December 5th, 2013 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water

Once everyone is seated and we’ve “met” the jury, Jeff gives us a quick update on last Tribal and asks Hayden if that same division exists. Is it Tyson, Gervase, Monica and Ciera against you and Katie? (And then did anyone see that perfectly timed lightning strike behind Jeff, portending a contentious Tribal? I know I did. Those clever VFX guys…). So Hayden said he’s gonna blow it up. Let’s see what he can bring…

Instantly, he goes on the offensive and announces that Tyson is “controlling” the other 3 members of that alliance. This obviously doesn’t sit well with Tyson, who seems to stew at anything that shines negatively upon him. Jeff then wants to take the temperature of the 4 person alliance, so he asks Ciera if she’s upset about not being chosen for ice cream. She says no, but then Gervase has to add that he chose based on his original Galang tribe, which (as Jeff points out) may not sound too good if you’re Ciera.

Back to Hayden, who’s again using the word “controlling” to try to stir the pot. And the pot is being stirred. Katie gets in some words, Ciera gets to say something, and then we start playing counting games. Gervase says that if Ciera stays with them, “4 is better than 6,” which prompts Hayden to offer: “4 isn’t better than 3.” Which might be beginning to sound pretty good to Ciera. Hell, if I was Tyson or Gervase, I’d be telling her that Hayden is trying to control her the way he accused Tyson of doing it.

After much ado of whose side is better to join/stay with, Jeff finally mentions the one thing we all knew was coming.

“You know, you can divide this 3-3, split it up…AND FORCE PEOPLE TO DRAW ROCKS.” So we finally get to hear what we’ve been awaiting for 6 weeks. The mere possibility of an “event” that has happened only once in Survivor history. The dreaded Purple Rock vote…

And it’s time to vote.

And I guess Gervase has forgotten it’s a secret vote, because he feels the need to BROADCAST his opinions on how Hayden handled himself tonight.

“This isn’t Big Brother, it’s Survivor, we do things different here…”

But to me, it just seems like Gervase is the one who’s forgotten where he is. Maybe he should audition for Big Brother when he gets back to the States, because the way HE just conducted himself is NOT the way it’s done on Survivor. But what do you expect from someone from Philly…?

So as Jeff announces that “if anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time,” I’m fully expecting Tyson to bust it out with a smug smile and stay in the game for another few days. With even the slightest possibility that you may be drawing rocks to stay in the game, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? But, to my utter amazement, he doesn’t play it…

Hayden-Hayden-Monica-Monica-Hayden….and Monica! Ciera flipped!

So we go to a revote. Only 4 casting votes for either Hayden or Monica.

Monica-Hayden-Monica…Hayden. Deadlocked.

So there’s some rule that if the remaining three can’t be unanimous, then Hayden and Monica are safe, and so is Gervase (since he’s wearing the necklace). I can’t recall the last Purple Rock scenario, so I’ll trust that Jeff knows better than I.

Ciera feels that she’s number 4 on the 4 person alliance, so she’d rather draw rocks with a 1-in-3 chance of going home. Go figure. Katie says she’ll draw, and I’m surprised that Tyson didn’t put up a bigger commotion to try to sway her, so he agrees to draw a rock too. And just when I think it’s going to be Tyson going home, it’s Katie.

And with much love from/for Hayden, and some fake love from Tyson, who feels the need to point out where she’ll be sitting next week “That seat over there,” (a**hole move!) we say goodnight to Katie.

So, I’m not sure the Rock Vote was the moment that made the cameramen gasp, maybe it was the moment that Ciera flipped and voted for Monica, but something tells me that there’s still something big in store this season. In the tease for next week, we see that Tina may not be up to competing against her daughter and may fold her cards at the challenge. Let’s hope so. Something tells me that it won’t go down like that, but we won’t know for another week.

I’m still recovering from last Sunday’s Walking Dead, and I have this Sunday’s Amazing Race finale to look forward to. Oh, and there’s football on Sunday, and X Factor, and right now I’m thinking I need to spend more time with my kids… That’ll be on Saturday. Yeah, there’s nothing to watch on Saturday…

Until then, Namaste, bitches…

Twitter: @BF_TheFish

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