The season’s first challenge is up next and it’s a good old-fashioned obstacle course with a puzzle finale. Jeff takes his tarps back and reveals the S33 Immunity Idol. “This is what you covet,” sounds so dirty when Jeff says it. He describes the challenge – which offers the tribes the opportunity to take short-cuts – thus changing the difficulty of the puzzle – but you never know what you’re in for. As the tribes chat about who should do what, Rachel steps up with,
I want to swing the club
I want to work on the puzzle
Um. Seems like there are stronger people on the tribe to swing a club and maybe, just maybe, there are others more adept at doing puzzles. I don’t know why I say that, perhaps it’s the fact the only knowledge I have of Rachel are the photos I found when I Googled “Rachel Ako nude.”
Now, before you judge me, I want to say that I have absolutely nothing against girls who pose for Playboy, or do adult films, or work the pole at your local strip club. And I certainly have nothing against a little breast augmentation… I’m just saying these types of women TEND to not be secret puzzle geniuses or club swinging monsters, that’s all…
Jeff releases the hounds and the players scramble into the obstacle course. Chris plays hardball right out of the gate and blocks Jay and Taylor (Jaybone and Tails) from untying one of their clubs. The ploy works well enough to set them back, but it’s kind of a sh**ty thing to do in the first challenge. We’ll see how that works for him later.
Gen X gets to their mat first and (seriously) Rachel is swinging the club. Why on Earth you’d want to have her doing something this physical is beyond me, but I guess the Gen Xers are all about equality…and losing.
Gen X takes another shortcut and is able to get through the ropes maze quickly. While they appear to have made the better choice, Millennials work quickly to catch up. With 10 fewer pieces to assemble, the Millennials just may have a chance. Once again, I don’t know why Rachel and David (boobie girl and Mr. Skittish) are doing the puzzle, but when I see Rachel’s nipples sticking out of her top, I know I’m okay with her decision. Damn you, blur!
With their poor choice of puzzle makers, Gen X decides to swap players, but it doesn’t matter, Figgy and Michelle are smoking the puzzle and making up tons of ground. They ain’t just cute, they gots brains… Sunday and Jessica are now on the puzzle for the Gen Xers, with Rachel trying to help from the mat, and amusingly, Probst calls her out that she didn’t do anything,
“F**k you, Jeff,” is probably what she was thinking…
But it doesn’t matter, the Millennials are on fire. They win! “Figs and the Bible” destroy the puzzle, and Millennials take the first challenge. Ouch, Gen X, you really got your asses handed to you. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate some choices, no? The Millennials celebrate while the Gen Xers place David and Rachel on the chopping block for their failed claims of competence.
Day 4 and the Takali tribe returns to camp. Rachel says she’s going to get water so that means the others can now talk about cutting her neck freely. Bret, Jessica and Sunday go off for a communal pee in the ocean, and confirm Tits McGee is going home.
And JFC, will Lucy please say something?!
David the Small emerges again and senses he’s on the chopping block, so he goes to plead with anyone who’ll listen that he’ll remain loyal to whomever saves him. Jessica, Bret and Chris want to know about his idol searching shenanigans, to which David cops that he did do, but only because he’s paranoid, desperate and afraid of dying. Not the kind of things you want to reveal in Survivor, but David’s not what you would call a poker player, or a qualified Survivor contestant. To each his own.
He throws himself at the mercy of their court and states he’ll remain loyal, as long as they don’t write his name down. Unconvinced by David’s plea, Bret still believes he found an idol (maybe his bulls**t meter is off) and is still deciding between Rachel and him. With 6 people on his side, he thinks it may be wise to split the vote.
And let me just stop you right there. You have 6. They have 4. You split the vote and it’s 3 vs. 3 vs. 4…
Why would you split the vote?
I’m never surprised by the stupidity of some players on Survivor, and in a way, I hope it works against Bret someday. But for now, it’s just chatter until they get to Tribal.
In camp, Rachel and CeCe are discussing what they’re going to do, and it’s Rachel who thinks something is up with the way the tribe is split. But while David is leaning toward the paranoid approach, Lucy Thai is going overboard and still trying to come off as confident. Here’s the deal: when you’re on the chopping block, ACT like you’re on the chopping block. Nobody gives a crap how confident you are when you could be going home. Pull it back, be contrite, and try to make whoever else is in trouble seem worse than you. Jesus, do I have to even type this sentence…?
Night falls and we’re off to Tribal. The contestants file in, take fire, and take their seats. Jeff recaps the eventful Day 2 evacuation and notices Jessica’s eyes look like she’s been hitting the bottle. When Jeff directs a question at David, his “Oh crap” indicates what we already know: David is not suited for this show. Just get him off the island…
He begins to explain how bad he is, and why he shouldn’t be here, and how out of sorts he is, and even Jeff calls him out for basically saying he’s ready to leave. David doesn’t go that far, but knows he’s in trouble.
