November 5th, 2015 | 5 Comments | Posted in Survivor 31 - Second Chance

Spencer calls him out so Savage promises he’ll never write Spencer’s name down again (which may come into play at a Final Tribal, perhaps?) and Kass just observes. You can tell she’s not buying what Savage is selling, but there are other things to consider right now. The fact she’s playing WITH Spencer (her nemesis on Cagayan three seasons ago) and not against him is a bit weird, and the fact she’s in an alliance that could take her very far is at the forefront of her mind right now.

Over at Bayon, daybreak on Day 17 arrives and we’re greeted by the foursome of Keith, Kimmi, and Kimmi’s nipples bringing Treemail back to camp. In it, it heralds the possibility of a merge, which strikes everyone as a little odd. Merges happen at 9 or 10 players, and even Tash knows this could be another show twist. She’s not super happy at the thought of playing with Kass and Spencer again, but will reserve judgment until she finds out what this is all about. And damn are those teeth white!

The Ta Keo tribe is equally surprised by what’s revealed in Treemail, and some hope this won’t breathe life into Savage’s game. In the distance, Savage dances in the rain and gives thanks to the heavens he’ll be reunited with his Bayon brothers. Let’s see what happens after the main title…

The two tribes march down beautiful tropical beaches and eventually end up at a stack of merge spoils. A scroll is read and it confirms, “You’re merged!” which strikes the players as great and troubling news, since everyone knows they need to hit the ground running. But first, a feast, where everyone stuffs their faces and begin to unscramble what’s been happening within the other tribe for the last few days. Woo’s departure is discussed, as is the Kass/Spencer coupling. This strikes a few players as odd – and gross – but what everyone really wants to do is break off and start forming alliances that’ll take them to the end. Joe, Stephen, Savage, Jeremy, and a few others are already planning their next moves.

Savage and Jeremy retreat to their mancave to discuss what happened over at Ta Keo, and it’s clear they need to wrangle and alliance of 7 to control the game. From the looks of it, they have:


and will need to pull Joe in to make this alliance work. That’s their mission for the next couple days, so we’ll keep an eye on that.

And on the other side, Wentworth and Kass are discussing the other alliance, which looks to be:


and they’ll need to pull in Joe to make their alliance work.

So the numbers are very close, and it appears Joe (and Spencer too) will have a say in how things shake out. Can’t wait to see which side wins. And something is telling me these aren’t the last alliances we’ll see formed.

On Day 18, the newly formed Orkun tribe (no scene telling us how that came about?) is in full scramble mode. Savage starts by approaching Joe during joega and presenting his case to the demigod why they should work together. Apollo hears him out, but wants to spend the day collecting info from the mortals. He admits he wants to “feel everyone out,” and I’m sure he’s talking about Kelley… Meow…

Spencer gets to feel her out first and spends some quality hammock time with Wentworth. He almost looks nervous speaking to a “hot girl,” but maybe I’m reading him wrong. They discuss who’s on what side, but nothing new is revealed. Boring! It’s like watching porn and just seeing the pizza delivery guy hand over a pizza and then leave!

Joe and Spencer get together and discuss the 2 alliances, and realize they’re both in the middle. A “mini” alliance of 2 is formed, which could lead to some good things down the line. We’ll have to keep an eye on those guys…

An odd little scene where everyone is sitting under the shelter is shown, but do any of us care about Sinister Pussy’s poem? I know I don’t. The real meat of this scene is when Kass tries to get some info out of Tash – who’s still pissed at Kass for getting her voted out of Cagayan – and chooses to throw some red herrings at Kaos. Kass is too smart to be fooled by Tash’s lies, and will now be gunning for her. Damn, Cagayan is still being played, and it’s been two years since that show taped…

The next morning, the rains have ceased, but they’ve been replaced by drama. Kass and Tash head off for a recap of yesterday’s discussion, but they probably shouldn’t have. Kass tries to get Tash to come clean about some of the things she said – specifically that “Bayon is no more” – but Tash won’t have any of it. She says, “why would I tell you the truth?” but the damage is done. The ladies agree that a line has been drawn in the sand – which Kass has to draw, of course – and they’re now enemies.

When Tash returns to camp to inform her Bayon buddies what just happened, Kass marches in to disrupt things and tell Bayon what Tash told her. Tash begins scrambling to discredit anything Kass is saying, but the s**t’s already hit the fan.

Now, Ciera, having noticed the drama, decides to get involved and stir the pot some more, and “reveals” that Savage was working with Woo and saying he wants to go after Jeremy and Joe at the merge, even though it’s a bold face lie. Savage is aghast and is suddenly forced to do some damage control to address the accusation. His blood is boiling now when he confesses that both Ciera and Kass are in his crosshairs.

Halfway through the episode and we finally have a challenge to run. Jeff welcomes everyone in and queries the merged tribe. Ciera reveals that lines have been drawn and it’s game on. Jeff then reveals the fancy new immunity necklace which looks like a prop from The King and I, and describes the challenge. Players must balance a ball on a stick with a flat disc on top while balancing on a slanted beam. Last one standing wins immunity. It originally was featured on Brainiacs vs. Boob Jobs vs. Biceps and guess what? Tash won it. Nothing like having an advantage, right? Methinks someone with smaller feet would do well, but Verne Troyer isn’t here so let’s just get to it.

