November 14th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water

We are getting DEEP into the season as episode #9 rolls in. “My Brother’s Keeper” is the title, so I’m feeling that we’re going to be focusing on Aras and Vytas tonight. Plus, I saw a spot that shows Vytas standing up for his bro, so I think there’s going to be some s**t-talking around camp! And we’ve got 2 Tribal Councils to look forward to! See what happens when pu**ies like Colton quit the game? The others are left having to endure 2 Tribals in one episode. That’s not fair. You can thank the divine Ms. Cumbie for that…

After returning from Tribal, Vytas takes a moment to congratulate the players who orchestrated the blindside. “As a fan of the show” he can see why they did it, and can appreciate their successful move. However, he’s really pissed off and will do whatever he can to exact vengeance on them.

Tina then decides to call out Tyson and Monica for flipping on their alliance and voting out Aras . Maybe she just wanted to create some havoc, but she gets educated on just how many alliances Aras had and feels bad that she spoke up. And while she’s ready to move on, Tyson is the one who’s really annoyed, as he doesn’t like to be “accused of doing something he’s not guilty of.” But he did do it, so he’s just covering his ass.

Next morning, Tina is speaking with Katie and tells her that she put all her eggs in one basket and someone took the basket. So maybe it’s time for the little chick to fly the coop and go form some new alliances. Tina is savvy enough to know that she’s got a bigger target on her back than Katie, so she tells her daughter to go forth and prosper…in another alliance. Effectively, go sell yourself to the cheapest bidder…

Earlier than expected, we head off to an Immunity Challenge, and we already know what’s coming. We saw the sneak peek on the commercials and on the Survivor After Show with Parvati. It’s a food eating contest and when I say food, I mean…disgusting Filipino delicacies that we would never eat. In a country that features balut (which I mentioned last week, which is “developing duck embryo” that’s served in its shell) you know we’re going to get some gross items.

I said it last week and I’ll say it again; I’ve never been a fan of these types of challenges. I never liked it when Survivor did it years ago, because it seemed like such a rip-off of Fear Factor. And seriously, why would you want to rip THAT show off?! Stick to your obstacle course, puzzle, physical, brainy challenges and let’s give someone a million bucks, not $40,000 (or whatever they gave away!). I think if I ever had a chance to compete in a challenge like this, I would simply push away from the table and stay hungry. I’d rather go catch some fish than eat some maggots, worms, or 100-year old cheese… Disgusting…

And what’s even worse is the competitors who do eat some disgusting item and don’t advance. It’s like “screw you, you just ate fermented cow dung, now go throw it up and try to remember what dignity feels like.”

2 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER – 11/13/13

  1. Thank you, bmayer, for including that link. All too often the “critters” are totally forgotten when disaster strikes. I’m glad there’s a group that helps them specifically. My mother would be proud of you!

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