November 19th, 2015 | 7 Comments | Posted in Survivor 31 - Second Chance

Once everyone returns to camp, Joe receives some quick congratulations but everyone’s more interested in getting out of the rain. No one cares about blowing more sunshine up Joe’s arse, so they all huddle under the shelter and let Joe and his beautiful necklace occupy his own space. Later, Kimmi confesses it’s time to put the Must Kill Witches plan into effect, and that means splitting the vote against Wentworth and Ciera. But, they want to split it 5 and 3, assuming the Bottom Feeders will all vote as a bloc against one of the other 8, and can be taken out on a revote (I assume that’s what they were thinking).

Stephen is finally able to read his advantage scroll and it says that he’s able to “steal a vote” from someone at Tribal, which means he can negate someone’s vote AND double his own vote. Unlike Dan Foley’s vote last season, Stephen’s advantage has even more weight to it, and he seems to think it’s a “game-winning” advantage. Since he’s so damn comfortable at the moment, he doesn’t even need to use it tonight, so let’s see if that comes back to burn him…

Back at camp, he reaffirms with the Bottom Feeders he’ll vote for Wiglesworth. Kelley and Ciera are down with that, and hope things work out for them. He gets Spencer and Jeremy alone, and runs the plan by them, but they’re both hesitant to trust the “3 Witches” and are wondering why Fishbach is leading them down this path. Both express confusion at Stephen’s plan, and need to figure out what they’re gonna do. As the tribe heads off to Tribal, nothing is definitive. Jeremy confesses that if he’s going to go through with SP’s plan that means Kimmi, Keith, Tash and Joe will all be blindsided by the vote, and that’s not the game Jeremy is playing…

With heavy rain still falling at Tribal, thunder and lightning punctuating certain comments, the players take their seats and welcome in the bitter jury (Kass and Savage). It’s freezing cold and no one looks too happy to be here, and I’m wondering if any other reality show hosts performs their duties whilst standing in the rain. Try that, Ryan Seacrest!

Jeff runs a bunch of questions by the players but it’s all reaffirming what we’ve been seeing for the past 52 minutes:

-there’s a big group that wants Wentworth gone
-there are voting blocs that supersede the majority alliance
-people are still confused who’s going home tonight

With all that said, half the tribe is concerned they may be going home tonight. It’s time to vote. And in the voting chamber, votes are revealed for Ciera, Wentworth and Wigles, so it’s still a toss-up who’s going home. Let’s see what drama unfolds. Jeff grabs the urn and requests Hidden Idols, none are played. Time to read the votes:

Wigles (What?!)

Boom goes the rat, and it’s another blindside. Kelly is FINALLY voted off Survivor, and it only took 15 years. She takes her “Walk of Shame” to Ponderosa where Mai Tais and a ménage surely await.

Jeff removes his sneakers and puts his dress shoes back on, changes out of his wet sweater and back into his coat. He reminds the players “You always make each day a special day. You know how? By just being you. There’s only one person in the tribe that’s like you, and that’s you. And people can like you just the way you are.” He then walks out of Tribal and says “I’ll be back next time. Bye-bye!”

Next time on Survivor…!

With the rains continuing to batter the tribe, everyone seems to be at their breaking point. Keith is pissed he can’t tell where he just spit because the rain is confusing him. And a choice that needs to be made will “turn the game on its head,” again. Again? Just let the kids play, Jeff.

And during Kelly’s final words (the most she’s spoken all season!) we see both Spencer and Jeremy voted for Kelly, so there’s your voting history. Looks like the voting blocs are now:

The Witches Coven – Wentworth, Abi, Ciera
The Swingers – Fishbach, Jeremy, Spencer
The Sedentaries – Kimmi, Keith, Joe, Tash

Let’s figure out what all this means next week, cuz I’m tired, and all my ice cubes have melted. I think the players’ alliances are like the juices I pour into my drink. They start out separated, but eventually, they all merge into one glorious fluid. Perhaps S31 is like that, a glorious fluid that’ll continue remixing and realigning. And wouldn’t we all love to taste that drink…?

Okie, dokie, artichokies, that’s it for another episode of Survivor: Second Chance. I pray the season continues to “bring it” each week and will culminate in something really spectacular on December 16th. And fingers crossed that dude makes good on his promise and I see it live.

Gotham continues to slay it. F**king love Nigma. That character is so great and such fun to watch. So many contrasts. All the other storylines are compelling too. And I just love how this season is entitled “Rise of the Villains.” Gives them license to go full ham on anyone and anything.

