December 4th, 2014 | 7 Comments | Posted in Survivor 29 - Blood vs Water 2

Night falls and the tribe enters Tribal Council. The jury comes in and we get to see what Wes looks like when he gets his hair all done did. I think that’s called “The Kristy McNichol,” circa 1978, but I may not be too sure of that…

Jeff asks Jon about the aftermath of returning from Exile and we hear him air the dirty laundry of “Jaclyn and I’s fight.” Jeff deftly comments on how a “real world” fight can affect a game that’s in progress, and both Jon and Jaclyn seem calm enough now to discuss openly how serious it was. Reed is more than willing to say how troubling it is to someone in his position, who really needed them to be communicative, and this makes Jeff point out that once again, Jonclyn is “in the middle,” to which Reed agrees and is all-too-willing to point out that Missy chose Baylor and Natalie for the reward challenge and not Jaclyn.

This makes Missy speak up and point out that 2 days ago, Reed wanted to vote out Jon, so why would Jon consider flipping to that side? And, more importantly, why would Jonclyn want to align with Alec, who’s clearly flirting with Jaclyn? (Oohh, this is getting scandalous…). Jeff asks for confirmation from Jaclyn, who only wants to admit that she’s noticed Alec being “extra friendly” to her lately. And what does Jon have to say? I don’t wanna know what he’s really thinking but he says he’s noticed a lot of “jibber-jabber” recently. Jaclyn’s obvious blushing lets us all know she’s feeling guilty about something…

But enough about flirting, or flipping, or who was chosen to go on rewards, let’s get to the vote and see who’s going home. I still have another hour to recap and it’s already 11:30pm!!!

Everyone votes and obviously Jon doesn’t need to play his idol so Jeff reads the votes:


And that’s enough. Nellie Oleson is leaving the prairie. And oddly, when the votes are revealed, EVERYONE voted for Reed, including Keith and Alec. And as Reed offers us his final goodbye and says how awesome it is for Jeff to “snuff his torch,” I have to say I’ve never heard that phrase sounding so dirty before…

When everyone returns to camp, Jon and Jaclyn do their best, “I’m sowwys…” and kiss and make up. The day has been an emotional one and the only good that’s come of it is that the whole tribe voted together. And as everyone heads off to cuddle up with their loved one, Alec is feeling especially lonely, because he doesn’t have anyone to cuddle up with. The fact that Keith is spooning him right now means nothing…

And something tells me this second hour is going to have a lot to do with Alec…

So the next morning (Day 30) as everyone is waking up and starting the day, Alec approaches Jon and lets him know how sad he is that everyone has someone. And having revealed that, he wants to know if he’s going home next. Jon is too honest, or too dumb, to lie to him, so he admits he doesn’t think Alec and Keith are ever going to break up the Power Couples + Che alliance, because he really just “trusts” them. Since when did trust become part of the game? Jon confesses to us he thinks he’s steering the game, which may be the statement that reveals a crack in Jon’s armor, because you should never admit you’re controlling the game…

Our second Reward Challenge is on deck and it’s a bit different than anything we’ve seen before. While standing atop a block of wood on one foot, players must pin a ball against an overhanging piece of wood with another rounded piece of wood. If the ball drops, you lose. They’ll be playing for a night’s sleep in a canopy bed at camp, with a full meal and dessert, so while the winners enjoy the reward, the losers get to see how shi**y their lives are. Jon is convinced he’s winning this, so let’s get right to it. But just to be an assh**e, I’m kinda hoping Alec wins so he can invite Jaclyn to spoon with him rather than Keith…

But no, he’s out in 4 seconds because he’s obviously having the same thought I was. Think with your other head, bro!

And once again, do we need to have the challenges so late in the game where the women have to keep their arms raised?! Is this Survivor: Berlin? That reminds me, I need to call my cousin in Germany who has hairy armpits. I haven’t spoken to HER in years…

After 20 minutes, Jon looks to be the only one not doing so well. His ball is all cock-eyed and he reminds me of that kid in junior high who had those crazy weird testicles. Don’t know what made me think of that, I’ll just move on. Shortly after, Missy fumbles with her grip and the ball slides out. She’s done.

Keith takes his eye off the ball for a second and he falls out (I wonder what he was looking at…?). Baylor then drops out and again, Jon is able to maneuver his ball back into a good place. For reference, it’s kind of like adjusting your sack when you’re sitting on a metal bench at a football game. However, I digress… Three players left: Jon, Natalie, Jaclyn… Looks like there’s gonna be some lovin’ tonight…!

And with a big old wasp creeping up Jaclyn’s wrist, Jon is once again trying to shift his ball back into place. This time, he’s unable to work his magic as it falls to the ground. With dramatic music building, we’re getting closer to the end, and sure enough, Jaclyn pushes her ball up, and it drops. Natalie, with her powerful Sri Lankan tea leaf pulling arms wins the challenge. Now, is Alec gonna start flirting with her…?!

Oh no! Natalie sent him to Exile. Poor baby. I guess he’s stuck flirting with the crabs now… So who is she gonna pick…? Lemme guess. Baylor? No, she picks Jaclyn, and sure, it’s a king-size bed, that’ll rock another body, who else wants to get freaky tonight? Oh yeah, let’s get our groove on and have Jon join us, because there’s nothing better than sleeping on a king-size bed with 2 other unwashed people who want nothing more than to get down with each other.

