Speaking of Albert, since we hadn’t seen him at all this season, we finally got to see what he does for a living and it turns out he’s a “Baseball/Dating Coach.” What?!? Where the hell do these people come up with this stuff? Why would you want to be known as a baseball AND dating coach? Who are you, Hitch? Is dating coach even a real job? Seriously, people pay other people to tell them how to date? Do you need to take classes to earn a degree in Date Coaching? I need to find out more about this and see how the date coaching conflicts with his baseball coaching.
After Albert gets back to the Upolu tribe, he tells everyone about what Stacey said and how she won’t call Coach by that moniker. Coach is pissed about that and tells us that even his parents call him “Coach,” ever since he was 18. Of all the things to get mad about, I would have been more upset about the other team gaining that knowledge, I don’t give a crap what you call me if I’m winning a $1 million. And, if I’m Albert, I don’t mention to the rest of the tribe that she told everyone that I was partially running the tribe, too. You never put ideas in people’s heads, you’re just giving them a reason to turn against you. Again, this isn’t Survivor 101, this is just common sense.
The first shot we get of Savaii is Elyse in her bikini. I’ll take it. It must be hard being stranded on that beach with her walking around in a bikini all the time. That really sucks for Ozzy to have to be spending all that time in the hammock with her.
The Little Cochran That Could has decided he is going to step his game up and increase his work around camp. With his newfound work ethic, he takes it upon himself to speak his displeasure with how Ozzy and Elyse seem to just lie around all day while he shuffles his feet and picks up wood and cuts open coconuts all day long. I think The Coch is just jealous that he’s not in Ozzy’s position right now, lying in the “bed” with Elyse. It’s ok, Cochran, things will be all right.
As Whitney and Dawn come back from the duel, they tell everyone what happened and that Stacey told them Coach was running things and Ozzy made another boneheaded move by saying Coach needs to get rid of Albert before the merge and that “he’d be smart” to do so. Jim questioned him a little bit about it and definitely caught the underlying issue behind Ozzy saying it. I know Ozzy didn’t mean it the way Jim said it, but when you are playing the game, you definitely take notice of someone in power saying something like that. So, Jim is starting to question where Ozzy is going and what he is planning on doing and thinks it may be time to make a move against him.
Back at Upolu, Prince Albert (don’t look it up if you don’t know what it is) finds the clue for the hidden Immunity Idol just poking out of a hole in a tree. This one seemed kind of obvious. I think the producers had to make it that way since nobody was ever going to find it from that genius of a tribe. Hell, I don’t even think anyone was looking for it after Christine got voted out. They’re all just sitting around thinking everything all “hunka-dory.” Anyways, Albert goes looking for it for about 3 minutes before deciding to give up and tell Coach and Pretty Eyes about finding the clue. Like Coach said, “If you want a job done right, do it yourself.” Come on, Albert, find the Idol for yourself. What good is it going to do you if Coach or Sophie find it? It’s not yours then. You were the only one with the clue and all you have in this game is time, so why give up so quickly? I would have, at least, tried for 3 days to find it and if I couldn’t by then, I’d STILL not tell anybody about the damn clue. That’s mine, I’m here for myself, I’m going to find it or drown in the ocean trying! Anyways, Coach ends up finding it and thinks that finding it was his ticket to running this game. He’s partly right, but I don’t even think the Idol is that powerful. You can use it once and it’s so easy to blindside people in this game, so I’m not convinced that it’s not a game-changing event to find it, but I’m also not saying it doesn’t hurt to have it.
Haha, Keith DOES look like Tag. Maybe they can in a future episode have him wear a red sweater and we can think he’s the father of Rachel’s baby
I don’t understand why they voted Elyse out. Fine if they wanted to split up Ozzy/Elyse, but why not just get rid of Ozzy? He wouldn’t have known it would be him, and left with the idol. He’s a much stronger player and more convincing than Elyse!
Again, they are a stupid tribe because Ozzy was right, you are never going to win comps if you keep getting rid of anyone who can help…I hate these people. It’s kinda like other times in the past, the tribe that doesn’t have the numbers at times can still end up in the final 3. That makes no sense to me. Whatever tribe has the numbers going into the merge should automatically be the final 5 or whatever it is. Why do you vote off people from your original tribe if you don’t like them? I would hang out with people I HATED for 39 days if it meant I have a chance to win a million dollars!!!
There are two spoiler lists out there right now… one is 100% right through last night and is posted on Reality TV Spoilers.net. They had the correct boot list for Heroes v. Villains and Samoa as well.
There have been very few, if any, times that I have not agreed with something that was written on this site. But this is the one time that I need to point out something that is not acurate. In reference to Coach praying for the idol while he already had it- Yes, it is in bad taste to do that- however, if you watch and listen closely Coach prays for favor and blessing and Brandon is the actual person that is praying that they find the idol. Granted, a lot was edited- so he may have actually said it, but he did not on the aired version.