SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 2/25/15

February 26th, 2015 | 6 Comments | Posted in Survivor 30 - WC vs BC vs NC

Initial Cast Assessment

White Collars
Carolyn (52) – Let’s start off by saying that women over 50 have an uphill battle for so many reasons. She may be athletic, and tough, and a great read on other people, but when the other 5 people on your tribe are 20- or 30-somethings, you’re the “old lady,” and you’re going home soon. I’d hate to see what Carolyn’s early days on the island are like, IF, the WC tribe doesn’t win immunity. Prediction: won’t make Jury

Joaquin (27) – this guy just reeks of getting his ass handed to him via blindside. What a douche. Calling yourself selfish, and the “alpha male” is just such a douchey thing to do when you’re introdouching yourself to America. I hope he’s out early because I hate when guys like this stick around. Because he’s young/strong/outspoken, he’ll probably make some alliances, but he’ll also make enemies, both of whom will put a target on his back. No chance to win, but will be around for a bit… Prediction: Won’t make jury

Max (37) – Here’s a guy that thinks he’s got it all figured out, but I think his confidence is his biggest downfall. “You taught a class on Survivor?” Big friggin’ deal. Who was the idiot admin who approved that syllabus? You look like a dork walking around in your button down tab collars, stepping over logs and ducking under tree limbs. And JFC, for the life of me, can we stop with this whole “beard thing.” He’ll adapt, but he’ll annoy… Prediction: Jury

Shirin (31) – I do think she’s “smarter than the average bear,” but I wonder how long until she breaks. It’s one thing to say you like to eat gross things and walk all over people, but it’s another thing to sleep on the ground, with the bugs, and the starvation, and then the physical challenges start taking their toll. At some point, she’ll be viewed as “undeserving” and be sent packing. Prediction: Won’t make jury

So (31) – Ok, right off the bat I don’t like her and here’s why. 1) she was supposed to be on Season 29 with her sister but had to drop out at the last minute. That means she was just a “throw-in” on this season. 2) She comes across as a bit of a snob/entitled/bitch, so that typically gets noticed, and 3) her f**king upper lip never moves and that bugs the f**k out of me. It’s like that Jim Carrey character with his upper lip tucked in. Prediction: Won’t make jury

Tyler (33) – I like him out of the blocks. An athlete, intelligent, a beach kid who could roll with things, and most importantly, someone who’s swam with sharks and knows it’s all b.s. until Jeff hands you that check. I like his odds. Prediction: Top 3 if he can align properly

Blue Collars
Dan (47) – Okay, this guy’s too wack to be viewed as nothing more than “that crazy old guy.” Every season has one, they typically don’t win, and they’re viewed as the “weakest link” from Day 1. Who else on this tribe would be voted out first? I hope he enjoys his time as a “Survivor,” because that’s the only title he’s earning this season. Prediction: Won’t make Jury

Kelly (44) – She’s someone I get a good vibe about. And no, it’s not just because she was a bartender! I like that she’s smart, athletic, and willing to play hard, it’s just a feeling I get. True, I got this feeling from Sarah (BBB), and we know how THAT turned out, but let’s hope Kelly can align properly and go deep. Prediction: Top 3

Lindsey (24) – OMG, this is some weird s**t. Another “Lindsey the hairdresser with a tattooed right arm.” Is the show trying to give redemption to hairdressers or something? I just think it’s a bit weird that Lindsey and Lindsey are soooo similar. They’re both moms, too!? WTF? Typically, producers would say they’re “just too similar,” but not the Survivor producers. They’re too stoned (one would assume) to give a crap. “Let’s pick another Lindsey, and see if America notices.” Yeah, we noticed. And I bet she’s going to hate Carolyn after the merge, because you wanna relive the whole Lindsey vs. Trish thing, right!? Stupid… You’re beginning to piss me off, Survivor. The only saving grace about Lindsey #2 is that she likes vodka, so she’s instantly my favorite to win. Prediction: Sole Survivor (bite me!)

