November 28th, 2014 | 4 Comments | Posted in Survivor 29 - Blood vs Water 2

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Not sure if you’ll actually be reading this on Thanksgiving, since I don’t even know if I’ll be able to finish it by then, but let’s assume it’s been posted and everything is good. Okay? I’m sure we all have something to be thankful for, and as this week has proven, there’s a hell of a lot of things that people are pretty pissed about too. I don’t want to go off on a rant here…so I won’t. I think I said enough about it on Twitter this week, so let’s just get into Survivor mode and crack open this turkey (see what I did there?).

But first, let’s get right to the biggest news I’ve had for you all season. As I’ve been mentioning/tweeting for the past couple weeks, I was fortunate enough to get the one and only Coach to answer a few of your show questions. As fans, we’re probably all a little bit curious about certain things that never get addressed on the show, in exit interviews, or even on the Reunion show. And the questions that Jeff asks on the Reunion show are not always what we care to hear. I mentioned a few last week, and yes, to those of you with scatological leanings, he did answer a few questions about the “#2” most important thing on the show! Number 2!

I also gave Coach the opportunity to share a little bit more about himself, since we rarely find out more about a former player after they’re on the show. Sure, we all know the soccer Coach, the maestro Coach, and the kayaking Coach (you DID know that one, right?), but I asked him a few more questions – which he graciously answered – and wanted to give those to you first.

But before that, let’s give a shout out to the actual TEAM that he coaches, the Lake Tahoe Community College Men’s soccer team, who just lost in the second round of the state playoffs! And from what I understand, they were going up against some real powerhouse programs so the fact they went as far as they did – in their first year of existence – is a testament to those student-athletes, and the man they also call Coach… You see, he’s got that name for a reason…

So while Coach was able to answer most of the questions I sent him, there were some things that he couldn’t answer. I’ve heard in the past that contestants can’t reveal certain details of the show for a period (2 yrs? 5 yrs?) after their season airs lest they get hit with a CBS lawsuit, which is reason enough not to stir the waters. And I assume that if you have any desire to come back in a later season, you don’t want to piss off Jeff…or Mark…or CBS. Coach was able to avoid that, and he also knows that fans of this show are always eager to find out more. But to clarify, I’ve removed any of the questions he couldn’t answer.

Without further ado, I bring you Coach Wade’s emailed answers, since I didn’t want to do any podcast or phone call with him. My inability to do either of those things with aplomb means it’s best presented in written form. That being said, I didn’t want to send him a bunch of questions and simply say, “Here. Answer these.” I wanted to give him some time to tell us a bit more about him, so I started with a few preliminary questions.

Were you a fan of the show since Season 1?
Little known fact I was approached for the first Survivor. I had just come off my first big kayak trip and someone sent me the info. I was very excited about the concept until I realized it was not “survival of the fittest” so I passed. What a dummy I was!!!

Who were your favorite player(s) before your seasons?
Tom Westman

What was your favorite moment?
Chet being dragged thru the mud…

Did anyone’s game intrigue you/put you off?
Put me off…..Jonny Fairplay

Who would you like to play against?
Phillip Sheppard

Very interesting! I wonder if this is a precursor to something brewing for Season 30? That’s just my selfish ego thinking I have something to do with the future of this show (wouldn’t be the first time, right?) but maybe this is something that needs to find its legs on Twitter. Come on, guys and gals, let’s make it happen! Season 30, Survivor: Legends…vs. Survivor Bloggers. Come on, Jeff, help a brother out…

Ok, onto the show questions. Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to send some in. I was actually surprised at how many responses I received. I appreciate the love. I pulled the “best” ones and added a few of my own. They are presented in something of a “chronological” order, but I’m sure you don’t care how they were asked, you just want to read the answers… Okay fine!

Before the show begins shooting, how long are players around each other at Ponderosa?

About four days.

Are they interacting in any way?
No interaction allowed.

This was particularly interesting to me because in the previous Blood vs. Water season, we found out that Candice and John Cody were only around the other players for about 24 hrs, so you can see how that may have affected their game.

Does Wardrobe make decisions for players’ attire or is it all what you bring?
Absolutely. Most Frequently Asked Question is, ‘Why the heck do people wear that?’ Don’t they know they are going on Survivor!!!

Typically, how far is the walk from camp(s) to Tribal Council? Challenges?

One hour. It’s grueling to hurry up and wait but it gives us something to do. Boredom is a big psychological killer.

Are players ever given hints to where hidden immunity idols may be found?
Never ever.

If a couple wanted to “do the nasty,” would they be given privacy?
No one gets privacy. And “nasty” it would be without showering for two weeks!

If a single player wanted to “do the nasty” to him/herself, are they given privacy?
Absolutely. But the sex drive becomes less and less every day.

Hmmm…makes me wonder if there were any perverts on the show that required a bit extra “private” time. Maybe it’ll end up in someone’s “tell-all” book some day…

Is there any interaction/discussion between the crew members and the players?
Never discussions. Only observations.

Are there any visits from the Hair/Make-up Departments to attend to women’s sensitive “areas”
LOL, no.

