tribal we go and Jeff has some questions. The answers are:

-Last Tribal did not bring this tribe together.
-Game on.
-Moobs and Ed Sheeran were blindsided.
-It’s KAOS, and Maxwell Smart is nowhere close.
-Jessica is hoping she didn’t blow it by flipping on Sammy Hagar.
-Lucy says, “These bitches are crazy.”
-Ken tells Jeff “No one puts Baby in a corner…”
-Lucy says, “Men like it when I tell them what to do.”
-Ken and Jessica share a moment where it seems I’m watching “The Notebook.”
-Lucy just seems to like lying…
-David is still unsure what to do.

“It’s completely unpredictable.”

But Chris is solid, and “Who’s the sucker at the table?”

And methinks that’s Anna Khait for all her pro-Trump tweets, but that’s a conversation for another time… It’s time to vote (in a “normal” election)…

We see one vote for Jessica (by Chris), but that’s all. Jeff goes to tally the votes…

“If anyone has an Immunity Idol, now would be the time to play it…”

David shifts in his seat but there’s no way he’s going to play it, right? Based on everything I said earlier:

-He’s afraid of his own shadow so he needs protection
-There’s a tribe swap coming, so he’ll need more protection
-There’s a merge coming, so he’ll need even more protection
-He can get rid of a power player without even batting an eye

And with what I can only describe as “mild perturbation,” David throws up his hands and says he wants to say a few words. Jeff invites him up to the “cool kids” area (next to Jeff) and says “go for it.”

David tells them he’s enjoyed meeting everyone (almost sounds like he thinks he might be going home tonight) and then proceeds to gift his Idol to Jessica. Don’t know if I think he’s trying to save her, or if this is some long con to get in her panties, but David is shocking the world, Jessica is floored, and everyone else is wondering, “what the hell did this scaredy-cat just pull?” Jeff reads the votes:

(Holy crap, this is some Wentworth-level s**t going on right here!)
Jessica (who’s looking sick to her stomach by now)

Damn… That’s an A+ play right there, I don’t care how wrong I was. You can tell David is not even sure he did the right thing, but one thing is sure, that’s 3 Asian women voted off in the first 4 weeks, so either the threat of a Black Widow Alliance scared everyone off, or there are some racist mother**kers on this season, or it’s just a dumb coincidence and I’m just pissed all my naughty, fake-tittied, yellowtail fisherwomen have left the building. I’m so distraught. Let’s hope the other girls can remember that “sex sells,” especially on reality TV, so it’s time for more tops to come off…

Jessica thanks David for saving her life, but you know he’s already questioning his move. It just seemed like he was more interested in making a big move rather than a smart move. I think we all know players get caught up in the moment and want to make these signature moves that solidify their legacy (but may cut their gameplay short) but at this point, it doesn’t matter, because the tease next week indicates:

“Drop your buffs”

And the Hidden Immunity Idol is back in play as everyone starts losing their mind.
And what’s going to happen if TayTay and The Mole get split up?

Lots to figure out next week, and lots to digest as we try to determine just why David did what he did. I get the sense that he just wanted to do the “right thing” for a good woman, but who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows…

I think David is the Shadow, but it could be Jeff, or Mark Burnett, or Adam…?

Oddly, during Lucy’s final words, we see that Ken actually voted for Jessica, Jessica voted for CeCe, and David and CeCe voted for Lucy, so that was a crazy vote. Can’t wait for the tribe to return to camp next week and try to explain who voted for whom…

It’s been a crazy week, and they’re only getting crazier. With the season finale(s) of Fear The Walking Dead over, I have to wait a few weeks for The Walking Dead to return to get my zombie-killing fix on.

I also have to wait forever for Homeland, Humans, and Turn: Washington’s Spies, to satisfy my serial drama jones… (other than Gotham)…

And I have to wait another 5 days before we place another piece of this Survivor puzzle. I have no idea who’s going to win, but I do still have my favorites. Drop me a comment on who you like to win, and let’s discuss the who’s and why’s and wherefores…

The Dodgers just beat the Nationals, the topic of “grabbing a women’s p**sy” is actually being discussed nationally, not just in the letters section of Penthouse, and the entire East Coast was at risk, but we could only focus on what someone said 11 years ago. Not to choose sides, but if you judged me by some of the things I said 11 years ago, I wouldn’t be able to walk the streets. It’s funny how the current political climate has devolved this country into a reality show, and I’m not sure the election will fix that. Good luck to all of us, and here’s hoping the future is brighter for our children.

