April 26th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Posted in Survivor 24 - One World

Oh, and you still want to believe that pig is a “wild” pig when they come back from the Immunity challenge and he’s just lying on his belly at the foot of the campsite? May I also mention that this campsite has NO FOOD! Why would any wild animal stick around for something like that?

During the last of the filler scenes, I actually get excited about the show, because it seems as if the girls are starting to crumble and that Troyzan may have a way in. Kim tells the girls to throw two votes at Christina, just in case Troyzan has an idol and plays it. Kat, of course, goes off on how she isn’t happy about being told what to do all the time, yet the entire time she’s talking, we all know she’s still going to do what she’s been told. I’m willing to bet she hasn’t ever sold a timeshare. How unconvincing does she come across? This is another reason why I think all these people on reality shows are actors, and horrible actors at that, because Kat doesn’t even come across as believable as a Timeshare Rep.

Sabrina, stupidly, goes and tells Christina that two of the group are voting for her at Tribal. For any other rational person, this would set something off inside them, because you would put it together that the group is worried about Troyzan playing an idol, therefore not going home, meaning that the person with the next highest number of votes (being 2 to Troyzan’s 1), would go home. Ding, dong, f*cking ding, Christina, can’t you see that they are willing to vote you out when, and if, Troyzan plays his idol. Goodness, even Alicia gets in on the rip-on-Christina train, calling her one of her special education students, and saying her IQ must be “a 0, if that even exists (cackle, cackle, cackle).” I think CBS has screwed up Alicia’s “occupation line” and meant to say “Ex-special education student.”

So what does Christina go and do with that information, she goes and tells Troyzan that the group is throwing two votes at her at Tribal. Yes, there you go, moron, go tell the one guy who is being voted out who they are “splitting” the votes with and give him a chance to stay in the game. Maybe I’m being too harsh on Kat and you are the resident dummy of the group! What happened to that lady in the power suit on day one?

Hold on, I think I’d consider Jeff Probst’s shirt to be green at Tribal Council. Yes, I very well think that shirt is green. The jig is up, Probst. Mr. Blue Shirt is over with. Did the intern who was in charge of doing your laundry flub it up and somehow fade your shirt to the point where it looks green? We need to know the answer to this? Were you just not feeling the blue that day? Is the green shirt your version of a white flag, saying you are giving up on this season and tired of “dressing up” for these morons? I think I’m on to something here…

And…Troyzan is voted out. Good job making up your own mind there, Kat, by sticking with the plan! What would it have mattered if you voted Christina out? You still could have gotten Troyzan out the next “week.” I think you’ve been eating too much off of Alejandro’s dinner table and gone a bit loopy. Or, maybe you are just “too far up Kim and Chelsea’s ass.”

Ok, well it’s now 12:30 in the morning. I’m tired, a little pissed off, and ready for bed, where I will, no doubtedly be welcomed by a dog sleeping on my pillow, with drool all over it, and of course only half of my side of the bed covered by a blanket. I get to freeze myself to sleep on a wet pillow I’ll be sharing with my one dog, while the other one nuzzles up against my legs, pinning me in a weird, pretzel-like shape I won’t even come close to being able to sleep in. Then, fifteen minutes later, the dog sleeping on the pillow (Griffey) will toss and turn a few times, finally end up getting up, and immediately walking across my face on the pillow because, you know, walking down to the end of the bed and jumping off just isn’t the same as walking over my face would be! See the pain I go through to make you people laugh!!

Speaking of laughing at me, check out my youtube video I posted this past weekend. I’m just as idiotic in this one as I was in the last one. Stay tuned, because I’ve gotten some other interesting suggestions on what I should do next and think I’ll tackle them unless something else comes in and overtakes these ideas.

Until next time,

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

3 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: ONE WORLD – 4/26/12

  1. You cracked me up this week. I didn’t watch until
    Saturday. Disappointed that Troyzan couldn’t pull it out. Looking forward to tonight.

  2. Where did my comment go?

    I thought for sure you would mention Kim’s mustache – my husband and I kept saying – look at that – Really? A model with a mustache? I’m not sure if it was bad lighting or what – but it appeared to be a mustache about 98% of the time they showed her interviews.

  3. Sorry, my computer was wigging out – I thought I was clicking on this week’s blog and it was taking me to last weeks (this one). I see the reply back on this weeks!

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