November 25th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 25 - Philippines

But, Penner being the idiot that he is, decides he’s going to say no to their Final 4 offer.  Seriously, Penner?  I thought I liked you and the way you played the game.  What would it hurt just to say yes to these two idiots?  So what if you’re not dead set on wanting a Final 4 deal right now, you can always back out on the deal if it came to it.  For all you know, though, Lisa and Skupin are going to be the best two to take to the end, anyway.  Malcolm and Denise are both gamers, and are playing fantastic games so far, which might cast a heavy shadow on you in the Final 3, if you ended up with either of them in the Finals.  Skupin and Lisa are underdogs, and would be easier to win against.  I just don’t get why you would say no to their offer.  It’s like what Skupin said before, about not wanting to say no, because it would make you look suspicious, and like you are trying to go against them.  Sure, you can tell them all you want about how you want to go day by day, and vote by vote, but saying no to an alliance is like saying, “Sorry, I already have another alliance, and we are trying to vote you out, so sorry.”  It was at this moment where I think I stopped rooting for Penner.  I think I changed my allegiance to Malcolm/Denise.
And, with Penner being a moron, Skupin and Lisa go to Malcolm and Denise and shake hands on a Final 4 deal. Skupin isn’t 100% happy about it, but it’s the only “real” offer he has on the plate right now, so he’s got to eat it.
The only real thing I want to say (or shall I say, ask) about the Immunity challenge is whether or not they tied all of the ropes in the same exact knots.  If so, I can’t imagine the kind of time, and precision, it took to do so.  I would guess they did tie them all the same, because while they were going through the knots, it looked as if they were all doing the same things, so shout out to the production staff of kids making $10/hour to tie those knots!!  My wife made a great point about how it would have been the worst case scenario to have Pete win, because Abi will definitely use the idol, and if Pete has the necklace, they’d have to vote out one of their own.  Well, it’s a great point and all, but we don’t have to worry about it, because Pete sucks at life, and is out in the first round.  He may look athletic, but he’s no threat in these challenges.
Carter ends up winning the immunity.  During the challenge, I wrote down that everyone is going to have to start worrying about Denise, because she is a force to be reckoned with, but I might have to change that to Carter.  He’s coming out of nowhere.  He has won two individual immunity challenges so far, and I’d look at him as a threat to win any other physical challenge against the old men and women who are left in the game at this point.  Denise is a formidable threat to him, but she seems to start off with pizzazz and fall off towards the end. So far, this seems to be a man’s game this season.  Jeff may have to reintroduce the women’s immunity necklace soon enough.
After they get back to camp, Penner tells his alliance that they should split the votes 3-3, so if Abi plays her idol, Pete would just go home.  And, then he says something truly stupid, where if she didn’t  play it, and it was a tie vote, they should vote Abi out still.  WHAT?!?!?!  Jesus, Penner, I’m ashamed I ever liked you.  You want Abi out before you want Pete out?  Hasn’t Abi shown you how useless she is at this game?  She has no shot at winning anything, so why get her out at this point?  At least keep her around until final 5 or so.  But, if I’m anyone on this island, I am arguing for that b*tch to stay in the game until the end.  I want her You Are WAY Stupider Than A 5th Grader @ss sitting next to me at in the Final 3 more than anyone else left in the game right now.
Abi and Pete…ok, just Pete wants one person from the other alliance to jump ship and vote with him and Abi to get Malcolm out of the game.  He sees Malcolm as the biggest threat right now, therefore making him the easiest target to vote out.  He takes his case to Lisa, Carter, and Penner, but all three of them completely blow off his scheme.  I was actually surprised with how honest they were to him.  Normally, people on Survivor will oblige the outcast with agreeing statements, so as to get them to shut up, but they were all honest in telling him that they weren’t going to go along with his plan, because they liked where they stood in their alliance.
And, then, he came across Skupin.  He stated his case about voting out Malcolm, and I will admit that he made some pretty great points in his argument.  Fishing out BOTH immunity idols in one Tribal would be a MAJOR play, as well as getting out one of the more physical threats in the game.  If I’m Skupin, I would say the same thing: “I’m not saying no.”  In all honesty, I think, if I’m Skupin, I make that play.  He talked about how it would take more than one big move to win the game, well maybe this is the move.  Ok, hold on, that was the HalloWine talking.  Skupin would be an idiot to betray the alliance he JUST made.  He’d paint a HUGE target on his back, and would most likely be the next out.  He just shook on a Final 4 deal with Malcolm, Denise, and Lisa, so at the best he’d just piss off those two remaining girls, but I’d also imagine he’d piss off the likes of Penner and Carter, too.  But, hey, sometimes in life, you need to take a risk.  And, maybe he should have just voted out Malcolm, and then came back to camp and told Penner, Carter, Denise, and Lisa that he is still in it with them, they still have the numbers (5-2), but he just wanted to get both idols out of the equation, and to also get rid of the biggest physical threat in challenges.  He could have made the argument that none of them were going to win against Malcolm in the Final 3 and that he was just looking out for his future.  You never know with Survivor.
At Tribal, Abi feels misunderstood and no longer wants to try to feel understood.  And, she also starts to cry because she never knew she was disliked by the other castmates.  I will go ahead and blame this on everyone.  Abi is delusional.  She’s way too into herself to see what other people are thinking about her, so she’ll never get what people are trying to say/show to her (it’s not the ESL matter), but if everyone who sits next to her just lets her ramble on and on about herself, never telling her that she needs to correct her ways, and shows her how to do so, they’re just as at fault as she is.  You can’t show a rat a piece of cheese and then get mad at it because it bit your finger when it went to go eat it.  That’s exactly what everyone does with Abi.  They talk to her.  If you don’t like her, don’t talk to her.  It’s that simple.  Don’t ask her a question.  Don’t sit next to her and listen to her ramble on with her stories.  Don’t do any of that.  If she starts to ramble on, tell her the truth.  Tell her that she talks too much.  Tell her that you can’t take any more.  She probably won’t change anythin about herself, but at least she’ll leave you alone.  I’m ok if an @sshole thinks I’m an @sshole because I think they’re an @sshole.  At least, at the end of it all, they’re still an @sshole.  That does make sense.  Just keep reading it.  That’s NOT the HalloWine.
More along with Abi, Denise talks about how she doesn’t want to win by default, and bringing along those she thinks will be easy to win against (aka Abi).  Sure, Denise.  Everyone talks about playing the noble game, but let’s see when the Final 4 is you, Lisa, Malcolm, and Penner and who you vote out then.  I’d like to see you think about being noble then.  You may find it easy to vote out Abi now, but when you get down to 6 or so, you’re going to start voting out threats.
At the end of it all, Abi plays her idol, and Pete goes home because of it.  Sorry, Pete!  You sucked anyway.
I hope that you have (or had) a wonderful Thanksgiving!  If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (I know a lot of readers aren’t from the US), well then screw you!  No, just kidding!  I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will “see” you all next week.
Until then,
Written by:
Scott Ottersen

