Without further ado, I think it’s time to break open tonight’s coconut.
Cast Assessment
Technically, as a Gen Xer myself (however, I never thought of myself that way) you’d think I’d more likely root for them. But, this being Survivor, and me being me, I’m rooting for the people with the best game, the biggest moves, the best boobs (meow!), and the sexiest mojo. Nothing’s changed with me, I still want to see gorgeous people win the game by being sexy, athletic, and savvy about the game of Survivor. Go ahead, hate me for it.
And I’m not really sure why they’d go with the in-game photos on the website over the glamorous individual shots they used to present. Not sure if photographer Monty Brinton is still around, or did the show suddenly decide to save a few bucks and give Marty the day off? Not sure, but something seems different. As messy and unkempt as the players get anyway, you’d think they’d give us a little glam at the onset. And after watching all the intro videos, there are definitely a few Sheilas who would benefit from the efforts of the vanity departments…
Nevertheless, I’ve read the bios and watched all the intro videos, and present to you my thoughts on the cast of Season 33, with my predictions for their season finish. This means nothing, of course…
Adam Klein – Millennial: I really want to root for him, but something tells me he’s going to fall short. Way short. It’s just the vibe I get from watching his intro video. For some reason, he comes across as being a little less authentic than it takes to win, and sometimes that’s all it takes. Prediction: jury
Bret LaBelle – Gen X: It’s tough judging players from the northeast because you have the very successful Boston Rob/Jeremy/Tony type: tough, excellent bulls**t meter vs. the Dan Foley/Boston Rod type: doofus/goomba/psycho. That said, I like that he’s a cop, because he SHOULD be able to read people, but let’s see how hunger, sleep deprivation, and no badge to hide behind affects his gameplay. Prediction: jury
Chris Hammons – Gen X: Here’s the kind of guy who thinks he’s sooooo smooth in his everyday life. However, that trial lawyer/football player/alpha-male type isn’t really a good fit on Survivor. You might think you’re putting your ducks in a row, but the rest of us are stuck on that hillbilly accent and thoughts of what you do with cows at night. God, I hope I’m wrong… Prediction: no jury
CeCe Taylor – Gen X: She’s got boobs; I’ll give her that. But, alas, there’s not much else I see that’ll help her get far. Strong-willed, not an outdoorsy type (you see her try to catch that frog?), and her claim she can read people because she’s an insurance adjuster just doesn’t fly with me. I think at some point her nature will come out (it tends to surface with these fish-out-of-water types) and this momma will be thrown from the train… Prediction: no jury
David Wright – Gen X: You see, now here’s a guy that you think has no place being on this show, right? But I can’t believe the producers would put a guy like that on without first telling him, “Your character is going to be the guy who doesn’t belong here.” And just watch what this guy can do. He’s a writer, and a TV writer, so that means he can understand the concept of casting. And little guys like Cochran and Todd have won, so there’s precedence. I think he’ll “remora” his way to the jury, being a non-threat, and have to work a lot of magic. Prediction: no jury
Hannah Shapiro – Millennial: I don’t think anyone who gives off THAT big a dork vibe is going to win Survivor. I mean even Cochran – one of the biggest dorks this show has produced – at least gave off more of an intelligent dork vibe than just a dork vibe. Hannah screams goofball to me, and that’s not a great “sell” to the jury. Hell, she could hurt herself on day 1 and be sent to the bench.Prediction: no jury
“Figgy” Figueroa – Millennial: There’s nothing I significantly like or dislike about Figgy, but the fact she’s a bartender makes me lean towards liking her. Bartenders are typically good at reading people (hello, Michelle Fitzgerald), a very important quality in playing this game, so let’s see if that theory holds water. And she’s an athlete, so I hope her physical abilities will keep her around a while. And she’s cute. That’s always nice… Prediction: jury
Jessica Lewis – Gen X: I’m not going to lie. She was the 1st person from this season to follow me on Twitter so I’m totally in her corner. Does that mean I’ll hold back? Perhaps a little… But after watching her intro video, there’s not much to attack. She is the opposite of Chris whereby she isn’t defined by her job/activities/etc., she seems to be defined by where she came from. Good on ya, Jess! Love her hard-working, family oriented, POSITIVE, vibe. Now let’s see if she can spin a web of deceit and gameplay and make the finale. Prediction: Final Tribal