As one alliance fell apart and a fractured group of strangers suddenly found themselves having to work together, I can’t help think of our friends, The Go-Go’s, once again…

“We all know the chosen toys
Of catty girls and pretty boys
Make up that face
Jump in the race
Life’s a kick in this town

This Town is our town
It is so glamorous
Bet you’d live here if you could
And be one of us

Change the lines that were said before
We’re all dreamers – we’re all whores.
Discarded stars
Like worn out cars
Litter the streets of this town…

Good luck to us all. We’re going to need it…

In all good fun, your drinkin’ buddy,

Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: MILLENNIALS VS GEN X RECAP – 10/13/16

  1. Hey, I’m a huge Homeland fan too. So, do you think Quinn is dead? I also liked Turn but never watched the complete first season. I need to go back and do that. Yeah, kinda cool that Schmiegle turned the tables on everyone. Though, for what? That was good for Jessica though. I really thought her eyes were going to bug out straight off her head. She probably needs the money though since Asst. D.A.s make crap for pay. I should know, I almost took one of those jobs after law school. Bret and the Huge Viking Redhead guy are playing pretty smart so far, just kind of laying low. Ken is definitely on his period right now. I thought the same thing about why the Gen X tribe chose their HEAVIEST player to be hauled up to pluck off letters. WTF!!!

  2. Why could that not have happened to Morgan !!!!! Kudos to Michaela for letting it all hang out for that challenge . Dave cant lift 3 pounds , afraid of everything and cant do a puzzle . You say you can but you cant so stop trying ! I tried giving up Whiskey but I am weak and quit trying . David you are weak quit trying to play strong . I played devils advocate at work about David s move and after thinking about it a bit this weekend (thought more about Morgan ) I think it was a good move . Having an idol wont help him much not as much as having 2 people that can be an alliance for him ( 2 more friends than he has in real life ) . He knows the merge is coming . He knows without one person to help he is done . There farther he goes the more chance of being taken final 3 as the “weak player / easy to beat ” he gets . So David makes final 3 . He can talk about his one big move at least . He still probably loses but who knows . Ken and Jessica vote for him and he picks up a vote or two from a Hannah or Michaela type who hate Figgy or whomever else makes final 3 .

  3. Kate! Thanks for the comment, I was starting to worry I was all alone here… I read somewhere that Quinn is alive, but “not altogether there.” I don’t know if that means he’s a vegetable, suddenly become psychic, in a wheelchair, or if he went full-on Gilbert Grape. We’ll see… You gotta binge watch Turn. Just do it! Agreed on Sméagol, I just don’t see the big picture, unless he was thinking saving her would give him Jessica’s and Ken’s votes. Still, he’s weak, but I like seeing a big move that shocks everyone. Yeah, why is Ken so frickin’ emotional all the time. I think having a daughter makes a lot of guys soft. Boys rule! Can’t wait to see how everything shakes up this week. XO

    Rick! Dude, could you imagine if Morgan, or someone like her, had the same wardrobe malfunction. THAT, my friend, is how you make reality TV watchable. The producers need to do a bit more of that. Not outright sabotage, but hinting to players how they can increase their chances of coming back another season… I mentioned above what you said about his move being a major play for two votes, so I get you. I just miss the Tony V. approach and tell you people you’ve got an idol and say you’re gonna play it, and then don’t, just to f**k with their heads. That’s the kinda play I wanna see. But you gotta have balls to pull that move off and he clearly doesn’t possess them. Perhaps he’ll make FT but I really think all signs are pointing to Michaela being there. The fact she’s on next season is a huge indication she does very well this season. Just a guess… Thanks, man!

    Keep the comments coming, folks. I dig hearing from you.

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