Mike (38) – I really like the fact he’s humble enough to call himself “dumb” and understand that he’s assuming a role when on the show. It may be “nice-guy” Mike back home, but it may end up being “bad-ass” Mike on the show. Whatever it takes, right? I like his chances, IF, he can recognize the moves being made by others, instead of just thinking he’s the only one making moves, a la John Rocker. Prediction: Jury

Rodney (24) – All he wants to do is buy his mother a cahr… Sounds like a good plan. I like his confidence, and the fact he’s from Boston seems to be a good luck charm on this show, but let’s see if his braggadocio is too overwhelming for the others in his tribe. The fact there are some other East Coasters may help him to the merge, and let’s just see how good his “hustle” is. I’ll give him jury depth, but I don’t think he can win. Prediction: Jury

Sierra (27) – The fact she’s an athletic cowgirl may keep her around for a while, but I think it’ll eventually work against her. If she goes deep, she’ll be viewed as a threat and summarily dismissed. I think she’s one of those people who say they can take it, but when the Probst hits the fan, she’ll wonder why she agreed to do this. Prediction: Jury

No Collars
Hali (25) – Not sure why she’s on the NC tribe, since she’s heading towards a WC life, but I guess she’s young enough to qualify as NC. I think at 25, like so many others, she’s anxious to tell the world who she is, but she doesn’t even know that yet. Let’s see what happens if she can align like she says she’s going to, and then pray she stays around for awhile, so we have some eye candy. Meow… Prediction: Jury

Jenn (22) – Perfect fit for this tribe. She just seems comfortable embracing the chill of being NC. Whether that’ll work to her advantage is TBD. I think she’ll benefit from being one of the “young’uns,” which will hopefully keep her around till the merge. Then, let’s see what kind of magic she can pull off. She doesn’t strike me as someone who can win, but let’s see how much weight she loses and what she looks like in a bikini on day 30… Prediction: Jury

Joe (25) – I think he’s the guy that Hali said she wanted to align with right off the bat, so maybe that’ll work out for him. I kinda like his vibe, kinda laid back, kinda hard working, kinda chill, so that should make him less of a target. Based on his age, and the age of others on his tribe, he’ll probably stick around a while, and I just have a good feeling about him. Let’s see how deep he can actually go. Prediction: Top 3

Nina (51) – Another one who will be labeled “the old lady” and viewed as weak. Especially since she was placed on the NC tribe. Just try and tell me the kids on this tribe won’t view her as an outsider. Especially with her hearing impairment, and the notion that only one person can talk at a time around her, I think she’s facing an uphill battle. Prediction: won’t make jury

Vince (32) – The whole “life coach,” “coconut vendor,” “living on both coasts,” “traveling to 39 countries” seems okay on paper, but when you put this guy on a beach with some relatively normal people, eventually that’ll wear on them. Like Fabio, he may not be viewed as a threat, but unlike Fabio, he seems to want to be a voice that’s heard, so that may spell his doom. Prediction: Won’t make jury

Will (41) – Eventually his personality (or his moobs) will piss off the others on his tribe, or maybe the fact he’s the only person of color may distance him from the rest of the tribe. (And yes, we know that’s still a factor, even after 29 previous seasons…). Mostly, I think he’s already getting the short end of the stick on his tribe (along with Nina) by being older than most of the others. Prediction: won’t make Jury

So that’s 10 to make Jury depth. Let’s see how things unfold this season, and let’s get to the gosh darn episode. I’m dying to see how 90 minutes of Survivor looks again. To the episode…

As soon as we fly in over the jungle and beach, everything looks so vaguely familiar. Oh, wait, it is familiar! We’re back in Nicaragua again and not on some tropical beach in the South Pacific. Great, there goes my first fantasy blown to shreds.

