SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 4/15/15

April 16th, 2015 | 7 Comments | Posted in Survivor 30 - WC vs BC vs NC

As they enter, Joe hands his fake idol to Mike and that sets the table for what looks to be an interesting vote. Jeff brings in Hali and let the festivities begin…

Jeff starts with Jenn and asks if she wants to be there or not. Conversely, she’s claiming to be apathetic about sticking around, but she’s also kicking ass in the challenge, and almost winning it. She admits that while there are some things she really doesn’t like about staying in the game, there are also some things that she really digs, such as the routine that Rodney provided. But even if there are moments that she truly hates, one thing she wanted to do was win that necklace, since that’d be “really cool.”

And when pressed by Jeff what she’d do with that necklace (and I’m wondering why he’s asking this question out of the blue, since he shouldn’t actually know that she’s considering giving it away, but whatever, Survivor producer manipulation…) she says she would have given it to Joe.

“Why Joe?” he asks.

“Because these people are all voting for him the moment he doesn’t win immunity. 100%.”

And what can only be described as “confused,” Jeff wonders, “then why don’t you just do the perfect No Collar thing and just walk out?” (and I wonder if that would have spared Joe?)

“Because that’s quitting, and I’m not a quitter.” Ok, NOW she’s got standards…

Jeff continues by asking Joe how he felt knowing he was thisclose to having immunity tonight. Joe lets everyone know how much he loves the game, and how Jenn has quit in so many ways already, and the others only want to keep her around as “the person you take to Final Tribal that has no chance to win.” Some of this seems to hurt Jenn’s feelings a little, and when Joe says how much more fun it would be to keep him around, you can almost sense that he’s making some (Rodney, Dan, Sierra) rethink what they’re going to do.

And finally, Jeff asks Shirin “as a Superfan,” how do you feel about someone not wanting to be here, yet unwilling to “fall on their sword” and walk out? Her reply is that she’s actually connected – and strategized – with Jenn more than Joe, and it’s actually in her own best interest too to keep Jenn around because they can strategize some more. But…it would also benefit her to send Jenn packing, because with Jenn’s apathy, that could make keeping Jenn around more appealing to the others, who would then shift their target toward Shirin. Interesting dynamics, all the way around, Jeff says it’s time to vote.

But Freak Show has to hold up proceedings a bit to ask Jeff if Joe’s fake necklace is actually fake. Jeff tells him that he can’t verify that until it’s played, so Mike informs everyone that it’s the determining factor in someone going home tonight, to which Jeff says, “Wow.” Jeff is so droll…

And now we’re still 9 minutes away from the end of the show, so something else is going down. Looks like we’re heading for a tie… Votes are cast…

Tyler votes for Jenn and admits “I have no idea what’s going on…” (you and me both, brother)
Rodney votes for Joe and says “I have no idea what is going to happen tonight…” (could he at least have done it in Mike’s voice…?)
Joe votes for Jen (sic)

Jeff tallies the votes and asks for any hidden immunity idols. Mike rises and offers up Joe’s fake idol.

“I’m playing it for Will,” he tells Jeff. (Wow, what a guy, shouldn’t he have played it for Jenn, just to smite Joe?). Whatever, Jeff reads the votes:


Boom goes the Dreamcatcher! Couldn’t you have portended that using your crystals, you No Collar swami? Joe departs and Jeff offers up an ominous warning to the others,

“If you’re perceived as a threat, watch out.” (He’s talking to you, Mike!)

And with Joe’s departure, my dreams of a Blue Lagoon finale are crushed. Maybe I need to refocus and fantasize about an “all-girl” Blue Lagoon. Blue (Movie) Lagoon, we’ll call it. Something like “Sirens” starring Hugh Grant and Sam Neill…and some naked girls.

As Jeff teases next week, we see that Will is about to go ape-s**t crazy on Shirin (is that racist?), but Mike and Rodney will produce the biggest fireworks when Mike accuses him of flipping on his alliance. To which Rodney seriously flips out. Can’t wait to see what inanimate objects Rodney punches next week (would Freak Show be considered inanimate?).

So we say goodbye to one of the good guys. The dude with the flowing locks, the athletic build, those cute scars on his tummy…the free spirited No Collar jewelry designer. He will be missed by me (for the last time, no homo!) and I’m sure countless fans across the county. I’m just pissed that one of the 3 people I liked is gone, making the home stretch of Season 30 that much more unappealing. I seriously think we’re in for some major shake-ups the next few episodes. I’m really hoping an all-girl alliance comes to fruition with Sierra and Jenn sticking around, to be joined by Tyler, who begins to dominate some challenges. Just not liking anyone else…

Ok, that’s all for this week, save this one little tidbit. As I’m putting the finishing touches on tonight’s column, I just received an email from Reality Steve about Jenn. Kinda funny, kinda not. Kinda old news:

Evidently Jenn said some “not so nice” things on Twitter 3-4 years ago, deleted those tweets, and is how having to issue and apology for what she said. I don’t want to open a huge can of worms here, but things said on twitter, when you’re 17, and trying to get a laugh, don’t always necessitate an apology. Hell, I’ve said some worse things, I’m sure. Maybe this means she did well on Survivor and thinks she’ll find herself in the public eye in the near future…? We’ll see. Check out the link and let me know what you think.