Jeff goes around a few times with standard “How do you feel about your place in the game” questions, but the only one who matters right now is Rachel. Jeff asks her point blank about how she’s feeling and while she knows she’s in hot water. She knows she has to do some damage control and apologizes for any ‘tude she’s thrown at her tribemates. Let’s see if that does any good at this point.
Camera pans around the tribe to gauge their responses, but when it falls on Kwai Chang Caine (Lucy – or, “She, Who Doesn’t Speak”) we almost know what’s about to happen. Jeff asks a perfunctory question about idols, but since we know David doesn’t have one (or they’d show it to us), we pretty much know what’s about to happen. But, will the Power 6 alliance split their votes and shoot themselves in the foot…? It’s time to vote.
Votes are cast and no idols are played. Duh… Jeff reads the votes:
And with that, we just lost all those pervs who tuned in this season for some full frontal nudity. True, that group includes me, but I’m still going to come back and see where things go from here. Surprising that David only received one vote, considering how feeble he’s played the game thus far. I’m sure things will continue to go poorly for him.
Without a look back at her tribe. Rachel gets her fire snuffed and exits, and we know that’s the last we’ll see/hear from her. Because I’m sure that unless she exposes a little nipple on the reunion show, we’ll never hear her speak. Too bad…
Next week, we see that Tails and Figs may start playing Adam and Eve in the jungle, much to the chagrin of JayBone, who isn’t into a menage. And once again, health concerns seem to be ever present as someone may be having a heart attack. Oh god, who could it be? Maybe the “old guy?” I sure hope Paul can make it through 6 days of Survivor since David Lee Roth could survive 11 years of doing coke in Van Halen. We’ll see who survives next week. Regardless, David is ecstatic that someone’s near-death experience bodes well for him, so he’s got that going for him…which is nice.
So, once again, thanks to all of you who came back to read my recaps. Without your support, I would just be writing these for myself – and how fun is that? I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who offered me support over the past 6 months. I know some of you may have wondered what happened to me last season, and why I couldn’t recap S32. To be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of last season anyway, with many of the stronger players going out early, so I don’t know how my recaps would’ve turned out. There’s only so much comedy in bullying, self-aggrandizing, life-threatening emergencies, and dorky/effeminate players who had no business being at Final Tribal. It was definitely one of the worst seasons in my memory (bottom 5?).
That said, I didn’t mind Michele winning because I wasn’t a fan of Aubry or Tai, so by default, someone’s gotta win. To be fair, Michele wasn’t so bad, she/her tribe did win a lot of rewards, and she actually scored pretty high on my Rankings of Every Survivor Player. She came in at #64, which is higher than Tony Vlachos! So go figure… I’ll probably Tweet (or post here) the updated list of the top 150 players (or so), just to satisfy those of you who are addicted to stats.
Once again, I really dig all the interactions I have with my readers and I hope to continue amusing you. I’ll do what I can to not dip into serious matters that often, because I know you don’t come here for that. So, until next week, flush those toxins, hug your kids, and give thanks to whoever/whatever you give thanks to for everything you have. Life is too important to be depressed about things, and don’t ever let periods of ups or downs define you. You’re a work-in-progress, and there’s always more to experience. So, calm down, drink up, and go have some fun…
See ya next week –
“nobody listens to techno…”
Completely lucid,
Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer
Welcome back you sarcastic son of a gun . Have not read your recap but I am sure it will be on point !
Yeaaaa Yaaaaaa Yaaaaaaa Yaaaaaa
Sorry but Yaaaaaa! Foxy Fishy is back.
I almost had to quit watching Survivor. You will be pleased to know that myself, Jack the bartender (who is now almost 12) and our rising fan Ashlyn (who is 5 and likes WWE wrestlers and any buff young guys on Survivor, especially ones with J names like Joe or John) and I held down the weird Aubry/Tai/Michelle fort for you last spring. Glad that’s over. I don’t have any brilliant comments yet, especially none as brilliant as yours Mr. Fish. Initial thoughts, David creeps me out (can we nickname him Gollum?) and I don’t like the mole on Figgy’s face. And hey, why no footage of where the contestants were taken during the storm? Did they sleep on the floor in a cement shelter? Were they in a real hotel? Seems like they got a freebie easier day. Anyway, so glad to have you back. Just to bug you, I am going to root for Sunday, Paul and the creepy 18 year old. Big wet kiss!!!!