And it makes me think of my king-size bed, and how cramped it is when my two KIDS sleep on it with me. I’m thinking this night on the beach may not be as awesome as it sounds… And it looks like something’s brewing because Natalie reveals she’s finally ready to put her plan in motion of taking out Jon for what he did to Jeremy. But first, she’ll need to make him feel really comfortable…and then slay him. I can’t wait to see what happens…

7 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER 2 – 12/3/14

  1. OMG, I am so glad you brought that up about how Natalie never seemed to consider taking out Jaclyn. I was practically screaming at my TV, vote out Jaclyn!!!! All I can think is she figures she’ll have the alliance mad at her plus she’ll still have an angry Jon to contend with and for some reason he’s scarier than an angry Jaclyn. It was so weird. And why wouldn’t Keith or Alec try and get Jaclyn voted out? Its so odd…has her name ever even come up?? She has such a spaced out look on her face. Yep, I agree with you about Jon all muddy. What was that all about? Was he trying for the rugged look? Maybe to get sympathy for being out at Exile. And yes, 3 people in a king sized bed, 3 adults-does not seem that comfy. I have a question for you Fishy? Do you watch the Ponderosa videos? I love watching them.

  2. Hi Kate! Yeah, I don’t get it about Jaclyn. Maybe everyone secretly thinks she has no game so she’s not a threat, but with her “story,” she’s a shoo-in for votes at Final Tribal. Why would you keep her? Why keep the Power Couple together? It makes no sense. And who cares if Jon is angry? It’s a million bucks! Maybe he was going for his version of “eye black” (Mr. ex-football player) but it just came across as “filthy homeless guy.”

    Yeah, I always check out the Ponderosa videos because you see a lot that wasn’t discussed in show. They always include all this nonsense stuff: how much they lost (do we really need to see everyone get weighed? You COULD just tell us while they’re eating…) and do we really need to see them eating SO MUCH! Fine, we get it, they’re starving, but we wanna hear what they have to say about getting voted out, or a beef they had with another player, or discussing who’s still in the game, or how pissed they are at so-and-so, or…IDK…how shitty things were at camp. Give us some good stuff, not the same old same old EVERY time…

    Ask me anything, I love it!

  3. Jaclyn was shown standing before the first challenge in a bikini bottom, however during the challenge she is wearing shorts. Do people bring clothes to wear at the challenges or was the shot not rally before the challenge.
    Please no more challenges where one has t0 stand on a small platform and have arms raised. Let’s mix things up a bit, as well as I am not a hairy woman armpit fan.

    Is this some twitter gimmick? #hairyampit #keithspitting? I don’t get why certain things are shown over and over again.

    Along with everyone else, I didn’t get it, unless it was all edited out, why not vote Jaclyn out or at least talk about it? Plus Reed getting all the votes made no sense to me.

  4. Jon and Jaclyn are exactly why I would never go on a Survivor with a loved one or Amazing Race with anyone I knew. Would not be pretty. I thought it was all too telling when Jon was talking to Missy when he got back and Jaclyn said in her interview that, just like at home, he goes and tells his mom (and in Survivor Missy) everything. Run, Jaclyn, run.

  5. (thedoc) I just rewatched that part and I see what you’re talking about. I remember watching it on Wednesday and thinking, “Man, Jaclyn’s butt is popping out of those pink briefs,” so maybe someone on set thought that too and thought it best to cover her up a bit. The show does air at 8pm so they do have some Standards & Practices guidelines to follow. Or maybe it was “that time of the month” and Jaclyn didn’t want to expose so much? IDK, she was pretty emotional the whole episode…

    Totally with you on the #hairyarmpit and #keithspitting thing. Seems like the editors have fallen in love with Keith spitting so they show a lot. Maybe it means he goes to the final because they’re always trying to create more story for the ones who go to Final Tribal… (shudder the thought)

    Maybe Jaclyn makes the FT too, that’s why they don’t show any talk of voting against her. IDK, that doesn’t make sense but there’s gotta be some reason.

    (erica) Yeah, I feel you on that. Seems like he’s a bit of a momma’s boy considering how tight he is with Missy, and he did admit he wasn’t too close with his Pop. And he just seems to not want to pay attention to what Jaclyn has to say, yet he doesn’t want to upset her too much. Just the way he was coming up to her like a puppy dog when she was pissed, was annoying enough. Dude, be a man…

    I’m telling you, if we’re heading towards a Keith/Jaclyn/Baylor finale, I’m done…

  6. I wonder if Natalie cut off her nose to spite her face with her vote against Alec. Why exact revenge when it compromises winning a million dollars. She should try to win the million and then do something nice for Jeremy. I don’t get it. Maybe she thinks Jon is so trusting he won’t see what is happening.

    I too thought they should vote out Jaclyn, but maybe Baylor isn’t willing to make a move without her mom.

  7. I get the feeling Natalie is just trying to increase the Twinnies reality show Q. Now, she just wants to make a statement rather than try to win.

    Who knows the thought processes of these folks. Nothing makes sense… Watch how quickly this season is forgotten once Seas. 30 rolls around… I don’t even think anyone is worthy of “All-Star” status. Jeremy maybe, but he’s brought down by the stench of the other players.

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