October 9th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Posted in Survivor 29 - Blood vs Water 2

Just before they head to Tribal, Josh tells us how conflicted he is about voting for either the strongest guy in his 5 Guy Alliance, or taking out the person he aligned with first (Baylor). He doesn’t know what he’s going to do, but he knows this is going to be a big Tribal…

When everyone is seated with Jeff, he immediately asks John about the situation with Jeremy. John seems pretty open that he said he would try to help her, but she made a stupid move and lied that she had 2 idols. Sounds legit to me… Jeff then asks Wes how he feels knowing that John was trying to save Val. “Not good,” he says. But while Wes isn’t too happy that he wasn’t notified, all he cares about is that he’s not being targeted tonight. Probst asks a few more questions but there’s nothing really significant in those answers other than comments that made Rocker prick up his ears. Looks like he’s getting wind that maybe, just maybe, he’s not as safe as he thinks, so I’d say he’s definitely going to play that idol, right? However, his reactions could all be editorial tricks, so who really knows what he was thinking?

And after a few more questions that confirm this tribe is a whole lotta confused, the players are ready to vote. But before they do, Jaclyn mentions that the guys need to “grow some balls” and vote out one of the guys, so there’s another indication that Rocker might be targeted. And right now I’m flashing back to last season and the glory that was Tony Vlachos at Tribal Councils. Because all John needs to do right now is say, “Well, it seems that I’m hearing a lot of negativity about me within my tribe, so I’m gonna be playing my idol tonight,” and then watch his tribe scramble. But John Rocker is no Tony Vlachos… It’s time to vote.

“If anyone would like to play a hidden immunity idol, now would be the time to do so…”

And after shuffling about, presumably to readjust his nut sack, Rocker stays seated…


Boom goes the dynamite! And with that, this tribe can probably kiss their asses goodbye in the next few immunity challenges, because what has Fish been telling you…?

Keep your tribe strong before the merge. Then, scramble scramble scramble.

Pity John Rocker for keeping that bulge in his pocket, but hey, we knew he had no chance of winning the game anyway. No hard feelings. And I wonder how this will affect Julie’s chances now. For others, it may have taken the target off their back, but I think she’ll be lumped in with John’s baggage and sent packing sooner than later. Let’s see what’s going to happen next week…

And it looks like we have a new person to ridicule. Drew evidently fancies himself the leader of Hunahpu and will make it perfectly clear he’s an idiot. No really other way to say that, I think. This could get really ugly, or incredibly funny. Can’t wait for next week’s episode.

Just want to say it again, I really enjoy writing these for you and truly appreciate any support you can offer. All your comments, tweets and favorites mean a lot to me. I wasn’t able to put up my reply in the comments section last week due to a technical issue, but that should be resolved today. I look forward to hearing from all of you. (Cue Pink Floyd’s, “Is There Anybody Out There?”)

Unfortunately, there were a bunch of things going on this week which was awful, most importantly, the Dodgers lost to the Cardinals. Sometimes I really wish this was a sports column, because I could write 2 more pages about how I feel about the Dodgers right now. I’ll save that for another time, or another column, or another outlet. I know that’s not why you come here, so I’ll spare you the disappointment I’m feeling right now. And doubly troubling is the Angels lost too, so now there’s no #freewayseries, and no reason to watch baseball any more. Seriously, San Francisco, St. Louis, Baltimore and Kansas City are your Final Four? Name me one superstar on any of those teams? (Yes, I know they have good players…)

I’ll still be watching The Amazing Race (who knows, maybe I’ll mention something next week about my favorite teams), and I’m kind of waning on Utopia. Really trying to stick it out, though. A year is a bit long to commit to a boring show with unlikeable contestants. Maybe I’ll go by the Utopia Experience and try some yoga with Nikki. She’s the only one worth looking at on that show, and I think it’d be fun to try to get on the show. Secretly, of course… Maybe I’ll try to have Vytas come along…? I’m also staying up to date on Gotham, and all I can say is that show LOOKS amazing. Nice work camera and lighting departments!

But, the big deal is the return of The Walking Dead on Sunday. Woo-hoo! Who else has been eager for that? Seems like forever since we left them in that boxcar. Yeah, we know “who they’re f**king with…” Rick… And considering all the hype leading up to this season, I’m looking forward to another amazing ride… Can’t wait.

Now, just need to avoid getting Ebola which may have found its way to LA. Isn’t this how Outbreak and Contagion started?

AIM: or Bryan Fischer

2 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER 2 – 10/8/14

  1. Hey Fishy,

    You know I won’t leave you! Thanks for taking all my ball jokes in the challenge recap. Now what do I say? All jokes aside, I think you summed up the stupidity of all the Rocker bashing perfectly. I have no opinion of the guy but the knee jerk racism stuff is just so over done. I’m sorry Jeremy, your wife made a stupid move. I think he feels a bit guilty about sending her to exile island and acted like a baby who just lost his mommy. Anyway, Mr. Fish, you must give me a kudos again (yes-I need constant validation) Rocker said in an interview to CBS (its on their Facebook survivor page) that he WOULD have given Val his idol if she hand’t said she had one. SEE, I told you. Tee Hee. Now for the important stuff, my 10 year old son giggles every time Julie tugs on her bikini top. Sigh! I really can’t believe Rocker didn’t use the idol. At tribal, EVERYONE was basically saying they were going to vote him out. The dumb blonde (forget her name) practically spilled it out right. Oh well. They were dumb to get rid of him now. I guess Dale will help them win challenges-hahahaha. Josh-way to cocky. (pun intended) Did you hear Rocker tell Natalie she looked like a man? I confess, I giggled at that one.
    Best Recap ever Fishy!!!

  2. Thanks, kinb, you made my day!

    Yeah, I really don’t get all the Rocker bashing for what he said/did last episode. Natalie is GOING OFF on him, is clearly emotional, and calling him a racist. Now I’m not expert, but if someone is yelling that at me — and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman — I think you’re justified in telling that person to stfu, in whatever way you please. As long as he didn’t go over and punch her in the teeth, then he’s fine. Gotta protect one’s character… Plus, like I saw someone else note, Rocker was clearly willing to work with Jeremy/Val and with Josh, so it’s not like he’s joining the KKK tribe or the Westboro Baptist Church. I guess once your labeled a racist, it’s hard to live that down…

    And whether he said he’d have given his idol to Val or not, I don’t believe that. I think he may be trying to get some sympathy for bowing out so quickly, but who knows?

    I was so dumbstruck that he didn’t use his idol! It was clear there were some alliance issues for him, and if there’s ever the slightest possibility that you’re not safe, you use it. Duh! Hell, you can always go out and try to find another one in case you do have to use it, right? So dumb…

    You’re raising your boy right if he’s giggling at Tits McGee. Good on ya!

    Looking forward to tomorrow night, and hopefully I’ll find some inspiration for my recap… ‘bye!

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