When WC returns to camp, they wanna get right to discussing who to vote out. While the easy vote is Shirin for how she failed at the puzzle, the bigger picture is revealed by Carolyn who says that it’s a woman going home. As the tribe begins to splinter, Max speaks with So about who she’s thinking, and she’s actually leaning more towards Carolyn than Shirin, because while Shirin “put herself out there,” Carolyn doesn’t step up. So tells Max that she can get Joaquin to vote their way and it should be a done deal.
And when So, Joaquin and Carolyn are together discussing who’s going home, the vibe that Carolyn gets from them is not sitting well with her (those White Collar people are apparently remarkable at judging other people) so she’s thinking that So is still playing her, just like she played everyone about the hidden immunity idol.
Then, when Shirin, Carolyn and Max get together, Max suggests they take out Tyler, since he’s just a wild card. Okay, here’s the thing I’ve been saying for 4 friggin’ seasons. YOU KEEP YOUR TRIBE STRONG AT THE BEGINNING. I mean, JFC, are we still figuring out how to play this game?
Now Carolyn is getting spooked, So is leading the push to get rid of Carolyn, and Tyler is now a potential target because he’s not aligned with anyone. But since Carolyn did tell him that she found the idol, I’m guessing he’s a bit tighter with her than what’s revealed. Either way, it looks like someone’s getting blindsided tonight, which is a perfect way to start the season. Let the festivities begin…
As we head to Tribal, which appears to be a cool Swiss Family Robinson treehouse kinda deal that I used to love at Disneyland, the rain begins to fall and so do the revelations. Jeff asks Joaquin about the decision he and So had to make, and when he mentions the Honest/Deceive/Neutral sham, he’s instantly shot down by Shirin about how everyone else thinks they lied and they actually got a clue to a hidden immunity idol. Damn. Called out…
Max offers that he can actually appreciate what Joaquin and So did, but he would have been better lying about it. This all comes as a disappointment to So, who reveals that she, Joaquin, Max and Tyler have been tight since Day 1, which comes as a shock to Shirin and Carolyn, since they’ve been tight with Max since Day 1 too. So then takes it a step farther and admits they were voting out Carolyn tonight, so after a bit of back and forth between So and Carolyn about who’s weaker and who did better in the challenge and who does more around camp, the decision still seems to be up in the air.
And this is one of the things I don’t like about 3 tribe seasons. With only 6 players, you REALLY need to have the numbers at the first Tribal. It’s a lot different than a 2 tribe season where 9 or 10 players are lobbying to vote someone out with 4 or 5 votes. With only 6 on a tribe, 3 could be enough, and with Carolyn’s idol, 2 (or 1!) could be enough. Scary. Whatev, it’s time to vote.
Jeff grabs the box and asks for any hidden immunity idols. And this is where Carolyn should step up, right, since she’s even remotely on the chopping block?
I guess she can’t hear me. It’s time to read the votes.
Boom goes the dynamite. I guess that’s what you get when you’re meant to play another season, huh? And I guess this means there’s a lot of things discussed at camp that we’re not shown in the episode. And I guess this really means that Joaquin is Dead Man Walking from now on. Good luck with that, Asshole…
The tease of next week shows us the first dose of what this season has in store. Richard Hatch is back! But it’s not the big obnoxious gay man, it’s the big naked person. Shirin, and Max. Okay, Max we can forgive, but Shirin? Okay, Yahoo executive, go flash that cooch. I’m sure everyone was totally cool with that. Nothing better than showing your tribe how open you are with your body. Well played…
And we also get to see that Nina is having issues assimilating into her tribe. Let’s hope the drama is just for marketing purposes and not real.
Gonna keep it rather short here. Just wanna mention that I’ll be watching Amazing Race, American Idol, The Walking Dead (natch!), and I’m absolutely in love with Gotham. What an ensemble cast. Everyone shines. If you haven’t seen it, or if you’re a fan of acting and theater, check it out.
