December 19th, 2014 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 29 - Blood vs Water 2

Day 38 rolls in and the #FinalImmunity challenge awaits. It’s a behemoth of a challenge with many sections. Right away, you know that Missy has no chance to win this. I’m not even sure she should compete in this per OSHA’s guidelines. As Jeff is describing it, I’m even overwhelmed at the physical and mental demands it requires. And this is where Jeff reveals (for the first time, I think) we’re looking at a final three this season. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong about that…)

And once again, based on the nature of the physicality of the challenge, Missy cannot participate and has to sit out. Boo! Go home, grandma!

We get under way and Natalie takes a slim lead and is holding on to it for a while as Keith takes his sweet time. Regardless, it’s enough to stay ahead of Jaclyn who is beginning to show signs of massive fatigue. After Nat and Keith collect their third bad (Keith slightly ahead of Natalie) they must scale the tower steps and drop their bags at the puzzle station. Again, Keith is taking his time and Natalie passes him on the climb. Why is he lollygagging?

Natalie is the first to collect all five bags and digs deep to sprint up the 57 steps. Keith is next, still taking the slow boat to China, and Jaclyn brings up the rear. Natalie is making some progress on the puzzle, but when the wind kicks up violently, everyone’s finding it difficult to work on the puzzle, or even untie the bags, if you’re Jaclyn. Pick it up, girl! (Ooooh, I felt like Jeff Probst there…)

With each player using a different approach to solving the puzzle, the lead that Natalie built is lost as all 3 have the same amount of puzzle solved. It’ll all come down to who can get those last pieces in and then solve the combination lock. Surprisingly, Jaclyn is the first to complete her puzzle – did I just type that? – and there she goes down the pole again. (Just gimme a second… Oh yeah, the fantasy is complete.)

But that fantasy is ruined as Jaclyn slides down the pole uncontrollably, crashing into the tower as he falls, and almost knocks herself out of the competition. That could have been a Lindsey Jacobellisian degree of stupidity in a competition, but thankfully, Jaclyn recovers and is able to continue on. As she reaches the combination numbers platform, Natalie finishes her puzzle and heads down quickly. Jaclyn memorizes the 3 numbers and heads back up as Natalie arrives at the numbers station. Keith is on his fireman’s union 15-minute break so he’s not involved at this point.

With all the issues Jaclyn had during the challenge, it’s amazing she’s even in the running on this one. And as she approaches the combination lock, you just have to wonder if she’s got anything left in the tank to remember the 3 numbers. And as Natalie starts sprinting up the stairs, Jaclyn spins the wheels selecting her numbers and…

Pulls out the locking pin and raises her flag! Jaclyn wins final immunity! OMFG… She was OUT of this challenge and looking mentally defeated. The fact she won can only mean one thing: Natalie and Keith are totally lame at puzzles.

And while Keith may have been slow in this challenge, he’s quick enough to know this could mean trouble for him at the next Tribal Council. Once the players return to camp, Jaclyn tells us she’s played the whole game by discussing everything with Jon first, so she wants to continue talking through all the scenarios. Keith is up first, and says Jaclyn should take out Missy because she’d have a better chance against Keith and Natalie than Missy, due to the “ankle sympathy vote.”

Natalie wants Keith gone, but is more concerned with the power trip that’s going to Jaclyn’s head (a revealing statement on Natalie’s assessment of other players) and doesn’t want to steer Jaclyn too far down any path. She seems more comfortable letting Jaclyn make her own decision…as long as that decision is sending Keith home. That appears to be what Jaclyn is leaning toward, but who knows what craziness happens on that final afternoon before the last tribal.

And when she’s finally able to sit with Missy and discuss scenarios, Jaclyn’s opening statement says it all,

“How would you feel about voting out Natalie?”

And as shocking as that may sound considering Jaclyn is here only because of Natalie, the facts are that Natalie took out both Baylor and Jon, and that’s a pretty powerful reason to boot her ass. The gameplay Natalie’s shown is undeniable, and the defining rationale seems to be when Missy asks, “What would Jon do?”

“Vote out Nat.” So, there you go, Twinnie… See what all that gameplay got you?

Back at Tribal and I’m gonna summarize again (because it’s getting late and I still need to watch the reunion show!).

Jeff asks:

Jaclyn, how awesome was winning today?
Jeff, it was awesome, but it sucks.

Natalie, last Tribal, you gave your idol to Jaclyn, are you expecting reciprocation?
Jeff, that would be nice, but whatevs…

Jaclyn, are you obligated to Natalie?
Jeff, sorta, sorta not…

Keith, how was your day?
Jeff, it’s gonna be me or Missy today.

Missy, why isn’t Natalie going home, do you guys think you can beat her?
Jeff, I don’t think Keith knows which way the wind’s blowing. None of us can be comfortable.

Nat, why get rid of Keith?
Jeff, cuz everyone loves a fireman…

Keith, does it make sense to get rid of Nat?
Jeff, Natalie’s got a bunch of votes over there…

And then Jeff just lays it out for us…

Natalie, do you think you could win?
Jeff, I think I could. I am a super woman.

