February 28th, 2013 | 13 Comments | Posted in Survivor - Fans vs Favorites

I wanted to start off real quick by mentioning another reality television show that I’m sure most of you watch. American Idol. Ugh. Can this show even be considered credible anymore? I don’t even know where to start with this show anymore. Maybe it’s based on the fact that not a lot of great talent auditions for the show, but seriously, you want to pass along some of these people as the next best thing to hit American pop music? I’m supposed to think that Zoannette is someone who’s going to be a big, huge star someday? Not a chance in hell. I just love how the judges always talk these folks up to be the greatest stars to ever shine on a stage during the show airing, but after it’s over and done with, they don’t do much to help their careers along? I don’t want to harp too much on Zoannette, but come on now! Every time the judges “judge” her, do you ever hear them mention anything about her singing? No. It’s because if they did, they’d have to make mention of the fact that she can’t. God bless the girl for the work that she does and for showing a bit of originality (or maybe a better word is craziness) in her song choice and whatnot, but she has no business being in a singing competition of this magnitude. Sure, Randy, someone can have a great spirit when they’re performing, but that doesn’t mean they should move forward in a competition they weren’t meant for. It’s akin to me auditioning for Top Chef (or whatever the hell that show is called), not knowing how to cook THAT great, preparing a hamburger made from zebra meat while wearing a zebra print outfit, and dancing to African music while it’s on the grill. Entertaining, yes. Different, yes. Would it be the best dish they tasted? Hell no. I wouldn’t deserve to move on to any round, but that’s where American Idol has been failing these past few years. They’ve gotten away from what they began out doing. They’re just looking for entertainment, and for ratings, and the fact of the matter is that with this years’ lack of talent, I can actually see their justification with keeping Zoannette. I’ll just restate my true feelings about the show – ugh. Just ugh.

Anyway, I don’t want to get too into it with that show. Let’s get to the show you all came here to read about. Another “flailing” reality show that understands it’s niche in the market, and one that isn’t trying to stray TOO far from where they started. 


The Gota tribe gets back to camp, and Matt is scared for his life because he’s the guy in the middle. The guy each alliance was expecting to vote with them. So, he knew he was going to piss off someone when he voted – and he decided to piss off the pretty people. And pissed off they were. Or, at least Reynold was. He lets Matt know that they’re never going to be friends again and Matt is no longer invited over to his pool party this Saturday. And, he wants his Duck Hunter gun back that he left over at his house last sleepover. Get over it, Reynold. You got got. It’s not the “Revenge of the Nerds” like you called it (although a nice line), it’s just the way of Survivor. Although, I won’t go too hard on him, because I’m sure I’d be even worse if I was in his position in this game. I’ve never been a “good” loser. I’d probably have pulled a Brandon and taken a dump in the beans, mixed it around a bit, forgot I did the next day, and ate from them – instant karma. Believe it or not, that’s my #5 reason I’d never go on Survivor.

News flash: Shamar is still yelling. Apparently, he’s pissed at people for NOT voting him out. Keep yelling at Matt and Laura, Shamar! They voted to keep you. Just a tip, you know, for the next time you play this game (or for a similar game we call life) – in situations where people side with you, you typically want to come off gracious and appreciative. Not yell and cuss them out for whatever it is you believe they were keeping from you. They voted to KEEP you, Shamar, nobody is sure what you thought they weren’t telling you. It’s Survivor, people have 27 different conversations with every individual in the game every day, things get said that don’t get back to you, whether you’re in the alliance or not – you’d know that if you actually talked to these people and not just yelled at them for looking at you when they wake up.

Sherri tries to talk some sense into Shamar, giving us some story about how she’s rich and owns all kinds of fast food chains and only deals with the low-class scum teenage folk who can’t find better jobs than to work at her minimum wage facilities, but she should know from dealing with those teenage jokers that talking to them about how they’re a-holes isn’t going to make them any less of an a-hole. Once an a-hole, always an a-hole. No authority figure is going to change that. Nice try, though, Sherri. I’m sure your pep talk worked for all of about 30 seconds, which is probably about the amount of time it took Shamar to walk back to camp from wherever you two were talking.

13 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: FANS VS FAVORITES – 2/27/13

  1. Awesome blog, as usual! I look forward to reading your blogs every Thursday. I’ve recommended you to other Survivor fans, and they agree. Keep up the good work! I know you said you get very few comments, but don’t take it personally. I’ve been reading you for three seasons now, and this is my first comment. (Finally registered)

  2. Hilarious! I love your peek into the inner-workings of Brandon’s thought processes.. As for Shamar, I found myself arguing back with the TV this week, I was so disgusted with his attitude and behavior. He represents everything that is wrong with our country right now: there are more people that “want to ride in the wagon” than there are people willing “to pull the wagon”, so to speak. Then, when someone calls him out on his behavior, he plays “tag, you’re it” and projects HIS stuff onto THEM. By denying anything unpleasant about himself and attempting to “put” that onto someone else, projection is a powerful and common tool used by people with certain personality disorders. Just sayin’…

    I hate the fact that he keeps bringing up the military. I have two close active-duty friends that are fans of the show that cringe every time he opens his big mouth.