Until next week…
Email: bryan.fish.fischer@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BF_TheFish
AIM: bryan.fish.fischer@gmail.com or Bryan Fischer
Yaaa. You are back. You had me scared a little last season that you were leaving us. Naughty boy! Sorry you have had a rough time lately. Stay hopeful and give your wife and child extra love, it will help. Ok, enough of a lecture. Looks like a great season. The feather guy is really creepy, maybe name him “the coconut creeper.” Doesn’t that sound like a character on a Scooby Doo episode? Yep, So was a total snot. Too bad really. I actually like Carolyn, she seems to have common sense so far. I like Tyler too but am wondering which team he bats for? Totally agree about the beards, they are just gross. And why would you come out to Survivor with one already? Yuck. I”m worried about the 2 really skinny girls. They are going to need IVs by week 3. Nobody else too interesting. I’m sick of all the Boston people now. Do you think the story about finding his sister was a lie? I wasn’t sure what his point was in saying he’d get all the girls’ sympathy with that one….Joe is going to be the Ozzy/Malcom of the season. My 4 year old likes him and she liked Jon last season. My 10 and 11 year old screamed when they showed the guy in the speedo. I may need to get them both therapy now. I think the deaf woman will be playing the role normally played by “crazy black girl.” No other thoughts but so glad you made it back.
Thanks for the invite to “come in” because we’re freezing out here (Austin), and don’t hate because we are not used to freezing weather. We might die. I have never heard the word, “chuffed” so I am assuming we don’t live in the same part of the country but it may translate into “chaps” for me, as in “That really chaps my hide!” Love your recaps and grateful for your return.
kinb! Apologies to “my biggest supporter” for the drama. If you really wanna know what’s “behind the curtain,” it’s just that I was up for a job at CBS so I couldn’t risk the conflict of interest. I didn’t get it, darn it…so let’s continue the roasting! Now I’m even more inclined to rip them to shreds…
I totally agree with you about Vince. That guy is a f**king weirdo. How did he pass the Psych Eval? He’s one treemail away from going postal. I’d hate to see what happens if Jenn switches alliances on him, we could see our first felony on Survivor! Or suicide… Yikes…
Whatever happens, I’ll try to come up with a nickname (Scooby Doo appropriate, natch) that perfectly defines his freakishness.
You’re spot on about all the other players. I read that So was actually lobbying a lot harder to take the Honest choice, but they didn’t show it. She said that “Joaquin Dead” really didn’t know the game so she should have trusted her instincts. Yes, she should have…
For some reason, the only guys who wear those kinda speedos are dudes from back east. Kinda like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Gross. Let’s hope he doesn’t go commando in future episodes with Shirin…
Thanks again for your support. I’ll do my best to be entertaining. :-{|}
Susie! I’m with you on the cold. Who chooses to live in that? I’m in SoCal where it’s lovely 300 days a year. I’ll stick to living in sitcom weather. And TBH, I gotta say I used “chuffed” incorrectly. Long story short, a girl I used to date (who was a big Anglophile) used to say it and I always thought it meant “pissed off.” It kinda sounds like that what it should mean, right? Well, I just looked it up and it means the opposite. Oops. At least I’ll admit it… I guess I did mean to say “chapped” but that’s what you get when you’re rushing. (Tells you how much I paid attention to what that ex-girlfriend was saying!)
Thanks for your kind words, duckie, hope to put a few smiles on your face this season…
NO don’t go So. She has a look I love and was rocking in that bra. Why did she have to be such a bad player? I am getting too old and lazy to remember names, so I will need to use descriptions. Has there been a fatter player than fat postal worker? Please Survivor producers use the black boxes that the Bachelor uses.. That scene on the beach with the Speedo probably caused a few dinners to be lost.
I know he is only a coconut vendor, not a coconut picker, but dude branch out find a way to get more than one coconut for the tribe. He looks 50, I need to go check his reported age. Perhaps he signed up for the wrong show, thought he was a dating show. I would keep all sharp instruments away from him.
And…introdouching Joaquin to Survivor. Perfect.
And here I thought I was your biggest supporter. If it helps…I didn’t get the job with the Angels I was going for. At least there’s Survivor…
doc – You’re “So” right. I also would have enjoyed having a cute Asian lady hanging around for a while, the pounds melting off her already thin frame… I digress. I think the WC have a natural disadvantage in that they think they need to run the show but Survivor is not always a “run the show” kinda situation. There are times that may work, but not when there’s a bunch of other Alphas competing with you. Silly for her to stick to that strategy.
And yes, there have been some portly folks before, I think it was Mike Borassi who showed up best for them. Medical Evac on day 5… And yes, I do hope we see some great incredible television meltdown when Vince gets voted off. DVR that shit…
ericah! You two are neck and neck! I swear. Love ya both! TBH, I’m getting very frustrated with my employment status. Can’t wait to become a full time reality show blogger. I hope it pays well…!