April 18th, 2013 | 4 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites

At Tribal, the tribe is actually being quite honest about what they’re looking to do. They’re almost cocky in how honest they’re being, letting Reynold and Malcolm know that they are the targets going forward. I appreciate the honesty, actually, but do believe it’s not going to work out the way you had hoped.

And…Phillip gives us his story about how he got trapped under water, underneath a dock of some sort, and how some strange man saved him. And he’s been freaked out of water ever since – even though in two seasons of Survivor, he’s probably competed in 25 competitions that dealt with him being in, and under, water! I’m not going to call him a liar, but liars like Phillip never have good reasons to tell their lies, so it makes sense that he’d be lying here. But, again, I’m not going to call him a liar. Special Ed Agent Phillip Sheppard almost died as a child. It’s been notarized.

Oh snap, sh*t just got real! Malcolm pulled out his other hidden immunity idol and gave it to Eddie!! The reactions given by SRS were priceless! All their worst nightmares just came true! All that worrying they did about the idols being played were just validated! There was no planning for this moment. Surprisingly, though, Dawn didn’t freak out. You would have assumed with all the crying and paranoia she just went through, she would have been in full belief that she was going home at this moment, but apparently she knew something we didn’t. Everyone started whispering to each other, saying they should vote Andrea out, all while Andrea held her face in her hands, knowing she might be the one to go home!

But, the three amigos had a different plan. They wanted Phillip, “The Fun Sponge” to head on down the walkway out this game! He sucked all the fun out of this game, and the three amigos just wanted to have some fun while playing this game. So, they wanted everyone to vote Phillip out of the game. Everyone did some posturing, Probst pointed out how to spell Phillip (which you still knew people would f*ck up), Erik pointed out it might be a ruse to get them to not vote for them so they could keep their idols, and Phillip took offense to possibly being voted out for flaws in his character rather than because he’s a threat to win!

In the end, I actually thought Malcolm should have rolled the dice and kept his idol, but they both decided to play it (knowing they’d just go and find them again, the next morning, most likely – all while the now-defunct SRS played “Find Dawn’s Teeth”) and ended up getting their wish granted with Fillup being voted out!

On a final note, I sure hope that Erik was trying to be funny in his spelling. If not, that’s a damn shame. I got an email about how odd it was that Erik would out the fact that Malcolm and Eddie may not play their idols, yet turn around and vote Fillup out, and not stick to the original plan of actually voting for them. It is a bit strange, but Erik is never going to be mistaken for a genius, so trying to figure out his thought process is pointless. I said in the comments of a previous blog, we try and figure these things out with half the information (they edit out so much), so it gets to the point where we should really just stop caring about trying to figure out why they did what they did and just sit back and enjoy the ride!!

Only 3 episodes left and then the 16-hour finale hits us on Mother’s Day. Who will win it all this season?

Until next week,
Written by:
Scott Ottersen

4 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: FANS VS FAVORITES – 4/17/13

  1. I also thought how gross it was that Dawn didn’t wipe off her teeth before she put them in! I mean it wasn’t that noticeable that her bottom teeth were missing anyway. Just gross.
    How ticked do you think that resort was after Phillip got the pool all dirty with the mud and his nakedness? I’m sure they had to drain it after the Survivors left!

  2. ” (knowing they’d just go and find them again, the next morning, most likely – all while the now-defunct SRS played “Find Dawn’s Teeth”) ”
    Bahahahaha! That was really funny. Perfect comedic timing.

    I find it kinda fun to try and figure it out – I know I’m only getting half a story, and that its guided by production, but I guess that’s the fun in it – when its a decent season with the right people, right situations going on where it is fun. This season is fun. Other seasons haven’t been as much fun to do that.

    and I might have a case of PBS again – I thought it was hilarious how Reynold had that s**t eating grin on his face from the moment they walked into tribal – and then Eddie and Malcolm followed suit. How awesome of a moment would have that been! I think Reddie deserved that moment – and Reynold is a beast in challenges, it was super impressive how he just flew through it, and didn’t even seem that tired. I hope those three get a little power back – they are putting the fun back into the game, if it would have come down to those 7 only ones left, it would have been a snoozefest for the rest of the season.

  3. Steve, I was amazed at how many other reviewers wrote about this tribal and didn’t fully explain what happened. I have watched every season and this one goes down in the record books. It was such a perfect set up…the three guys letting the other 7 make their confident comments to Jeff. When Malcolm pulled out his idol, there was a brief beat before he gave Eddie the second idol. Once he did the others nearly fell off their fake tiki stools!! I couldn’t believe they were showing their hand and then to announce who they were voting for on top that. First I thought they missed the opportunity for a blindside but as it played out, they needed to make that announcement to get someone to flip. It made for tribal council awesomeness and the scrambling and reaction of the others was priceless. Seeing how most of the 7 blindly followed Phillip and stuck to their original votes I think they took out the right person, but if you were on the alliance of 7, who would you have cast out of your own group? They still had control and it was amazing they cast so many votes that didn’t count. Fake Sandra Bullock would have been mine as the most likely to flip. I am rooting for those three to take it all the way.

  4. How can you’re Harvard roommate ; ) not be who you would root for? He’s been amazing this season, now that he has one under his belt he is playing and reacting like a fan would, and with awesomeness. His insights crack me up almost every episode, and I will bet that if somehow makes the final three he takes it all. Then again he might just get fan fave.

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