6 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 2/25/15

  1. Yaaa. You are back. You had me scared a little last season that you were leaving us. Naughty boy! Sorry you have had a rough time lately. Stay hopeful and give your wife and child extra love, it will help. Ok, enough of a lecture. Looks like a great season. The feather guy is really creepy, maybe name him “the coconut creeper.” Doesn’t that sound like a character on a Scooby Doo episode? Yep, So was a total snot. Too bad really. I actually like Carolyn, she seems to have common sense so far. I like Tyler too but am wondering which team he bats for? Totally agree about the beards, they are just gross. And why would you come out to Survivor with one already? Yuck. I”m worried about the 2 really skinny girls. They are going to need IVs by week 3. Nobody else too interesting. I’m sick of all the Boston people now. Do you think the story about finding his sister was a lie? I wasn’t sure what his point was in saying he’d get all the girls’ sympathy with that one….Joe is going to be the Ozzy/Malcom of the season. My 4 year old likes him and she liked Jon last season. My 10 and 11 year old screamed when they showed the guy in the speedo. I may need to get them both therapy now. I think the deaf woman will be playing the role normally played by “crazy black girl.” No other thoughts but so glad you made it back. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the invite to “come in” because we’re freezing out here (Austin), and don’t hate because we are not used to freezing weather. We might die. I have never heard the word, “chuffed” so I am assuming we don’t live in the same part of the country but it may translate into “chaps” for me, as in “That really chaps my hide!” Love your recaps and grateful for your return.

  3. kinb! Apologies to “my biggest supporter” for the drama. If you really wanna know what’s “behind the curtain,” it’s just that I was up for a job at CBS so I couldn’t risk the conflict of interest. I didn’t get it, darn it…so let’s continue the roasting! Now I’m even more inclined to rip them to shreds… 😉

    I totally agree with you about Vince. That guy is a f**king weirdo. How did he pass the Psych Eval? He’s one treemail away from going postal. I’d hate to see what happens if Jenn switches alliances on him, we could see our first felony on Survivor! Or suicide… Yikes…

    Whatever happens, I’ll try to come up with a nickname (Scooby Doo appropriate, natch) that perfectly defines his freakishness.

    You’re spot on about all the other players. I read that So was actually lobbying a lot harder to take the Honest choice, but they didn’t show it. She said that “Joaquin Dead” really didn’t know the game so she should have trusted her instincts. Yes, she should have…

    For some reason, the only guys who wear those kinda speedos are dudes from back east. Kinda like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Gross. Let’s hope he doesn’t go commando in future episodes with Shirin…

    Thanks again for your support. I’ll do my best to be entertaining. :-{|}

    Susie! I’m with you on the cold. Who chooses to live in that? I’m in SoCal where it’s lovely 300 days a year. I’ll stick to living in sitcom weather. And TBH, I gotta say I used “chuffed” incorrectly. Long story short, a girl I used to date (who was a big Anglophile) used to say it and I always thought it meant “pissed off.” It kinda sounds like that what it should mean, right? Well, I just looked it up and it means the opposite. Oops. At least I’ll admit it… I guess I did mean to say “chapped” but that’s what you get when you’re rushing. (Tells you how much I paid attention to what that ex-girlfriend was saying!)

    Thanks for your kind words, duckie, hope to put a few smiles on your face this season…

  4. NO don’t go So. She has a look I love and was rocking in that bra. Why did she have to be such a bad player? I am getting too old and lazy to remember names, so I will need to use descriptions. Has there been a fatter player than fat postal worker? Please Survivor producers use the black boxes that the Bachelor uses.. That scene on the beach with the Speedo probably caused a few dinners to be lost.

    I know he is only a coconut vendor, not a coconut picker, but dude branch out find a way to get more than one coconut for the tribe. He looks 50, I need to go check his reported age. Perhaps he signed up for the wrong show, thought he was a dating show. I would keep all sharp instruments away from him.

  5. And…introdouching Joaquin to Survivor. Perfect.
    And here I thought I was your biggest supporter. If it helps…I didn’t get the job with the Angels I was going for. At least there’s Survivor…

  6. doc – You’re “So” right. I also would have enjoyed having a cute Asian lady hanging around for a while, the pounds melting off her already thin frame… I digress. I think the WC have a natural disadvantage in that they think they need to run the show but Survivor is not always a “run the show” kinda situation. There are times that may work, but not when there’s a bunch of other Alphas competing with you. Silly for her to stick to that strategy.

    And yes, there have been some portly folks before, I think it was Mike Borassi who showed up best for them. Medical Evac on day 5… And yes, I do hope we see some great incredible television meltdown when Vince gets voted off. DVR that shit…

    ericah! You two are neck and neck! I swear. Love ya both! TBH, I’m getting very frustrated with my employment status. Can’t wait to become a full time reality show blogger. I hope it pays well…! 😉

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