January 20th, 2012 | 4 Comments | Posted in Survivor 24 - One World

Jonas Otsuji, 37, Sushi Chef

Unless you can start whipping up some sushi on the island, you may want to pack light. The fact that you are going to compare yourself most to Fabio (previous Survivor cast member) is telling enough. Sayonara.

My Prediction: I believe I said it already. Sayonara.

Michael Jefferson, 30, Banker

Listening to this guy’s interview was the reason I stopped watching them. I made it through four people and decided it was enough because nobody was saying anything of importance and just rambling on about how they were going to win and using every cliché in the book about how their time is going to go.

Reading the questionnaire this guy filled out is like reading one big contradiction. First, he’s a natural born leader, who is driven and always gets what he wants. But, then he says he’s glad to step aside and let others lead. He likes to think that people always listen to his opinions and that he is persuasive, but people who are typically like that only deal with submissive types who will allow them to share their opinions. What they never understand is that people usually just let people like Michael talk themselves into their own graves with their visions of grandeur spewing from their mouth.

My Prediction: He’s full of himself, but will probably make it far in the game based on physical prowess and his natural born leadership skills. But, he will eventually fizzle out and get back-stabbed, even though he claims it won’t happen to him.

Christina Cha, 29, Career Consultant

She is a political type who speaks like one, but claims that she has another side that isn’t like that. Sure, we haven’t heard that before.

She also claims not to be your typical Asian girl. Sure, we haven’t heard that before, either. Look, I’m sure you are a great driver in your own mind, but the views of the rest of us are what really counts. Just the fact that you know Ghandi’s full name says everything we need to know about how you aren’t the “typical” Asian. And, hey, there is nothing wrong with being a “typical” Asian. Just the driving part…

My Prediction: She’s one of the first people to try and form alliances and talk strategy. She will also be the one who seems to ONLY talk strategy and will most likely be weak in competitions and be sent packing fairly early.

Bill Posley, 28, Stand-Up Comedian

The resident funny guy. This guy keeps it short with his likes and dislikes, so it’s hard to get a read on him. He claims to have military experience and an athletic background, so if he can perform in challenges, help around camp, and be a likeable person, I think he can make it work in the game. Everyone likes to laugh, right?

My Prediction: Early favorite for winning. Putting his odds at winning at 5-to-1. Those are the best odds I can give a contestant without first seeing an episode. The man has my dream job, so of course I have to show some support. Of course, now that I said this, he’ll be first gone on the men’s tribe.

Alicia Rosa, 25, Special Education Teacher

First, I will say, there is NO WAY this girl is a special education teacher. If she is, God bless her heart, but God already blessed her anyway, so I need not say that!

Second, I have a crush just about every season, and this girl is it. How can you not like a girl who is up for showing some side-boobage in her Press Release Photo for the show?!?

If you are not a fan of me ranting about the girls I like on the shows I watch, you may want to skip each blog until this girl goes home! Just sayin…

My Prediction: She goes home FAST!! Maybe not first, but definitely early on. I’m saying one of the first four to go home. And, it’s mostly because of this statement she gave after being asked why she thinks she’ll be the sole survivor, “People will underestimate me because of my good looks, and I will show everyone how powerful I can be by using them to my advantage.” Or, maybe it was because of this one, “Homeboys tend to fall in love with me…” or maybe because of this one “I know how to manipulate men.” Yes, we know, with all that side-boobage and all. Girls that go with the two-colored bikini tops and bottoms tend to think they’re hot stuff, but this girl makes no qualms about saying it out loud. The fact that the tribes are split between male and female are NOT going to work to her two best advantages (left and right). The women are going to hate Alicia – pronounced A-lee-see-ah, make sure to get it right, homeboy.


  1. I miss Community. I’m going to have to watch Netflix to get my fix of Abed. I know this has nothing to do with survivor, but I knew you’d understand…haha.

  2. I am super excited. Survivor in one day. I love the new twist. At least on paper, we will see how it plays out. FUN FUN

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