  3. Thanks Laura! It’s not that I take it personally, it’s just that I like the idea of keeping the conversation going! I want to hear from my readers and hear more about what they want to hear from me. I appreciate the kind words and you passing along my blog.

    And, dramamama, your friends are allowed to cringe at him, since they’ve gone through similar backgrounds. However, being the non-military folk that we are, I don’t want to pretend to understand what he’s been through and things he’s seen, just as I wouldn’t want him to pretend to understand the things I’ve gone through & for him to tell me how I should handle them! Yes, he’s crazy and needs to settle down a little, but I think it has less to do with his military happenings and more with just the type of person he is. I agree that he definitely has some sort of personality disorder, but there are SOO many disorders out there that we ALL have one! 🙂

  4. You know, you brought up a really good point, how are these people classified as fans? Wouldn’t anyone that comes on this show be classified as a fan? What exactly classifies these people to be a labeled fan for this season?

    Not much apparently. I was reading a tvguide (I think) interview with Reynold (yes, I think I’m a little obsessed with the pretty boy) and he said they recruited him off the street in L.A. (ah, now I see why he has a sense of entitlement) – so I say boo on that definition. They should have to go through some sort of fan competition to be worthy of being labeled a ‘fan’. Mental, physical, scrapbooking, some sort of sign that they are a fan fan.

    BTW he also said he lived in Australia, would say his survivor strengths the social game – being a charmer (said something like people just always gravitate to him – yep yep) and said he didn’t want to lie to people.

  5. Hey Cndgirl, the people who come on this show are never people who apply. Some of them may be, but when I was at an open audition for Big Brother a few years ago, I can’t even tell you how many people in line were talking about how producers came to them & told them to audition – and they all got to jump the line. It’s all a sham – they pick people they see out and about, through talent scouts, and agencies. Some of the people may be actual “fans,” who apply and apply and apply before they make the show, but for the most part, they have casting agents for a reason. I’m willing to bet they don’t read all applications & watch all the videos like they say they do…

  6. Well, that just made me sad 🙁 I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore about this stuff, you know, given the site I’m on, but it seems very little is sacred anymore. I know, naive, I know.

    Another dream shattered 😉

    On the upside, I laughed much more at your blog than I did at community this week, of which I now measure all things funny. Upside for you, not so much for community.

  7. Community would do right by hiring me as their writer. I have some FANTASTIC ideas for directions that show should take. Too bad it’s (most likely) the last season…

  8. omfg, I am so ready to bitch slap Brandon and his attitude about pissing in the rice, burning down the shack, etc etc……..shut the f*uck up you mental midget!!! I think it would be hilarious if Shamar and Brandon were on the same team……….(picture Shamar hanging Brandon upside down and dunking him into the ocean for threatning to pee in food)
    Philip is hilarious this season. I love his names for everyone and how they patronize him, tff.
    I have been watching survivor since the very first show and I miss some of the old ways that they did things.
    One thing that never changes is how stupid the human race really is.
    Keep up the good work Scott, you totally crack me up and I look forward to reading you each week.
    I will even continue to comment if you talk with me and commiserate on how bad this show can be!!

  9. Hey wenchy, I appreciate the loyalty (only if I talk with you, of course)! You know what the truth would be – Shamar and Brandon would get along perfectly well together. Hell, they may even each other out and act normal.

    Or, they’d hold Jungle Piss Parties and pee on each other out in the middle of the forest just for sh*ts and giggles…

  10. So what happened to the reward challenges? I need more of a break-up between the drama. I feel like the show is dragging because we are missing challenges!

  11. First off I would like to agree with your comments about Idol. The show lacks so much talent and the judges are also clueless! I mean, when your most knowledgable musician is Nicki Minaj you know you have a problem.

    Anyway! This show is getting on my nerves. I love survivor with all my heart but all it is now is lets see how many arguments and potential back standings that never lead to anything we can pack into one hour. I’ve never been on the show but I’m assuming conversations like the one Laura and Reynold happen all the time because people are always trying to play strategy even if the person doesn’t listen. The producers always throw one or two of those in there just to keep the audience on the edge of their toes when everyone knows that the first plan that they show is what ends up happening 99.9% of the time. And the .1% is the reason I still have hope and tune in weekly. Hopefully the show picks it up again but it’s taking on water quickly right now.

    Love the blogs! Keep it up!

  12. Oh Scott so glad to be back reading your recaps! I got way too bored with last season, even though I love Malcolm, that I fell off the Survivor bandwagon for awhile. This season seems like it will be better. I have one question though: who the heck is the the dark hair girl with the pigtails on the fans tribe that never speaks only lurks in the background of the camera shot once in awhile??? I wondered if she was a Survivor employee until I saw her running through frame during a challenge! And I’m surprised you haven’t pointed her absence out, you usually pick up on those things! Love the blogs as always!

  13. Hey gigetb – I didn’t pick up on it for the same reason nobody else has – nobody cares! 🙂

    But, in all honest, I think that’s the Julia chick that I mentioned – the one they let talk for 6 seconds this past episode…

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