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: PHILIPPINES – 11/21/12

  1. Abi doesn’t get that she’s annoying?? All her friend’s love her personality? She must not have many friends. It is not an ESL problem. And even as Denise tried to (very nicely) explain to her what a big B she really is – Abi continued to interrupt. And when Denise pointed out that she couldn’t finish a sentence, Abi didn’t care. Really Abi? As easy as it would be to bring her to the end. And as smart an idea as that probably is to win a million . . . I really hope they get rid of her. She is so mean to other people. Beginning with how she went after RC and on and on. How can she possibly imagine Lisa would want to be in an alliance with her? She has been nothing but rude and mean to Lisa.

    I’m still hoping it can be Malcolm or Denise at the end . . .

    Thanks for the updates – they make me laugh!

  2. I used to enjoy your column but stopped reading. I missed last weeks show so I came to read about it. Now I remember why I stopped reading: a few offensive comments ruin the entire recap. I just don’t understand why you add them (like “shove my finger…” and what Lisa finds attractive in Penner). Your column is overall well written but I get so turned off by the few disgusting words/images that I won’t be reading anymore.

  3. ^lucky…ditto, to the last sentence in particular. I actually do like to hear your thoughts on strategy. And I also find stupid humor to be well…humorous. But talking about Lisa’s vagina and Penner’s nutsack? It just turns me off from reading your columns at all. I realize that you are entitled to write whatever you like and you can and probably will continue to write about nutsacks and vaginas. I’m just giving you my $0.02.

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