Hello again, fellow Survivorheads. Episode 8 is upon us, and since we know the merge is happening tonight, that means the real game of Survivor is about to start. Because everything that happens prior to the final merge is just an appetizer. We’re heading to the main course and everyone’s got their bibs on…

So in the recap of last week, aside from the information we already know, we’re reminded that Tyson was fishing for Immunity Idol clues when the tribes got switched up. That tells me that he may be on the prowl for it this episode. We’re also reminded of Laura B’s boneheaded play with Vytas, which I still can’t believe.

10 are left, who will be voted out tonight…!?

Night 18 at Galang, and the tribe is back from Tribal. Vytas (of course) is extolling that he “feels such great trust in this tribe” but what else would he say when he’s escaped two tribals in a row as the sole man on the chopping block. And with the merge looming, looks … Continue reading

November 7th, 2013 | No Comments | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water


We’re getting into the thick of the season as episode 7 rolls around. With the final merge looming, the pressure is on to either make the merge or solidify a position to contend for final Tribal. We left off last week with Kat getting blindsided and the “power couples,” and this week we were spoon fed 2 scenarios for tonight’s episode:

1. Kat is so distraught at getting voted off she’s wondering if Hayden still wants to date her. 2. The Aras-Vytas team is the most powerful alliance in the game and it may be time to get rid of one.

The whole “Kat is emotional” thing seems a bit ridiculous to me. Would she SERIOUSLY be thinking that her boyfriend would dump her because she got played in a game? If THAT’S her impression of how Hayden views their relationship, then what the hell is she doing in one with him? Not that I know what he’s like, but is that the kind of person Kat chooses to date? Chances are yes, but the … Continue reading

October 31st, 2013 | 1 Comment | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water


Before I get started with today’s recap, I wanted to mention something that I read in an article this week. It has to do with why the Galang tribe may not have warmed up to Candice from the beginning. I’ve been playfully accusing her of maybe being a bitch, and that’s why she was voted off that first day on the beach. Evidently it was for another reason.

In an interview that Candice gave to The Hollywood Reporter (link) about a week ago, she states that at the beginning of the season, she and John weren’t even supposed to be on the show. The show originally cast R.C. (from Survivor: Philippines ). Yes, the girl with the most obnoxious laugh…and ample bosom (!). Apparently she was scheduled to play with her dad, but at the last minute, he was having issues with high blood pressure so they had to cut them from the show and was replaced with Candice and John.

This means that while all the other “teams” were getting to … Continue reading

October 24th, 2013 | 4 Comments | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water