As always, I appreciate your input and comments and tweets. Fingers crossed we’ll get Skupin’s interview in next week. Until then, AI, TAR, SNL, PGA, Gotham, Turn and most importantly, Survivor. And congrats to Jordan Spieth. Can someone tell that boy how to put on a blazer…!?

The SuperDickmann,

AIM: or Bryan Fischer

7 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: WC vs BC vs NC – 4/15/15

  1. Great recap. I am going to pile on the chocolate reward, What a terrible prize. Granted, as one commenter pointed out before, no one is losing weight so perhaps there is food being given that is not shown, but chocolate? yes maybe as a desert, but not as the only reward. How much money did the players get for toasting Snickers bars?

    Biggest question I had about the challenge. When the heck did Will learn to swim? I thought water was his (well he claimed black people’s) kryptonite.

    I have complained about this in the past, but if a school yard pick, let’s see the picks.There could have been time cut from the immunity challenge footage to show the vote. Watching people stand on their toes, did not require the amount of TV time wasted on that.

    I forgot that Jow was

  2. Whoops hit wrong key!

    I forgot that Joe was a jewelry designer, I was yelling producer set-up. But I am still confused on why Mike/Dan wanted to follow Joe. Mike has the idol! Seemed like producer BS to me, I am just getting too jaded!

    How did the eating of the chicken not spark controversy?
    I come back and see that half our protein is gone after OD’ing on sugar, I might raise a ruckas.

    I am not happy that Joe/Jenn/Yahoo girl did not try switch a couple votes.Heck only one vote was needed, since they figured a split vote was happening.

  3. Ok Bryan, I’m disappointed in you this week. 🙂 Here’s my thing. I don’t get why you are so down on Mike and Dan. Let me explain. Yes, Dan is really gross. Yes, Dan is obnoxious and annoying and his face is very much like a rodent. But I like the way the show has a MIX of people. That’s the trouble with Big Brother the past few years. I’m a big fan of the show and on all the blogs, everyone complains about how the show is now all 20 somethings who look perfect. The beauty of these shows is that they aren’t all pretty, or nice, or easy to be around. I love it. And don’t get me wrong, I liked Joe-aka Malcom squared or “Ozzy 3.0.” But I don’t want to watch 20 Joes play. As for Mike, he’s a bit odd but so far, he’s not playing a bad game. At least he’s doing something. He’s a lot more interesting to watch than Tyler, who seems to be a cool guy but about as interesting as watching paint dry. Anyway, I think the thing that made all these shows great to begin with was how they were a slice of society. They don’t all have to look great in a swim suit. Get a Maxim if you want that. Ok, I’m done. A few final observations. I don’t see the cootie stain on Jenn but she truly looked preggo in a few of those shots. Will on the slide reminded me of a seal or walrus sliding down a glacier. I thought Joe’s fake idol was a really smart idea and I’m actually surprised that Mike even doubted if it was authentic. It looked really good to me. I wish they’d bring back the eating gross stuff challenges. I am still hoping….

  4. Doc! Thank you. Love your support. I can’t believe they did a whole reward being chocolate too. Sounds like someone’s bad marketing idea that no one thought through. I mean, they couldn’t throw in some local roast chicken and fruit to nourish the players? I bet there was some other food there, but the “deal” was to sell it as chocolate only. I think I’ll ask one of them that question and see what they say. I wonder if they’ll even answer honestly…? I think Will could always swim fine, in a straight line, but when he had to tread water to maneuver that buoy around (week’s ago) that’s where he struggled. I think the schoolyard pick is just a time consuming scene that’s probably one of the first cuts made when trying to “get to time.” Don’t know if you know this (and apologies if you do) but it’s probably a scene that was edited, and then when they found the editor’s cut was a few minutes longer than it needs to be, so the pick is one of the first scenes to go. It doesn’t really move the episode along, unless something incredibly dramatic or important happened during the pick. I get you, though… I’m not “100%” but I think Mike wanted to follow Joe just to cover the fact he already had the idol. That sounds right, no? Yeah, I wondered about “chicken-gate” while watching. Maybe it’s another indication that the winning 5 actually ate on their reward. Maybe the producers said, “the winning team is going to eat a feast besides chocolate, so you guys should probably eat a chicken.” I just tweeted Sierra and Tyler, let’s see if they answer… And I wonder if they had some conversation about switching votes but no one was interested. Again, maybe there was some of that but we just didn’t see it. Keep writing in, Doc!