Walking Dead has a few questions to answer, primarily who said, “Help.” We find out Sunday. Anxious to see everyone back together again and can’t wait for Rosita to go full ham on Abraham when she finds out he was trying to bone Sasha. Meow…

Lots of drama in the Fishbowl lately (that’s my place). Not gonna get into it, but there’s a lot of stuff happening, and none of it is good. I just hope I can continue to spew the snark, and make inappropriate boob and d**k jokes for a long time. Hmmm…I wonder if that’s the reason why I’m in trouble…? We’ll find out someday…

Truly appreciate all the love I’m getting from you guys. Keep it up, please! I need your support. Twitter, comments, emails…I will personally answer everything.

Loving every minute of it… (or whatever Loverboy song you prefer)

Twitter: @BF_TheFish
AIM: or Bryan Fischer

7 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: SECOND CHANCE – 11/18/15

  1. Good afternoon fellow Fish fans ( the good fish not the Fish that sheds tears every week ) ! A few things popped into my head replacing the images of those lovely “smiles” of my favorites RC and Morgan ! One is for all his physical prowess ,Joe is a terrible player ! Of course the show is edited so we only see pieces but no attempt to get out Fishbach ? Lets see he has Wiggles vote and can easily get the bottom three to vote with him ! Plus Fishbach just got an advantage . Seems pretty easy . Joe seems to quit playing after winning a challenge . Disappointed that he didn’t get SF out ! My reasoning for the immunity challenge starting the way it did was they wanted everyone in it when the buoys popped up . God knows a certain nerdy uncoordinated player was going swimming pretty quickly ! Wiggles may have been nice to people around camp but I don’t think there was any gameplay by her . I get more upset when a dancer tells me my three songs over than she did losing a chance at a million dollars

  2. My guess is a 4 person finals . Makes sense that with extra jurors comes an extra finalist . I know there have been some twists and turns this season . I just am struggling finding anyone but Jeremy to root for !

  3. Seeing Kass come out with her finger up again… Lovely. I’m incredibly sorry I voted for her. Hopefully she’ll lose her fingers to some horrible virus or something. If I can get two negative wishes against her, hopefully her ability to speak goes with her fingers. It’s just not the survivor I want to watch. I voted her in for drama, not to watch Big Brother. I think I’m going to have to fast forward until they’re all sitting at tribal from now on.

    I’m a little surprised that there wasn’t any talk about voting out Fishbach and getting rid of the secret advantage before it bit someone in the butt. Maybe there was and it was cut.

    Just so we’re clear, with the switchup last night, chances of Abi getting all the way to the end as a sacrificial lamb and further increasing ALL of our suffering has gone up dramatically. Still hoping to see Kimmi, Cierra and Abi all get voted out sooner rather than later.

    Definitely exciting that Jeremy has two idols. Course he still has to use them correctly, (perhaps attend Wentworth’s next seminar on “Immunity Idols and how to use Them”.

    TWD – Voice was totally Glenn. Yes, yes, but Norman Reedus said… Don’t make me go point out all the times that actors/writers/producers of TWD have blatantly lied to us in interviews and on Talking Dead. That voice was Glenn and if I were a betting man, I’d bet heavily that we won’t see Glenn, Daryl, Abraham or Sasha next week. Next week will be all about Alexandria again and the rescue of Glenn by Darly, Abraham and Sasha will be a large part of our mid season finale after that.

  4. After Fishbach’s MacBeth analogy a certain kid in my house said – I never ever want to read MacBeth.

    Here’s to hoping Joe wins every immunity – just saying.

    If this week’s TWD is an episode like the last couple, it’s a sure bet it’s all about Carl. Maybe a black and white flashback of when he was in preschool or being potty trained?

  5. I totally agree with ericah – Hope Joe wins everything. He is amazing in the competitions! But I do also agree with rickhtzbq that Joe is laying really low and not doing much after winning the idol. I’m not sure how well that will work for him when/if he doesn’t win immunity.

    Fish – curious as to your thoughts on this article I found rating the top 15 hottest survivor contestants since this is right up your alley. 🙂 Did they miss anybody? Agree with most?

  6. I am not feely this Survivor. Perhaps it is due to getting put on blood pressure meds and stopping drinking. What the heck the only thing I had to look forward to every night was drinking and I can’t do that!

    Well looks like to old zigged when should have zagged. Last week get burned by not splitting votes, this week split and get burned. I am very tired of the immunity challenges just involving not moving. Is that three weeks in a row? Plus, why does every reward challenge now involve a puzzle, god I am bitter, get me a drink!
    Watched Amazing Race last night, Phil looked terrible, looked like he was going through a sex change, someone get him a mansier!

