1. Hi Brian,

    Enjoyed your recap as always. I laughed out loud when Tasha yelled at Spencer to “aim for the coconut” as she has the cup (ha-another pun!) stuffed in her cups/coconuts. Pretty funny. I want to like Officer Tony but he seems like a bit of a weirdo, wound a little too tight. Poor Sarah! Good luck on your project. I didn’t watch survivor from about season 4 until a few years ago, so I missed a whole bunch of them. Sounds like a fun way to go back and watch them all.

  2. Brian, One question relating to my comment above. If you had to watch some of the past seasons, say from season 10-20, which ones are worth going back and watching?

  3. What’s up, kinb? Thanks for posting your questions. Always good to see that someone’s reading. Can’t wait to see if tomorrow’s episode shows Cliff getting attacked, or Tony. They’re not letting on…

    Funny you should ask about back episodes. I’m up to Season 20 now, so they’re all pretty fresh in my head. Here are my recommendations:

    Season 20, Heroes Vs. Villains… All those characters!
    Season 16, Micronesia, The Art of the Blindside, Erik’s “life lesson,” Girl power…
    Season 13, Cook Islands, Race wars! Love at first sight! Mutinies! Great cast. A must-see!

    That’s a good start for now. Every season has good moments but there’s too many to mention. Hit me back if you want more specifics.

    Stay tuned…and thanks!

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