Jay Starrett – Millennial: Seems to be the right mixture of “cool brah” and manipulator to go far. Hopefully his tendency to run his mouth too much doesn’t get in the way of that. Lots of things to like about him, and I’m wondering why he said he’d comment on how good a dude looks but never said anything about playing attention to women. We’ll see, Kimo Slobby… Prediction: jury
Ken McNickle – Gen X: Here’s another one I really want to see do well. Not because he’s the bastard step-child of Ozzy and Nick Maoirano, but because he’s a good looking dude who loves his little girl and just seems to have the right attitude about playing the game. Let’s see if it’s all a front for winning the big bucks so he can do coke off a whore’s ass, but seriously, how many guys get that chance anymore anyway? Prediction: jury
Lucy Huang – Gen X: On paper, I like what I’m reading, but her intro video just makes me think Peih-Gee and Cydney had a baby and got her on Survivor. I’m starting to think there’s going to be a Black Widow “Asian Woman” alliance this season. What many of us know is that Asian women can be some of the sneakiest, back-stabbingest, underhanded b**ches out there, but is that just a stereotype? I hope we see Lucy stick around for a while, because her penchant for sticking her butt out may be a sign that she’s going to get nasty someday… Let’s keep our fingers crossed there’s a nude Jell-O wrestling/tickle fight challenge, and the winner gets to take a long, hot, tropical shower…in slo-mo. Prediction: jury
Mari Takahashi – Millennial: On the surface, a cute Asian woman with gaming proclivities and Survivor knowledge. Underneath, a former ballerina who’s probably much more athletic/strong/balanced than you’d think. Heck, I’m already in lust. If she reveals she likes online poker and drinking vodka, I could be in love. I’m expecting big things from this cutie-patootie, and I hope she’s open to some nudity in challenges. Prediction: Final Tribal
Michaela Bradshaw – Millennial: One of the most unassuming cast members I can recall. Doesn’t speak like she’s a big fan of the show, but maybe that’ll help her go deep. She seems…adaptable…which is one of the most important traits needed. If she can figure out the intricacies of the gameplay, she may do some damage. Hope she sticks around for a while… Prediction: jury
Michelle Schubert – Millennial: If I was just looking at a picture of Michelle, I would instantly say I want her to do well. Just looking at her Twitter profile photo and tell me that’s not the cutest girl you’ve ever seen… She reminds me, physically, of the second coming of Amanda Kimmel – and you know how much I like Amanda (schwing!). However, once I watched Michelle’s intro video and saw how intensely religious she is – and I’m not just talking “I go to church every week and love God,” religious – I almost get creeped out. She’s drinking some very strange Kool-Aid there, and I wonder how soon her thirst will get her into trouble. TBH, I’d love to see her stick around solely for the eye candy, but those confessionals are going to get painful. Gentlemen, start your boners… Prediction: no jury
Paul Wachter – Gen X: It’s tough judging a guy like this because – in real life – I think this guy would be a hoot. But in the game of Survivor, I just think his mouth, and his inability to shut it, will be his downfall. I’m already thinking he’s going for the Dan Foley “I’m going to say stuff!” vibe, but let’s see if Paul is a bit more grounded. As a singer in a rock band, I think he’s going to play too hard for the camera, and at some point, he’s going to be “the old guy.” I hope he goes deep, but I think he’ll get the axe fairly early… Prediction: no jury
Rachel Ako – Gen X: Okay, if you’re still sporting a boner from Michelle, it just got a lot “harder” to lose it. Folks, meet – in my humble opinion, THE PERFECT SURVIVOR CONTESTANT! Okay, maybe she won’t be great at challenges, or making fire, or building shelter, but when your tribe is getting tired, or hungry, or defeated, just know there’s a chance there’ll be some nudity to raise your, ahem, spirits. Man, I hope she sticks around…but for some reason, the hotties all seem to go home early… Prediction: no jury
Sunday Burquest – Gen X: Holy (literally) shit, did Survivor steal my Survivor: Holy War theme?! How many frickin’ zealots are in the cast this season? Will CBS be running reruns on TBN? Or BYU-TV? Or frickin’ Al Jazeera? I’ve mentioned in the past how religious Survivor is behind the scenes (Messrs. Burnett and Probst prove that) but seriously, is that the real theme this season? I really hope Sunday (ironic, huh?) doesn’t last, and typically contestants like her don’t: quirky, self-proclaimed bossy, and that wonky accent. Sorry, don’t let the gates of heaven smack you on the way out… Prediction: no jury