    Kinb, My dear, I understand your feelings (I’m being Dan now) but I think you need to apologize to me… See, that’s why I hate Dan, because he’s always trying to fix things that aren’t broken. Here’s my thing about Mike and Dan. Mike is playing a pretty good game, hands down the best game of anyone, in fact. He may even win it all. But his stupid behavior, his stupid choices, his dumb tattoo, and most of all, his stupid voice makes me not like him. Didn’t someone hear him speak during casting and say, “This dude’s voice is annoying, find somebody else.” Because that’s the television producing I know. Find people that look and sound the part and America will get behind them. And yes, I’ve said I’d like to see a season of beautiful super heroes, but don’t mean that literally. Frickin’ LJ was a horse trainer, but at least he was a strong guy who had a brain. Guys like him are a “slice of society,” but I don’t like bringing guys like Dan aboard. Just one of those guys who seems to be totally unaware of how he comes across. And at his age? Puh-lease… And some quick replies:

    -One of the reasons Jenn is considered so hot is simply because she seems so “down to earth.” Cooter stain, droopy drawers, pot belly, manic-y, and so on. She’s like an “approachable” cutie. Will = side show at Sea World. I’m surprised Joe handed over the idol at the start of tribal. I thought he’d bluff a little better than that. And I’d be fine without the eating challenges. Those were always Fear Factor things that I believe Survivor “borrowed” from them. I think that’s the one thing I could never do. Just wouldn’t want to even try to eat balut or any of that other shit… I don’t care to eat gross things. Hang in there, Kate, I’m sure the last few episodes will be better than the first 9. Have a great weekend! BF

  5. Loved Joe. LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED him. (That wasn’t weird at all, huh?)

  6. Ok Fishy, I’m going to say all of this with love but the lawyer in my former life is trying to come out. Yes, Mike has an annoying voice and maybe he has a stupid tattoo. Didn’t Morgan have an annoying voice, yet you liked her? Oh yeah, you never were able to actually listen when she was talking…Ok Dan is stupid, yes I concur. But Kass was smart but really annoying, and that was not any better. Plus she wore Tee Vas and I hate those shoes. My husband wore them on our first date and all I can say is, he’s lucky I had a lot to drink! Example #3, Tony, lots of stupid tattoos, but not annoying. In other words, you just hate Dan. I actually hate Dan too, I just love it when there is a mix of people, fat-thin, pretty-ugly, Dan-Morgan. Your honor, the defense rests. Seriously though, I think you and I have totally different survivor styles. As for the eating challenges, I will not hold a grudge at your RUDE Fear Factor insult. If I remember correctly, aren’t eating challenges old school survivor, in other words, the true essence of the show? Wouldn’t you rather watch Shirin eat a real bug than a snickers that looks like a piece of poop anyway? You hurt me so Fishy, yet “I can’t quit you!” 🙂

  7. Ginger, I think I got a little “Joemance” meeself! 😉

    Kinb! Let’s set the record straight… I have NO IDEA what Morgan’s voice sounds like! I couldn’t tell you about her gameplay, the votes she cast, who she was aligned with, or if she did anything compelling. She had those boobs and that’s all that mattered… ;-P

    Dan vs Kass: I could listen to Kass, and see why she was doing what she was doing, but it didn’t annoy me. She just followed the wrong path, and as an attorney, never wanted to admit that it wasn’t a good play. As I said 2 seasons ago, she may have just been playing for 2nd place money and wanted to be dragged along by anyone…

    Ok, I concur with you, Tevas are the Devil’s flip-flops and no one should wear them except Charon…or your husband. Thankfully for him, booze is legal.

    At least Tony was entertaining. He knew he was acting crazy and just went with it. I’m surprised no one ever booted him out the way he was conniving. That, to me, is the first one you take out, because they’re always “working it.”

    The eating challenges were never my style. I know they were there since ep. 2 of Borneo, but that’s the one thing I never liked. I think Fear Factor embraced it a bit more (FF aired 1 year after Borneo, btw) but that’s the one thing I hated about that show too. And no, I wouldn’t want to watch Shirin eat a bug. Ever. However, I’d watch Morgan eat anything…

    I can’t quit you either, darlin’. Besides, this tent is oh so cozy…

    Ok, getting ready to write tonight’s recap. Tune in tomorrow!

    And yes, I just hate Dan…

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