November 27th, 2015 | 6 Comments | Posted in Survivor 31 - Second Chance

Over at Orkun (Day 28), the tribe is bitching about who Stephen chose to go with him. Kimmi is particularly annoyed about being left out of the challenge, and the others can see that. Joe tells us it’s very revealing the choices Stephen made, and it could actually have negative consequences against him. When Kimmi heads out to take her “morning constitutional,” it gives the other players the perfect opportunity to discuss what they’re going to do next.

Spencer proposes to take out Stephen, because he wants to get rid of this advantage nonsense. But Abi contends that if Stephen plays his advantage, then she goes home. She proposes that everyone lets her win the next Immunity Challenge, to which Joe quickly replies “uh….no.” So much for that stupid plan. She mentions she’s not liking the things that Joe and Spencer are mentioning, but who cares what she thinks.

Spencer then spells out the plan for everyone. If Fishbach doesn’t win Immunity, he’s gone. If he does, Tash is gone. Simple. Everyone is on board. But, Kelley just wants everyone to get the f**k outta Dodge, so she can get her Hidden Idol schwerve on, and needs to find a way to get everyone out of camp.

Opportunity presents itself when Spencer and Joe take the boat out to fish, Keith and Kimmi head out to do some crabbing, leaving only Abi around. And while most days Abi would go and f**k off somewhere outside of camp, today she’s being a homebody. Kelley even calls her a pest, which proves the camp name is really Orkin. After a while of trying to avoid her, Abi finally decides to hang out in the hammock, leaving Kelley alone in the shelter. She quickly sneaks under it and unties the Hidden Idol, just as everyone starts returning to camp. Yes! My beautiful little cherub is safe!

Day 29 and it’s another Immunity Challenge. No, it’s actually another Joe Challenge, as it involves balance, strength, and coordination. Might as well just give him the necklace now… Let’s see what Jeff has to say though…

It’s the challenge from Blood vs. Water 2 where players have to use their feet to untie some blocks, build a little structure, and then place a flag in the middle. Both Keith and Jeremy did this before, and both lost, sending Jeremy home that night at Tribal. Hey, I remember that season!

Today though, the challenge seems a little unfair for Rocky Dennis. With his blistering, flea ridden, swollen feet, I doubt he’ll be able to do anything close to a winning performance. However, Kelley, Joe, and Keith are doing rather well, reaching the third tier of their structure first. After a brief setback for Joe, Spencer is now working on the third tier and hoping to make up for the reward challenge he lost by a couple seconds.

Placing his last block, all Spencer needs to do is place his flag and he’s won. With Joe hot on his tail, Spencer struggles to find the hole (I wonder if that’s the first time he’s heard that?) and just as Joe knocks a couple pieces off his tower, Spencer drops his flag in the slot. He finally wins Immunity and Joe’s streak is over! For the first time in 29 days, Joe is nervous.

And at camp, Fishbach is already on the Must Kill Joe train. He’s lobbying everyone (Fishbach, Tash, Jeremy, Spencer, Kelley, Kimmi, Keith) to vote out Joe, with a backup plan that some people are voting for Abi. But this group is only really made up of Fish, Tash, Kimmi, and Jeremy, because Kelley, Spencer, Keith, Joe, and Abi are targeting Stephen.

Fishbach takes Abi aside and tries to run the plan by her, but since it’s Abi, she doesn’t like Stephen’s tone, or his choice of words, or some other crazy thing, and becomes Insane Abi again. I swear to you, this woman will be unhappy all her life… Knowing she’s a losing cause, Fishbach goes to Joe and Jeremy and mentions how crazy she is, but Joe already knows that. Who doesn’t? And why again, America, did you vote this crazy bitch in? What’s fun about having her here to compete? Why would you want to see this chick on television for another season? And most importantly, why would you put money in this chick’s wallet when you could just let her fade away into the darkness? I’m pointing a finger at YOU, anyone who voted Abi in this season…

Kelley and Spencer both try to calm Abi down and get her to “get with the program,” but she’s in psycho Abi mode, and is just here to stir the pot. She’s not thinking with a clear head, and that’s exactly the person who can f**k up a good plan. Everyone’s worried that Abi’s indecisions may turn the game on its head, which can’t happen. Wentworth even says she may have to play her idol, and I’m hoping she means she’ll play it for Joe.

Spencer gets to confab with Jeremy and Stephen, and in a moment of stupidity, Stephen reveals with his advantage is to Spencer. Knowing what he’s up against now, Spencer knows there are 4 things at play:

-Stephen has his advantage
-Abi is a stupid b**ch
-a Hidden Idol may be played
-blindsiding Joe is on the table

So despite having a secret plan in place to blindside Stephen, Spencer is scare s**tless that things could go wrong. But there’s no time for that now, the players grab their torches and head off to Tribal…in a single line.