Taylor Lee Stocker – Millennial: This season’s Joe/Malcolm/Woo/Fabio is the snowboarder from Idaho. You just gotta like guys like this because they’re so social, and will probably be kept around for his strength and hard-working attitude, but you never know where his alliance will fall, and sometimes these “beach boys” fail to grasp the need to cling to people they’re not down with. A feather in the wind may be a great way to live your life, but in the game of Survivor, it could mean death. Let’s see who he ends up with and where they lead him… Prediction: no jury
Will Wahl – Millennial: Not sure why everyone is hating on this kid… Oh wait, I know, it’s his freakishly deep voice, his belief that (at 18) he’ll be able to manipulate ANYONE, and his impulse to use religion to sidle up to folks only to toss them to the lions. For shame, Christian! As I mentioned last season, young’uns ain’t going to win Survivor, they just don’t have it in them. Prediction: no jury
Zeke Smith – Millennials: You gotta love the whimsical gay man who can come on the show and just embrace how out of character all this is for him. And when you factor in his debating abilities, THAT isn’t something you want to go up against at Final Tribal, so he may want to keep that hidden from his competitors. Not sure how I feel about him saying he likes “cowboy spunk,” but I may not understand exactly what he’s referring to. Something tells me he’s going to become a Legend someday since he’s already getting the nod from Probst as “one to watch.” I hope he goes deep (stop it!) because Survivor needs humor and people who add entertainment value. Prediction: Final Tribal
Well, let’s see if I’m anywhere close to how this season will play out. We all know our predictions don’t mean squat in the big picture, because the game is constantly changing, ever fluid, and completely random, with injuries, alliances, deception, and just plain dumb luck turning the game on its head, so I’m not going to lose any sleep if I’m totally wrong. I’m a gambler, so I love the opportunity to see how my predictions go. Wish I could make money on this somehow…
Welcome back you sarcastic son of a gun . Have not read your recap but I am sure it will be on point !
Yeaaaa Yaaaaaa Yaaaaaaa Yaaaaaa
Sorry but Yaaaaaa! Foxy Fishy is back.
I almost had to quit watching Survivor. You will be pleased to know that myself, Jack the bartender (who is now almost 12) and our rising fan Ashlyn (who is 5 and likes WWE wrestlers and any buff young guys on Survivor, especially ones with J names like Joe or John) and I held down the weird Aubry/Tai/Michelle fort for you last spring. Glad that’s over. I don’t have any brilliant comments yet, especially none as brilliant as yours Mr. Fish. Initial thoughts, David creeps me out (can we nickname him Gollum?) and I don’t like the mole on Figgy’s face. And hey, why no footage of where the contestants were taken during the storm? Did they sleep on the floor in a cement shelter? Were they in a real hotel? Seems like they got a freebie easier day. Anyway, so glad to have you back. Just to bug you, I am going to root for Sunday, Paul and the creepy 18 year old. Big wet kiss!!!!
Lets see claim to be good at puzzles then suck at puzzles , openly get caught searching for idol , openly accuse someone else of having idol , being afraid of noise and being useless at camp . That is an awfully impressive season . David did it all in one episode ! The person who gave the final ok for him to be on the show should be fired immediately ! Between the stupid tri force nickname ,calling another man tails and Figgy s unbearable ego I can only hope they all three get voted off in one episode . You have to be cuter than that to be so annoying Figgy ( see Morgan and the coconutz ) ! Speaking of coconuts I will miss not having anymore R and R (Rachel and her rack ) . Mari and Zeke are my two choices for potential winner . Its only one episode but I don’t see any dominant athletic guys . Zeke isn’t dominated physically like he would be on a show with a Malcolm or Ozzie type player . He is smart and seems best able to adept to what is going on around him . Mari is just enough smart ,cute and strategic to last a long time . She also seems to have the smarts to stay under the radar until she needs to make a move . I think its too simple to assume Paul is the man down .Its too obvious . Showing that clip of David saying this is the best thing that could happen for me makes me think that was said after a previous incident and its indeed the king of paranoia having the heart attack . Hell he probably saw a spider and went into cardiac arrest . Welcome back my friend and I apologize to my boss and all my clients . I wont be getting much done on days when I am reading my man Fish s column !
