SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 4/8/15

April 9th, 2015 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 30 - WC vs BC vs NC

Season’s 31 & 32 of Survivor

Okay, read no farther if you don’t like spoilers. Thanks to the folks over at, by way of Survivor spoiler, Redmond, the cast for Season 32 (or is it Season 31?) will be selected from 40 former players (20 male/20 female, all non-winners, single season only players) who will be voted on by viewers at the end of this season. I’ll call it Survivor: Second Chance for lack of a better title. These 40 players have been asked to record “Vote For Me” videos that’ll be posted at the conclusion of the Worlds Apart season (I assume) for an open vote. The top 20 men & women (10 each, I guess) will be invited to shoot Second Chance as soon as possible.

With the “odd-numbered” seasons typically shooting somewhere between May-July and the “even-numbered” seasons shooting between June-September, I highly doubt the show will stick to that schedule and will shoot it as soon as the public vote is complete. I’ve heard that season #32 (not the Second Chance season) is shooting now (April/May) which means Second Chance could shoot June/July, which would be just enough time to get it on air in September, but that’s just speculation. For now, let’s just think about who’s going to be on the show.

From what I saw on RealityBlurred and an email forwarded to me by RealitySteve (from a Survivor message board user), the season shooting now in Cambodia will air NEXT February, and the Second Chance season will air this September. Evidently, with the public voting, and the hype, and all the attention that it’ll receive, CBS won’t want to sit on it for half a year and choose to turn the thumbscrews on the Survivor Post Production department to crank out 13 episodes before September. It’s not like that can’t be done, but it’s definitely not the schedule those new “union” editors are used to…

So what does this mean? First of all, it means no winners. That’s a good thing in my book. Secondly, it means no multiple season players either. That’s not so great. That means no…

Coach (damn!)
Ozzy (damn!)
Amanda (damn!)
Russell Hantz
Penner (damn!)
Malcolm (damn!)
Candice Cody (damn!)
Brenda (damn!)
or Mike Skupin (damn!)

But it does mean a lot of folks we didn’t expect to see again will return. Looking back at the list of players I wanted to see again, I gotta admit I was pretty close. I’ll bold the ones in the lists below that ARE included in the “final 40” and italicize the ones who aren’t eligible:

Classic All-Stars:

Alicia Calaway
Terry Dietz
Kelly Wiglesworth

Shii Ann
Matthew von Ertfelda
Adam Gentry
Mike Chiesl
Jaison Robinson
Erik Cardona
Dan Kay
Andrew Savage

The Challengers:
Alina Wilson
Matty Whitmore
Reed Kelly
Tasha Fox
Carter Williams
Ian Rosenberger
Chase Rice
Spencer Bledsoe
John Cody

Jon Misch
Matt Elrod
Hayden Moss

Marty Piombo
Brad Culpepper
Boo Bernis

Here are the other players who are invited to take a Second Chance (with their Fish rankings) are:

Borneo: Greg Buis (#221)
Australian Outback: Jeff Varner (#258), Kimmi Kappenberg (#304)
Africa: Teresa Cooper (#132)
Panama: Shane Powers (#177)
China: Peih-Gee Law (#124)
Tocantins: Stephen Fishbach (#85)
Samoa: Monica Padilla (#156)
Redemption Island: Natalie Tenerelli (#85), Stephanie Valencia (#276)
South Pacific: Jim Rice (#212), Mikayla Wingle (#287)
One World: Troyzan (#102), Sabrina Thompson (#85), Chelsea Meissner (#81)
Philippines: Abi-Maria Gomes (#135), Angie Layton (#399)
Cagayan: Kass McQuillan (#135), Woo Hwang (#64), X’XXX Taylor (#359), Cliff Robinson (#272)
San Juan Del Sur: Kelley Wentworth (#325), Keith Nale (#73), Jeremy Collins (#177)
Worlds Apart: 3 are expected, but I’ve heard one is Max Dawson (not yet ranked)

Initially what occurs to me is that some of these players will move up significantly on my All-Time Rankings List, but that’s just me being selfish. However, out of this group, the ones I think have the best shot are:

Greg Buis (people still love that guy)
Jeff Varner (all his TV exposure can’t hurt)
Shane Powers (one of the most amusing players ever who had a couple chances to come back previously)
Stephen Fishbach (probably a shoo-in considering his link to RHAP)
Monica Padilla (because she’s sexy as f**k)
Mikayla Wingle (because anyone who’s posed in Playboy should be invited on principle alone…)
Chelsea (on the “top bikinis” list so, yeah…)
Angie Layton (#2 on my “top bikinis” list so she better be there!)
Woo (just because I think people want to see him play to win this time)
Keith Nale (a shoo-in, cuz the show likes spitters…)
Jeremy Collins (cuz he deserved so much more…)

And in the RUFKM category, why on Earth is Abi-Maria and X’XXX on this list? I mean seriously, Abi was just a bitch from hell, and X’XXX almost brought down her tribe with stupidity, boastfulness, psychosis, athletic failure, and every other negative trait you can bring to the show. Please America, don’t vote for that pathetic idiot! And who from the show suggested putting her on this list?! Such a stupid addition, which took the place from someone who can really play. I’m so pissed.