Everyone sits and the jury enters. No drama so far. Jeff opens by pointing out Joe didn’t win Immunity (so there goes THAT theory), but Joe just hopes the trust he’s built with others will take him a bit farther. Abi begins talking but it’s obvious she’s wasting everyone’s time with her faulty logic. Moving on.

Tash brings up the “voting bloc” method may not be working, and it’s time to lock in her top “3 or 4” and ride that out to the end. This takes Joe by surprise, based on the crazy reaction he just made. Kelley, Fishbach, and Abi all offer a few more comments, but it all comes down to Tash’s announcement that a “shift has happened” and the voting blocs are done. A power alliance will come from this Tribal, so let’s get it on… It’s time to vote!

But before that, Stephen speaks up and tells Jeff he wants to use his advantage. This strikes me as a little weird because he’s announcing it BEFORE the vote. I thought it would come into play after everyone’s voted, so he could select which vote he wanted to annul. But no, he has to announce it now, which means the other players can now simply target him for playing his advantage. Hmmm…this smells funny.

Stephen decides to steal Joe’s vote, meaning he doesn’t get to vote at all. That’s a first on Survivor, by the by… The others head off to the voting area and without any votes revealed, all the drama is wrapped up on Fishbach’s votes. And in what I can only describe as…stupidity, he splits his vote and casts one for Abi and one for Joe. AYFKM? You have a chance to presumably take out Joe and you don’t cast both votes for him? You’re an idiot…

And with the only other opportunity to turn this game on its head, Jeff asks for Hidden Idols and I’m just waiting for Kelley to give her idol to Joe. Please, please, please… And no. Jeff reads the votes.


Boom goes the f**king moron. So I guess it doesn’t matter that he split his votes, he was going home regardless. And in the lamest version of “great job, guys, great blindside” Fishbach/Sinister Pussy/Crybaby/Rocky Dennis is sent packing and I can only wonder when the tears will begin. Can’t wait to see what Ponderosa offers him…

The tease of next week shows us the Family Visit is coming, and someone may be getting Evac’d out of here. Upon closer look, it looks like it can only be Keith, who maybe gets conked on the head during a challenge. We’ll see if I’m right, and how serious his injury is next week.

So that’s all for tonight. Not gonna go into Gotham, or Walking Dead, or anything else. I gotta do the Thanksgiving thing with the family, which I’m sure you understand. As I mentioned before, I’m eternally grateful for all the support you folks provide, so I mean it when I say “thank you” to all of you. I hope you enjoy(ed) your holiday, and that you all have much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer

6 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: SECOND CHANCE – 11/25/15

  1. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving ! Lets talk SURVIVOR TURKEY ! I must start with a little venting ! Mr Probst with all due respect those were not blindsides !!!!! Cierra has been bottom 3 for a long time . Yes she maneuvered her way past a few tribals but her time was coming and she knew it . Fishbach got 5 votes the tribal before ! How in the hell is getting voted out the next tribal after having to be saved by someone else’s idol a blindside ? Come on Jeff ! You actually diminish the actual blindsides ( talking about you Savage ) when you call every other vote a blindside ! Ok Jeremy great freaking move . Guaranteed yourself the Fishbach vote plus put a huge move on your resume . However (this hurts to write ) the move of the night was old Fishy tricking Abi into picking the wrong answer ! That was priceless ! Stephen I mocked your tears but you made me shed tears of laughter with that move ! Of course you made me remember why I detest you with your smugness when you thought your vote was getting Joe sent home . Joe I must say disappointed me a bit letting Stephen tackle him . I will give Joe the benefit of the doubt as Fishbach s primal grunting may have distracted him ! That is it for me ! I was really trying for proper punctuation as the grammar Nazi (my boss ) has been pretty tough on me while reading my comments . But realized whats most important is sharing my twisted thoughts on our favorite twisted game !

  2. Great recap as always Mr. Fish. Love it! I hope things improve for you. Keep your chin up dude!! The 2 episode survivor was great. I’m so glad to see Ciera gone but think they were all really stupid to not get rid of JOE. WHY??? What do you think Fish? I know you like Adonis but why would anyone keep someone who is just getting better and better. Besides, that smug smirk he has on his face is really annoying. For some reason, FishBleck actually grew on me and I enjoyed watching him more than Mr. Personality (or lack thereof)-Joe. I’m hoping Spencer gets bonked on the head next week bc I like Keith much better. Yes, I agree with the poster above, Steven tricking dumb Abi was awesome. Love the comparison of Wiggles to Caitlin Jenner-YOU ARE CORRECT SIR! Nailed it. One observation, no matter how much they starve, Tasha’s thighs stay very jiggly. EWWW I am really rooting for Jeremy now, all the rest are just annoying.