Lets see claim to be good at puzzles then suck at puzzles , openly get caught searching for idol , openly accuse someone else of having idol , being afraid of noise and being useless at camp . That is an awfully impressive season . David did it all in one episode ! The person who gave the final ok for him to be on the show should be fired immediately ! Between the stupid tri force nickname ,calling another man tails and Figgy s unbearable ego I can only hope they all three get voted off in one episode . You have to be cuter than that to be so annoying Figgy ( see Morgan and the coconutz ) ! Speaking of coconuts I will miss not having anymore R and R (Rachel and her rack ) . Mari and Zeke are my two choices for potential winner . Its only one episode but I don’t see any dominant athletic guys . Zeke isn’t dominated physically like he would be on a show with a Malcolm or Ozzie type player . He is smart and seems best able to adept to what is going on around him . Mari is just enough smart ,cute and strategic to last a long time . She also seems to have the smarts to stay under the radar until she needs to make a move . I think its too simple to assume Paul is the man down .Its too obvious . Showing that clip of David saying this is the best thing that could happen for me makes me think that was said after a previous incident and its indeed the king of paranoia having the heart attack . Hell he probably saw a spider and went into cardiac arrest . Welcome back my friend and I apologize to my boss and all my clients . I wont be getting much done on days when I am reading my man Fish s column !
You’re back!
With everything in life I always go right to “how would this fair in a zombie apocalypse” and you’re right, David is easy pickings.
Should be a good season
Ladies & Gentleman! Thank you, thank you, thank you for welcoming me back. It’s good to be back, and I’m so happy you’re all back too. (Thought I’d lose everyone not recapping). I am eternally grateful..
kinb: Hey momma! XO Happy to hear your crew is still into Survivor. I’ll try to keep my liver functioning until Jack can legally serve. And I guess Ashlyn likes Jay…? Or only Probst? Yes, where is the footage of the “safety zone?” I guess that would be revealing too much “behind the curtain.” I think I saw Rachel discussed their stay there, but I didn’t follow up on it. Question is, do they get deducted one day in my Rankings because they weren’t “playing?” Hmmm…. And maybe I’ll use Gollum, or maybe something more nasty. Gotta think about it… And I don’t like your picks. You can have them! I’m all about the Mari/Jess/Ken trio, but I know Zeke will stick around for awhile… Thanks for coming by!
Rick – You still hate BBQs?! Good to have you back. Yeah, that was an epic fail episode for David. Can’t believe he only got one vote. With you on Figgy, but I bet she cleans up real well… As they all do. Ah, Morgan, the good old days… And maybe it’s not Paul, I’m just being logical. It could be Bret too. His boobs are almost as big as Morgan’s so his health may not be top notch either. Thanks for the comments! Say hello to your boss!
erica! So glad you’re here. Please keep coming by and dropping comments when you can. I do hope we’re right about David, he needs to go. And do you watch Fear The Walking Dead? Loving that… Hugs!
Hey Fishy, You know I partially only picked my favs since I knew you’d be irked by all of them. Even my snarky self is bugged by Gollum though. What a weirdo. I wonder what show he writes for? Please God, not a show my kindergartener watches!!! As for Ashlyn’s picks, she will go for the best looking guy but since none of them are especially buff, she may just dream that one of her favorite WWE wrestlers was a contestant. You may be on to something about the Paul heart attack being a red herring. I mean, look at a few seasons ago when Caleb, aka, Beast Mode Cowboy was evacuated. I just hope Paul didn’t get uber constipated like the old guy last season. I still picture a giant turd backing up the plumbing at Ponderosa (that made Jack laugh). Anyway, you are right about Zeke. I like him so far too, so maybe we can both root for him. I think you are just still a bit salty after my favorite Mike won a while back. That was our first and only fight. Sniffle Sniffle.
Almost forgot, love the Bret’s boobs comment! And hey, if one of his nips slip, there won’t be the wavy lines covering it. I’m wondering if Bret will tell everyone he’s a cop or be like Tony and do “construction.”?
Kate: Don’t justify your sh**ty picks, just own them and pretend you wanted them all along. It takes a lot of cajones to root for bad people. Trez a propos, today…
I looked at David’s writing credits: Malcolm in the Middle, a lot of Family Guy, something called Supah Ninjas, nothing to “write” home about. Yeah, maybe I’m a little jealous, but I know I’m probably working less hours…
I’m still surprised no one’s pulled an oblique laughing at my Zeke’s chest hair = Wilson from Cast Away. That’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever written. And if you throw in my “It also resembles a plecostomus,” then that’s worthy (IMHO) of writing for a show like…Family Guy. Maybe I should take my phone off silent…
Fine, Mike was worthy. I said it 2 years ago. Get over it, sweetheart!
Sometimes I wish they would blur men’s nipples…