So there you go. I’m sure you have your favorites too, but who does America want to see again? I like the fact the show is doing something different this time, because these “all new players” seasons are getting a little boring. Somebody has been asleep at the wheel in the Survivor casting department, but it looks like they’re finally trying something good again. Let’s hope this bodes well for many more seasons to come.

Please, Survivor, if you want to keep this machine in motion, you need to solicit advice from people outside of the show…and I don’t mean Tyler Perry! Throw some marketing questionnaires out to your “superfans” and see what they have to offer. Just think about it…

Until next time,

AIM: or Bryan Fischer

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 4/8/15

  1. All Easter Sunday I heard from my family how Jeff stated that this was going to be a great episode! WTF, boring as usual. The only surprise was whacko finding an idol.

    Like the fay guy, i have forgotten names. I really hate how the word “bully” is so often used and misused. But is there any other word to describe that fat piece of ScheiB and his comments to Yahoo girl? Yes the numbers are against her, but why the f should fat guy care? Her switching does not help her. Her being a fan, means that she can figure out that the correct play is for the WC is to join the NC. That those two idiots cannot figure it out, is not yahoo girls fault.

    Joe Joe Joe, outwit is your downfall.So what if WC guy saw you got the clue. How does him calling you out hurt you? I was surprised that no talk of switching happened at the pizza party, it was the reason Joe picked his fellow pizza eaters. Producer decision or another bad Joe move?

    That Joe did not search or have his harem search was a huge mistake. How was whacko able to stalk joe? Is the tide that loud? If that idiot is climbing a tree, someone should have heard him.

    WC WC WC guy, you are a f-ing idiot. You got Joe to read the ckue, why not lie to Whcak-job as to what the clue was?

    I am so disappointed in how the greatest cast ever is playing this game.

    Joe – should be winner but some stupid decisions will be his downfall.

    Jenn – Numbers against her, but competing with idiots

    yahoo girl – only chance is to be taken to final as one with no chance to win

    Rodney – No

    Fat Dan – women hate you – NO

    WC Guy – Too weak and just playing wrong.

    Carolyn, tryng to skate by

    Please let this season end/ I am so bored!

  2. doc, I appreciate your dedication! I feel you on the boring episodes. Man, I used to love every episode of Survivor, no matter what happened. Now, each episode is like, dare I say, #Utopia? All hype and no payoff…

    Yeah, bully meant a lot more when we were kids, but now it just means “being a dick” to someone. Dan’s trouble is he’s so oblivious on how he comes across, it really is kinda pathetic. The only reason he got away with it is because Shirin’s emotional baggage that I’ve written about. Can you imagine if any other woman — with some balls — were the recipient of Dan’s assault? It’d be over for that guy…

    Joe is my favorite, but you’re right about his gameplay. What bugs me about him is whenever he’s brought in front of the tribe (like any time he wins a challenge) he’s always looking down. Yes, I’m aware he could be looking at the ground for his “mark” but it almost seems like he’s ashamed he’s won and doesn’t wanna make eye contact with the others. Maybe this show will help him grow up a little…

    Not sure why we didn’t see any big discussions on the reward. Maybe Joe doesn’t have any game, or maybe the clue thing took up too much time. We’ll never know. And I totally agree about finding that idol. WTF didn’t he keep looking? Who cares if they know he’s looking, he needed it bad. Poor play…

    And I get what you mean about Tyler telling Mike every line about the clue. Maybe he just isn’t as good a liar as he thinks he is, or maybe he’s just not clever enough to make up a lie on the spot. Or maybe he’s just afraid of getting on Mike’s bad side. Either way, just another example of “the greatest cast ever” not being the GCE.

    Yes, I’m afraid we might be headed toward the GCE producing the Worst Tribal Ever. That’s gotta be where this season is headed considering how much Jeff is talking highly about it. Just like last year when we were promised a “great season” that became a laughingstock. Sure, towards the very end of the season we heard that it wasn’t a great season, but by then it was obvious. I think some people are actually LOVING this season and that’s what scares me.

    They must be the same folks who vote for all the untalented singers on all those shows…

    Hang in there, doc, methinks September will bring glad tidings…

  3. I really hate to to be the pollyanna of the group but I have never thought Survivor was boring. I’m sorry.

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