You’re back!
With everything in life I always go right to “how would this fair in a zombie apocalypse” and you’re right, David is easy pickings.
Should be a good season
Ladies & Gentleman! Thank you, thank you, thank you for welcoming me back. It’s good to be back, and I’m so happy you’re all back too. (Thought I’d lose everyone not recapping). I am eternally grateful..
kinb: Hey momma! XO Happy to hear your crew is still into Survivor. I’ll try to keep my liver functioning until Jack can legally serve. And I guess Ashlyn likes Jay…? Or only Probst? Yes, where is the footage of the “safety zone?” I guess that would be revealing too much “behind the curtain.” I think I saw Rachel discussed their stay there, but I didn’t follow up on it. Question is, do they get deducted one day in my Rankings because they weren’t “playing?” Hmmm…. And maybe I’ll use Gollum, or maybe something more nasty. Gotta think about it… And I don’t like your picks. You can have them! I’m all about the Mari/Jess/Ken trio, but I know Zeke will stick around for awhile… Thanks for coming by!
Rick – You still hate BBQs?! Good to have you back. Yeah, that was an epic fail episode for David. Can’t believe he only got one vote. With you on Figgy, but I bet she cleans up real well… As they all do. Ah, Morgan, the good old days… And maybe it’s not Paul, I’m just being logical. It could be Bret too. His boobs are almost as big as Morgan’s so his health may not be top notch either. Thanks for the comments! Say hello to your boss!
erica! So glad you’re here. Please keep coming by and dropping comments when you can. I do hope we’re right about David, he needs to go. And do you watch Fear The Walking Dead? Loving that… Hugs!
Hey Fishy, You know I partially only picked my favs since I knew you’d be irked by all of them. Even my snarky self is bugged by Gollum though. What a weirdo. I wonder what show he writes for? Please God, not a show my kindergartener watches!!! As for Ashlyn’s picks, she will go for the best looking guy but since none of them are especially buff, she may just dream that one of her favorite WWE wrestlers was a contestant. You may be on to something about the Paul heart attack being a red herring. I mean, look at a few seasons ago when Caleb, aka, Beast Mode Cowboy was evacuated. I just hope Paul didn’t get uber constipated like the old guy last season. I still picture a giant turd backing up the plumbing at Ponderosa (that made Jack laugh). Anyway, you are right about Zeke. I like him so far too, so maybe we can both root for him. I think you are just still a bit salty after my favorite Mike won a while back. That was our first and only fight. Sniffle Sniffle.
Almost forgot, love the Bret’s boobs comment! And hey, if one of his nips slip, there won’t be the wavy lines covering it. I’m wondering if Bret will tell everyone he’s a cop or be like Tony and do “construction.”?
Kate: Don’t justify your sh**ty picks, just own them and pretend you wanted them all along. It takes a lot of cajones to root for bad people. Trez a propos, today…
I looked at David’s writing credits: Malcolm in the Middle, a lot of Family Guy, something called Supah Ninjas, nothing to “write” home about. Yeah, maybe I’m a little jealous, but I know I’m probably working less hours…
I’m still surprised no one’s pulled an oblique laughing at my Zeke’s chest hair = Wilson from Cast Away. That’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever written. And if you throw in my “It also resembles a plecostomus,” then that’s worthy (IMHO) of writing for a show like…Family Guy. Maybe I should take my phone off silent…
Fine, Mike was worthy. I said it 2 years ago. Get over it, sweetheart!
Sometimes I wish they would blur men’s nipples…