We then get our new “Julie boob shot.” Which is not a boob shot at all, it’s an “Alec slack jawed” shot that makes him look like an idiot. Sir, you’re drooling in your soup…

Natalie has essentially given every other player the information they need to vote her off and it’s just shocking that she finally slipped up on Day 38. All she had to do was remain humble for 5 more minutes and maybe she’d be here for Final Tribal. Let’s see what damage has been done. It’s time to vote.

No idols to play so Jeff reads the votes:


And boom goes the dadgum dynamite…! What were these people thinking? Not one vote for Natalie, even after THAT last comment?! I’m flummoxed. I guess no one wants to win Survivor anymore after Woo’s infamous decision last season and now EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENED IN SEASON 29! Does anyone know how to play this game? I’m done with this… There had better be some phenomenal play in Season 30, otherwise I’m switching over to The Amazing Race…

“The Dentists U-turned the Wrestlers, but then Sweet Scientists decided NOT to U-turn anyone. It was a shocking turn of events…” No thank you!

The ladies wake up on Day 39 and are pleased as punch to be here. 3 women vs. a predominantly male jury. Could anyone have predicted that? Missy tells us she’s not intimidated by speaking to the guys, because she’s been speaking to guys (in court) for a long time. I think you just need to add “in court” to anything Missy says to make it a joke, kind of like saying “in bed” with other girls. That’s funny, right? Maybe at 1am in the morning it is…

They’re given the usual final feast and we get to hear Natalie’s and Jaclyn’s views on why they deserve it. Natalie wants to prove that she can do things without her sister, and Jaclyn gives us the bullsh**tiest rationale that while winning the money would give her (and Jon) the opportunity to raise the family they always wanted, it would mean more to her to be named “Sole Survivor” so she could be an inspiration to all the girls with MRKH out there. Okay, not to downplay anything about her syndrome, but you just said you wanted to win the money and now you’re saying it’s not about the money. Just stop. It’s about the money. Own that, girlfriend…

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER 2 FINALE – 12/17/14

  1. Ok Bryan, you better not go anywhere! Now I’m going to be worried sick for 3 months. You better keep us posted if you do recaps elsewhere. 🙁
    My thoughts/complaints/questions
    1) Did Missy even break her foot? No recap on that? She kept saying it was broken yet they never did an X-ray. Kinda bugged me.
    2)Reed’s speech was classic. Ouch. He must have been practicing that at Ponderosa for days. Give him a Tony!
    3)I’m not fussing at you but man, why so anti-Keith? I myself have a soft spot for rednecks since many fairly close relatives are rednecks but let’s not digress. He actually did win immunity more times than most. You have to give him that. No, he wasn’t a schemer but it worked out somehow. He was a better player than Jac. or missy. I just think you were kinda harsh.
    4)Everyone on the Survivor Facebook page thinks Alec was stoned at the final tribal. Do you think he could score that at Ponderosa?
    5)What happened to Fan favorite? Also, notice no shots of past contestants…? I always love seeing them. I thought at least Tony would be on. (I loved Tony!) No Cass, no Woo? At least a grumpy shot of Russell (who I love even though you don’t like him)
    6)Does the runner up win anything?
    7)Don’t you think Jac looked just like Britney Spears at the Finale? But what an ugly yellow dress.
    8)Loved the Christy MacNichol reference you did a few weeks ago with Wes. That was so funny! (showing my age here)
    9)I actually fast forwarded through all the comments from Fans on the finale. Jeff, I could care less about the dumb fans, yes, call me mean but even the make a wish foundation kid.
    I will miss these recaps each week. There is always a period of bad tv over the next few months. Even Homeland is almost over. Stay in touch Mr. Fish!!!

  2. Not sure what I am more disappointed in, this season or the next season. The whole collar thing seems so contrived, so political, so much with the class warfare certain people are pushing these days. The white collar “makes the rules” , blue collar ‘follows the rules” is just bs. I am white collar and have never made any rules. Oh well off on a tangent perhaps the season will surprise me.

    I was bored and did not fully pay attention, but the aftershow seemed pointless. No drama at all. The only thing I learned was that Reed and BF are religious, I some how missed that during the season.

    I also did nor understand Jacyln’s statement on how the money will help her have kids. Too lazy to look it up, but is her condition treatable? That money can cure it?

    Why was Missy forced to climb the tower during the last challenge? She was shown climbing down.

    I think Missy had the funniest line, but perhaps I just heard wrong. She was talking about her experience with men and how with 7 men on the jury she should have no problems. Did she say she would have no problem taking on 7 men?

