September 26th, 2013 | 1 Comment | Posted in Survivor 27 - Blood vs Water

The next morning, the “vibe” in the Galang tribe is off and Colton seems genuinely concerned. Hey, maybe if you weren’t such a d**k to everyone they’d be better company to you. Aras , Gervase, Tyson, Tina and Monica are off together forming an alliance and devise a plan in case he targets any of them. Aras , again the voice of reason, makes the bullying analogy, and perfectly summarizes the situation:

“…at a certain point you have to say, I don’t want to play with that person.” Let’s hope it won’t be for long!

At the Immunity Challenge, the teams have to roll a barrel with one member inside, recover some bags of balls, and then roll the balls into some holes. I feel bad for the girls inside the barrels (Katie and Laura Morett) because you know those barrels can’t be too comfortable when you’re in a bikini. It basically comes down to Gervase against Hayden, and Gervase brings home the victory for Galang. And then sends a big shout out to Marissa, of course…

Back at Tadhana, Brad is not taking too kindly to Gervase’s theatrics. I would think a guy who spent 9 years in the NFL would understand that big talk is just that. Big talk. Let the tiger roar, but slay him the next time. However, Brad is feeling a little extra motivation to take Gervase down, so let’s see if that comes to fruition in a later episode.

The guys’ alliance is discussing who to take out again, and they rehash the “Target Rachel Because It’ll Target Tyson” scenario. And once again, John is having problems with that approach. He says that Rachel is a stronger girl than Katie, but it just smacks of ulterior motives on John’s part.

What’s surprising to me is that the other guys are just seeing it as John supporting Rachel, but no one appears to be thinking of the other motive: if they vote out Rachel and then Tyson switches with her he competes against Candice. I think John’s trying to control a little too much of the game, so let’s see if that comes to bite him in the ass…

Vytas offers us the tidbit that they’re seeing through John’s hesitancy, and maybe it’s not such a good idea for John to be turning on his alliance so early.

A bit of last-minute scrambling goes on late in the day and then we’re at Tribal Council! Jeff immediately dives into the “men vs. women” thing, and then mentions the Hidden Immunity clue that went to John, and the fact that whoever they vote out will compete against John’s wife, at which point John brings up the possible swapping of loved ones scenario and how that might affect HIS loved one. There’s a lot to consider in season 27!

Jeff hits the nail on the head when he says there are more layers to the voting this season than on any other season. It’s not just getting rid of the country bumpkin, or the old lady, or the jerk, or the lazy one, it’s now about how your vote can weaken the other tribe. That’s a first for Survivor, and I’m sure it’ll get more interesting as the season progresses and “couples” become singles, and how that will affect things when the merge begins to loom…

Again, the vote comes down to essentially 2 people: John and Rachel. For a moment we think the girls were able to cast aspersions on John as he gets 2 quick votes, but the guys’ alliance holds strong and Rachel is sent packing. No stink eye from her as she honestly seems cool with her tribe mates and the vote.

Next week, we’ll see how things play out as there’s more drama with Colton coming, and Tyson is shown about to blow his top at the Redemption Island challenge. We’ll see if he steps up or if he makes Rachel run the gauntlet…

Until next week, have a safe and happy one. Be sure to hug a loved one this week…


P.S. Just wanted to update you on the status with my old friend Sean. To anyone who may have donated, thank you so much. This situation has not been easy for any of his family or friends, and there’s still much to do.

Sadly, Sean passed away last Friday and was laid to rest yesterday. He lived an amazing life and everyone he touched could bear witness to how positive his life-force was. Personally, I may not be a man of God, but Sean was, and the fact that he believed – with all his soul – that he was going to a better place made his last few weeks that much more bearable. Again, if you’d care to make a donation to his PayPal page, it’s:

Or, if you’d prefer, Sean’s family has requested that donations be made to the ALS Foundation to help fund a cure:

Thank you for indulging me on this. I know it’s not why you read silly recaps of reality shows, but it’s the ultimate reality that we’ll all have to face. Best wishes, all…

One thought on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER – 9/25/13

  1. I’m with you, I don’t get the Rupert thing but it did make me sad that he was the first to go home. I can’t wait till Wednesday to see Tyson go Ape Sh*t on people!

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