Fishbach drops out in 8 seconds, which is probably what we all expected. How the f**k could you drop the ball in 8 seconds!? What a total idiot. Got nothing good to say about that douche…

Keith is out next, followed by Ciera. Kimmi’s nipple distracts her, and she’s gone. The players then move down to the second level on both beam and pole, and Abi drops out, not willing to do a 2-for-1 in the “boom-boom” room. Then Kass drops. The “Kelly’s” go out next as Wigles and Wentworth drop out a few moments later. We’re down to:


After 20 minutes, the 2nd round ends and the players move down to the final section on the beam. Narrower footing, lower grasp on the pole, more sweat. Savage drops out almost immediately and Jeremy has to fight to keep his ball up. Tash then has a moment of trouble, but isn’t as skilled as Jeremy and drops out. We’re down to three…

Quickly, Jeremy drops out and it’s down to the 2 swing votes. With a few awkward fails and recoveries, Spencer finally falls off the beam allowing Joe to retain his hold on the “Most Dominant Survivor Challenge Competitor.” He wins immunity, and things are going to get interesting at camp tonight!

As we head to break, Joe says it all,

“It’s gonna be one hell of a Tribal.”

5 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: SECOND CHANCE – 11/4/15

  1. Good day Survivor friends ! In my eyes just a so so episode . A few of my observations . I was thinking maybe some kind of Tosh , Cierra alliance that editing has not let us see yet because of a blindside they make later ?????? That’s my only explanation for Cierra voting Savage . I may be wrong but Cierra is more and more looking like someone who would rather lose but beremembered for her big moves than win the damn million . Why else align with Kass ? I really have doubts on if she knows or cares about playing a winning game ! I have been trying to like Spencer but his little jabs at Joes intelligence annoy me . One I played football and if you think memorizing a playbook is easy you are sadly mistaken . Two Joe has so far shown to be a better puzzle solver than you boy genius . Anyone who reads this column and voted in Fishbach should man (or woman) up and apologize immediately !!! No athletic ability ,no personality and no chance to win . He had to set a new all time low for challenge performance ! Honestly other than that nothing stood out to me . I am a bit confused about the idols . No new clues and no one seems to care about where they may be hidden or who may have them . As always enjoyed the column . Signed sincerely the Survivor Club !

  2. Is it just me or is Survivor getting pretty boring? Why spend so much TV time on a challenge that involves not moving?
    Did everyone see Kelley Wentworth grabbing her own butt? I guess she was missing Keith’s firm hand.
    The Savage vote confused me, but perhaps the comment above is the answer.
    I sure hope the action picks up. All the different turns this year (merges/splits) just seems like too much producer manipulation. Maybe I am just burned out on Survivor.

  3. It was good to see Savage pissed and a little less boy scout and a little more human.

    Hoping tonight’s TWD moves a little more than last week’s “On tonight’s special episode of The Walking Dead” after-school special.

  4. Hey folks, thanks for the comments. Thought I should reply before I watch Walking Dead. After that, I’ll be in a different head space…

    Rick: why do you hate barbecues?! Oh, never mind. I think the explanation for the whole Ciera thing is that she was just pissed at Andrew. And this is why I’ve never been impressed with her game. She makes it seem like she’s such a big player, but she wastes her vote. I think I read something like she didn’t want to vote Kass because then there might be a tie and she didn’t want to go to revote against Kass. IDK anymore. I just don’t think she’s that great a player. Stop with all the “Ciera makes big moves chatter.”
    -I think Spencer’s attitude toward Joe is exactly what a lot of dorks think of “the beautiful people.” Namely, that they’re given the keys to a charmed life which they don’t deserve, and all those “real smart” kids out there are stuck having to work for everything they’ve got. Problem is, some of those beautiful people are pretty smart too, and all this exists in Spencer’s head so he’s revealing more about himself than about Joe. Am I on to something?
    -I can’t explain anything about Fishbach. I remember Coach saying he likes him, but why?
    -And yeah, what’s up with the hidden immunity idols? Okay, so Kelley’s got one and Jeremy’s got one, but does that mean none are hidden at camps this season? Did Angkor have one hidden? Seasons past contestants could find them without a clue, so why didn’t Angkor go nuts finding one. I’m confused…
    -And yes, I’m not a big fan of Dalton. I wish I got his paycheck, but whatevs…
    -Thank you and stay tuned for my Shittiest Survivor Players list reveal on Thursday. Good stuff in there!

    Doc: I had to go back and find it. And yes, I did. Love when a pretty girl has an itchy butt. Good stuff. And I see what you mean about boring. Maybe because they’re all seasoned players there isn’t a lot of bullshit drama (like last season). These players are too savvy to get involved with that stuff. But, these players know about trying to maximize their own airtime (like Abi) so I know that’s why they/she does some of that stuff. Let’s hope the final few episodes bring about some prime drama…

    Erica: Totally know what you mean. Makes me wonder what the cast thinks when they read the script and say, “WTF, I’m not in this episode and it doesn’t move the story along!” Sure, we found out about Morgan, and sure, Lynch will probably win an Emmy for that role, but we wanna see some Rick/Glenn/Carl getting a haircut shizz…

    Hopefully, tonight’s episode will provide some insight.


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