  3. Kate – As my most dedicated commenter, I feel obliged to be straight with you. I’m not trying to take my “talents” (or lack thereof!) elsewhere. I’m just feeling like this juice ain’t worth the squeeze. I know it takes time to develop an online audience — and I do so appreciate the audience I have — but with the amount of time I have to put into this endeavor, with nary a dime earned, it’s just not making a lot of sense for my family. Perhaps I’ll contact Scott Ottersen to see what he experienced, but right now I’m thinking I need to be spending more time with the fam than watching a bunch of hillbillies run around an island. Not to sound bitter, but I used to have nothing but love for Survivor, but the past couple seasons have left a bad taste in my mouth. I began this adventure as a fan, and I’d like to remain one, so that might mean just being a viewer again. We’ll see how I feel come February… Regardless, I’ll always be happy to receive your emails/tweets/comments/etc.

    Footgate: yeah, first it was not serious, then she was claiming she fractured her foot. What’s the deal? I saw tweets from Eliza stating the contract contestants sign mandates they participate in challenges. Why was she excused? Seems like the show decided it was too much work to boot her off than to just let her skate and see what happens. Kinda shitty if you ask me.
    Speechgate: Yeah, with all of Reed’s Broadway/drama training, you know he knows how to deliver a speech. And it looked like it was rehearsed extensively. That’s what reality shows are about so screw anyone who says he was being cruel. She didn’t have to just sit there and take it (like Sherri didn’t do with Erik). Speak up woman, and tell that queen to STFU…
    Keithgate: yeah, admittedly, I was harsh, but that’s because I don’t like rednecks on my shows if they don’t know how to play. I had no problem with J.T. but that’s because he knew how to play. And even HE pulled a boner with the Russell-clue fiasco. I just didn’t like that Keith was clueless about so many things… (and it was a writing device).
    Alecgate: I have no doubt that Alec could score some weed in Nicaragua, all he had to do was ask the crew. I’m sure someone in construction or catering could hook that up. That’s usually who has it…
    -I guess Fan Favorite went bye-bye a while back and no sponsors think it gives them anything. Too bad. Another victim of the show not wanting to “deal with it” anymore…
    -I’m really surprised there may be no returning players for Season 30. As I said, it may all be a ruse, like Russell will come back as a Blue Collar, Spencer as a No Collar, etc… because Season 30 is supposed to be a BIG deal. I can’t see just a “normal” theme season…
    -I’m not sure if this is accurate, but Yahoo Answers has the following:
    1st Place: $1,000,000
    2nd Place: $100,000
    3rd Place: $85,000
    4th Place: $70,000
    5th Place: $55,000
    6th Place: $45,000
    7th Place: $35,000
    8th Place: $27,500
    9th Place: $20,000
    10th Place: $15,000
    11th Place: $10,000
    12thPlace: $7,500
    13th Place: $5,500
    14th Place: $4,500
    15th Place: $3,500
    16th Place: $2,500

    Mind you, this was from 5 years ago, so who knows…
    -Jaclyn looked fine to me, but Missy looked oddly JUST LIKE JACLYN. Just goes to show you how deceptive make-up is cuz Missy looked totally different than she did on the island. She’s apparently my age (47) and she looked like a bucket of rocks on the show. But at the reunion show, she cleaned up rather well. Always frightening what lies makeup tells…
    -Yeah, Kristy McNichol was my dream girl when I was 11-13 years old. The fact she was a tomboy was really sexy to me. I guess we now know why she was such a tomboy…
    -And I’m with you on the crowd interaction at the Reunion. No one gives a shit about the crowd, or the kid, or the fans, or any of that. All we care about is the show, and maybe some former players. Not even Tyler Perry was worth a shit last year and they still spent time with him. Hell, Barry Bonds got more time on the finale than Kelley or Julie did. This is where Survivor fails. They think they’re big time producers but they still look like amateurs…
    -I’ll endeavor to keep you informed where I land. It may very well still be here. I do kinda like it here… XOXO

    Doc – I’m with you on the WC/BC/NC theme. It’s like someone got stoned and pitched the idea to a bunch of other stoners and they all giggled and said, “Let’s do it…” It’s really not THAT good, and it further divides people. Hell, I think Survivor: Legends or Survivor: Sabotage has more to offer than this, but let’s see how it plays out. As I said, it could all be a ruse.
    -How could you not know Reed & Josh were Christian? It was one of their main story lines. Perhaps you don’t listen as intensely as I do but I do tend to lock myself away while watching…
    -I haven’t researched exactly what MRKH is, but in my mind, it’s like something was wrong downstairs and she either had to have a hysterectomy or there was some other major “flaw” with her Easy-Bake Oven. I don’t need to know exactly what, I’ll just assume she’s looking up adoption agencies with that $85K…
    -Yeah, funny how they’ll make Missy climb the tower to “get the shot” but they won’t make her play. I’ll bet you they wanted her to play, but some attorney said, “If she gets hurt, she could sue,” so they just let her sit out. Even though when you go on a show like this you essentially sign your life away.
    -I missed that line from Missy but I’ll bet she’d have no problem taking on a room full of men…in court.

    Take care, Doc…
    Happy holidays, everyone, and Happy New Year!

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