What’s the bathroom situation? Is there an area that’s “off-limits” to cameras? Are we talking a porta-potty or a “hole in the ground” kinda deal. Are you given TP? Are there separate areas for men/women?

You are on your own. Never any TP.


Do players ask many questions before a challenge begins?


Has anyone ever been an annoying “question-asker?”
We are thoroughly briefed.

Are challenges frequently stopped mid-take, so cameras can adjust?
No. But if someone is cheating or broke the rules Jeff yells ‘freeze!,’ he fixes the problem and we go from there.

Are challenges ever run twice, for additional Editorial footage, even though one tribe has already won?
Only happens once a season, if that.

Are ITMs (individual confessionals) always done away from other players? Do players ever try to cheat and listen in?

Always in private.

Are they mandatory or voluntary?
Mandatory, but sometimes if it’s raining they will ask who wants to. Coach’s hand is always raised…

Is the order in which challenges are run determined before the season begins, or does it change based on who is left in the game (to maybe give an edge to one player over another)?
I thought so at first but now I’m convinced Production has a timeline and they stick to it.

Whew! Thank God that one’s been answered. That’s been bugging me for years…

Besides the “sole survivor,” when does everyone get paid?

After the finale.

Are there Survivor reunions where former contestants “hook up” with one another away from the cameras?
Lots of reunions disguised as celebrity charities.

I had to ask that one since I’m on and the propensity of ex-Bachelor/Bachelorette players hooking up with each other is predominant. And I think it would be cheeky to find out Dawson is banging Pete, or Ozzy is canoodling Morgan, or Corinne is getting liquored up and waking up next to…anyone over 6’-3”…

I hope you’ve gotten your fill of Survivor secrets. Perhaps I’ll do a “connect the dots” and ask Phillip some questions and find out who’d he like to play with? Please keep sending me your questions and I’ll see if I can hook it up…

4 thoughts on “SURVIVOR: BLOOD VS WATER – 11/26/14

  1. Hi Brian, I’m thankful for your wonderful recaps this Thanksgiving. 🙂 BTW, I have a question, though its probably too amateur to ask Coach, you probably know the answer. How long do the players that are out, but not on the jury, stay at Ponderosa? Do they stay at Ponderosa? Do they get to go back home ASAP? Loved the questions to Coach BTW. That was a rough tribal. Why do you think Natalie told Jon to play his idol? I thought she wanted him gone? I’m sad to see Wes go. He was kind of funny and not so full of himself. I actually am pulling for Natalie or Keith now. I like the underdogs. Alec is boring and too much of a mouth breather. Jonclyn are/is too perfect and cocky. Baylor is annoying and reminds me of a Japanese Aname. (Not sure I spelled that right). Her mom is washed up and Reed isn’t too bad though my 11 year old announced he has bug eyes, so we don’t want him to win. My 10 year old son made sure he used the “Gotta risk it for a biscuit” phrase at the Thanksgiving dinner table. I was so proud!

  2. Loved the Coach interview, it is always cool to get behind the scenes info…

    Thanks for the great recaps, and happy anniversary!

  3. Absolutely know what you mean about no one liking survivor as much as you; admittedly that’s got a lot to do with me only personally knowing one other person who watches it since I’m in the UK, but I’m pretty certain I love this show a lot more than normal people. I always watch it once on my own before I watch it with my boyfriend so I can hear everything as well – glad it’s not just me!

    And I’d like to point out that liking tea and appreciating your brand of humour aren’t mutually exclusive 😛 hope the recaps continue!

  4. Thank you, ladies (I’m assuming!) for all your kind words. You make this all worthwhile… And I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

    (kinb) That’s a good question. I’ll see if I can get someone to answer it. Phillip hasn’t responded to my request for him to answer questions, so I’ll try another former player. I think all players have to stay away from home for the full time, or else people back home would know they didn’t win and spoil it. Do they stay at Ponderosa? Who knows? Would make sense (production-wise) that they do, but I’d need clarification.
    I think Natalie had a knee-jerk reaction to try to save Jon, but she did say she wanted to target “one of the boys” first and then get Jon. Not sure if she’s THAT GOOD of a player, but I think she was just trying to save one of her own.
    -It was interesting to see how the show set Wes up as a fool on the night he goes home. Makes me think that was intentional…
    -I don’t know who I’m rooting for. Part of me thinks Missy b/c that’s who I favored to win (selfish me) and part of me thinks Baylor, only because she’s continuing to be SO prevalent on Twitter. We gotta also remember that some of these players may have been asked back for Season 30, since it was also shot in Nicaragua, but would any of these, ahem, “players”…qualify as a Legend, assuming that’s the theme…? I wonder if any did, just because of convenience…
    -Your kids sound awesome!

    (addicted) Thank you! I hope to have more interviews. Send me any questions you have!

    (rex) Tea sucks! 😉 We’re the coffee generation…! Yeah, kinda sucks to love a show that NO ONE ELSE likes, but it’s a hugely popular show. I’d say that most people who like Survivor, at least in America, are fairly rural, or suburban, but not cosmopolitan. But…the one thing I notice is that most players have some amount of financial stability, so there aren’t a lot of sob stories by people who’d REALLY need to win a million bucks.

    Keep reading, my friends. Hopefully, more to come…

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