  7. Hi, everybody. Thanks for the love and kind words. You’re the reason I keep writing…

    rick – Know what you’re saying. Wondering how strong his game is makes it tough to pick him to win. He does coast a lot… Just makes you wonder how difficult it is to pull off a blindside. If you have a “secret” conversation, how soon is it spoiled to someone else in the tribe? I just wish Fishbach was in the discussion to leave each week. Make him and Abi scramble for survival, there would be some backstabbing then. I finally figured out what I don’t like about Wigles. She’s a man, baby! I’m gonna start calling her Caitlyn because she’s looking VERY transgen lately… Jeremy’s a good pick. I still like Wentworth, Joe, and maybe a couple others. It’s just so hard to predict based on these shifting voting blocs.

    thatguy – Know what you mean. As smart as she probably is, she’s just giving in to sensationalism and “gotcha” moments. Show some class… I’ll celebrate when Fishbach and Abi are gone. Wondering when that’ll be… And you’re right, the longer she stays around, the better her chances are of being dragged to the final. So unfair. The show should address that somehow. Make certain “stages” of the game a little more objective (challenges participated in, challenges won, etc.). I hope Jeremy sticks around and is smart too. He seems to play the game right. Can’t even think about TWD. I just let it “evolve” in front of me…

    erica – Ha! Your kids must be products of the California education system (aren’t we all?). “Don’t bother us with that fancy-schmancy literature bullshit, I wanna watch more YouTube!”

    bonnie – Joe better win everything or he’s gonna fry! Coinicidentally, I saw that article too. Some don’t work for me, but many do. Here’s my comments, and a list of others who should be on that list…

    Amanda – will always be one of my faves. need some nudes to be sure…
    Amber – granny panties
    Andrea – she always reminds me of nude models from WW2 Germany. I’d shave her armpits and do her…
    Angie – Yes, please! Probably the hottest woman ever on Survivor.
    Brenda – horrible picture, but she’s way high on my list. Love the Asian girls…
    Darrah – whatev
    Elizabeth – her terrible interviewing skills, Republican spin on EVERYTHING and marketable stupidity are turn-offs for me
    Jaclyn – I’m a fan
    Julie – Probst’s ex? No, thank you. Her vag is probably a wind tunnel by now…
    Monica – Eye candy. Me likey…
    Morgan – My kryptonite. Her face, attire, thighs, and tummy are all “meh”, but those tittties are like a hypnotist’s watch…
    Natalie – cutie
    Parvati – something about her never worked for me. I think it’s because she was sold to us as a “vixen” but even I wouldn’t do her. A girl you end up with at 1am rather than take out on a date…
    Stephanie – no thanks
    Sydney – really attractive. I hardly remember her. Wonder why?

    “Dis”honorable Mention:
    Sarah Jones – nice boobs. someone should tell her it’s okay to smile when shooting nudes.
    Erin Collins – nice boobs. perfect wife if you lived in Florida
    Heidi Strobel – nice boobs. as much as I like nice boobs, she never produced wood
    Kim Mullen – you don’t hear much about her. Very attractive, similar to Wentworth
    Cristina Coria – one tough lady. I wouldn’t mind shooting something at her…
    Candice Woodcock – the name says it all…
    Jessica DeBen – another one who no one really remembers. Why would she go first? Probst should’ve stepped in.
    Michelle Yi – I’ve always liked the Asian girls. She was the first cute Asian player.
    Stacy Kimball – another one who was forgotten. She had something special.
    Ashley Massaro – really nice boobs. Why couldn’t she stick around for a while longer?
    Jaime Dugan – one of the cutest girls ever. That V-card was a turn-off though…
    Natalie Jones – loved that she came across as a filthy whore. The truth? Who cares…
    Jacquie Berg – another Candice/Kim Mullen/Jaclyn/Kelley type…
    Kelly Czarnecki – another hottie we didn’t see enough of
    Candace Smith – nice porn. I knew she had it “in her”
    Ashley Trainer – cute
    Natalie White – the hottest winner to date
    Ashley Underwood – under-rated then and getting hotter still…
    Elyse Umemoto – She’s never in the discussion but she was so hot
    Mikayla Wingle – I don’t blame Brandon for being tempted… Smoking!
    Whitney Duncan – another hottie who launched a career from Survivor. And didn’t have to pose nude.
    Kat Edorsson – wanna tell us about your new boobs some more?
    Christina Cha – still one of my all-time faves
    Chelsea Meissner – her oiled up body is still one the best photos ever taken
    “RC” Saint-Amour – have to include her for 2 reasons…
    Hope Driskill – too bad we didn’t see more of her
    Alexis Maxwell – almost can’t picture her being dirty. Oh wait, I just did…
    Jefra Bland – Really cute. Those southern accents don’t work for me though…
    Kelley Wentworth – of course her Magic Butt is on this list, but it’s her face that I love.
    Julie McGee – quitter or not, this girl is one of the hottest ever
    So Kim – I’ll say it again, she was edible…

    doc – take it easy! all that “don’t drink” advice is overrated. I’m not saying you should, but I think the more you drink the more your organs are pickled and preserved for later. At least…that’s the way I understand it works.
    And maybe, just maybe, the show wants Joeo to win. Who knows? Haven’t seen TAR yet. Don’t spoil anything…

    Have a great week!

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