  3. Agree with everyone else – Fish tricking Abi was awesome. She is such a pain in the ass. Like it doesn’t matter what you do and say, she will be devils advocate and want the opposite. She’d probably vote herself out if everyone else wanted her to stay. I have to admit, I didn’t vote for ANY of the women for this season. I didn’t really like any of the options that they gave us. There have got to be better candidates to have returned this season.

    What the HELL was Fishbach doing by splitting the votes?? Yeah, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways but still, what the eff was he thinking in doing that? He lives and breathes plotting to get rid of Joe, the opportunity presents itself, and he pussies out halfway through or what??? Whatev…

    Thanks for the recap. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I wonder if Fishbach was worried that someone might give Joe an idol so he gave one vote to Abi as a backup plan?

  5. These 2nd chancers are making some bad decisions. Giving up an idol, splitting votes/not splitting at the wrong times. Oh well, who really knows what is going on with editing and all. I have read a few booted survivor stories, according to those people Tasha is getting a very favorable edit.

    Ok, how was Fishbach able to run, when he could barely walk. he does not seem like the type to fight through the pain, but he also tackled Joe so who knows. Now, two times Spencer has been owned by Fishbach.

    I am not a fan of challenges where the players physically fight each other and co-ed to boot. Come on Survivor, you are better than that. Two more immunity challenges that involve no movement. (OK some movement in the feet block challenge.

    I thought someone mentioned days without food due to rain, true or embellished. On the to white/black rock, could the players have worked out who played/sat out to guarantee shelter?
    After last weeks scramble for an idol, how come nothing this week after Jeremy used his?

  6. Hey there, folks! Apologies for just getting around to this today, but I’ve had a bear of a time figuring out how to get around the Website Blocking firewall at work. I’ve finally figured it out, so I should be able to reply a bit easier. Thanks for your patience…

    rick: I agree with you on the blindsides. Jeff is just overdoing the marketing hype a little bit, right? And I’m not totally convinced Fishbach tricked Abi. Take a look again (if you can) and see if you think he even had time to think about the answer before grabbing that middle urn. Yes, she probably just grabbed what he did, but I’m a little unsure if he consciously tried to trick her. Whatever, right? I’m just happy he’s gone. And don’t let your boss crack the whip too hard on ya. As long as your memos are proper, she should cut you some slack on Survivor comments. No grammar Nazis here…

    kinb: Thanks for checking in with me today. Means a lot. I finally beat the firewall! Thanks for the comment. Why do you hate Joe so much? Doesn’t matter anymore, but how can you not love some Joe? And thanks for the recognition about Caitlyn/Wigles, it’s so creepy how much they look alike. I’m with you on Jeremy. I think I need to double-check my predictions again… Fingers crossed the season ends spectacularly… XO

    bonnie: Agree with you on everything. And with as great as this season is supposed to be, there have been a lot of missteps. Wonder how it’ll play out. Happy Thanksgiving!

    doc: Know what you mean about bad decisions. Just as I said above, there have been some questionable decisions… And you bring up a point about favorable edits and the editing. Do we think the people who make Final Tribal are given betters edits throughout the season, or is every episode treated like a separate entitly and made as good as it can be? Or are there themes the editors keep in mind, planted by the producers, with regard to how players are presented? I wonder. I actually know one of the editors, but I could never ask him this question… From what Varner said about Tash, maybe she is getting the Final Tribal favorable edit. She’s only been shown in a relatively good light, so maybe there’s some truth to the “good edit” theory. I think shoes make a lot of things easier to do. When I rip up my cracked heels and can barely walk barefooted, I can simply put on sneakers and not feel a thing. I guess… I don’t mind the co-ed challenges, gives an opportunity for some legal harrassment.Too bad no one ever goes for a boob. Do you consider last night’s “pole” challenge no movement? If so, I’m sorry… I do think there are a lot of challenges that could be revisited. I wonder if they’re always doing that? It’s gonna be a sad day when Survivor is on its last legs and starts looking cheesy. I am not looking forward to that… I think people exaggerate when they talk about “no food for days.” They just mean, not a big meal… Agree? I guess they didn’t have time to negotiate any white/black rock deals. That’s a good question. Maybe I can try to get someone to answer some questions. Your comment made me write about Jeremy’s idol in my column last night. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Ok, folks, sorry again for taking so long to reply. Call me Anonymous now that I’ve hacked around the company firewall! Love ya…!

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